USMB: Where did the Conservative Republicans who freed the slaves come from?

the most deadly places for minorities are liberal-run cities

it is what it is; failure

call it hyperbole if you want; nobody expects the loser Left to admit they are failures
The problem is one of not understanding the difference between political party and political ideology. Today's Conservative will hide behind the skirts of party name when inconvenient history is discussed. They will claim it was Democrats (as in members of the Democrat party) who formed and caroused as the Ku Klux Klan. that is true. But those Democrats were no where near Liberal in political ideology and philosophy. Those Democrats were much closer to the tenets of Conservative ideology.

Republicans at the turn of the 20th century were much closer to today's Liberal ideology.

Using the cover of political party while denying philosophy is a cowardly, if not merely ignorant act.

but "real" liberals and Progressives run virtuallly every large city in American nowadays dont they genius?

and they are the deadliest places for Black men, women and children in these United states

idiots and hypocrites

the people who stood in doorways and barred Black children from school were dems; who dynamited Black churches were Democrats; who sicced dogs on Black people were Dems; who lynched black people wre Dems; who used water cannons on them were dems

you can cry and LIE all day that they were "conservative"; they WERE DEMOCRATS
when those "conservative" DEMOCRATS became Republicans; church bombings of Black churches became non-existent; and lynchings and assorted violence got MUCH RARER from their HEYDAY OF GOOD OL DEMOCRAT POLITICS

you are simply a moron; you HAD to be a Democrat to join the KKK; in the South when you joined the Democrat Party you got your Klan membershhip and vice versa

Southern, White, Conservative, Christians signed Democrats to battle Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

There were Democrats and Republicans who were against slavery in the free states and territories.

Too bad the world is not as simple or black and white as your mind
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you are simply a moron; you HAD to be a Democrat to join the KKK; in the South when you joined the Democrat Party you got your Klan membershhip and vice versa

Southern, White, Conservative, Christians signed Democrats to battle Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

There Democrats and Republicans who were against slavery in the free states and territories.

Too bad the world is not as simple or black and white as your mind

no it really is that simple. politically they were Democrats

and the deadliest places for people of color are still places run by Dems; this time liberal and progressive

idiots and hypocrites
The problem is one of not understanding the difference between political party and political ideology. Today's Conservative will hide behind the skirts of party name when inconvenient history is discussed. They will claim it was Democrats (as in members of the Democrat party) who formed and caroused as the Ku Klux Klan. that is true. But those Democrats were no where near Liberal in political ideology and philosophy. Those Democrats were much closer to the tenets of Conservative ideology.

Republicans at the turn of the 20th century were much closer to today's Liberal ideology.

Using the cover of political party while denying philosophy is a cowardly, if not merely ignorant act.

but "real" liberals and Progressives run virtuallly every large city in American nowadays dont they genius?

and they are the deadliest places for Black men, women and children in these United states

idiots and hypocrites

the people who stood in doorways and barred Black children from school were dems; who dynamited Black churches were Democrats; who sicced dogs on Black people were Dems; who lynched black people wre Dems; who used water cannons on them were dems

you can cry and LIE all day that they were "conservative"; they WERE DEMOCRATS
when those "conservative" DEMOCRATS became Republicans; church bombings of Black churches became non-existent; and lynchings and assorted violence got MUCH RARER from their HEYDAY OF GOOD OL DEMOCRAT POLITICS


Conservative Republicans like Jack Kemp would spank your pathetic arguments into oblivion. The plight of black America is much more complicated than your convoluted and simple hatred allows. Your mind is as polluted as a toxic waste dump
you are simply a moron; you HAD to be a Democrat to join the KKK; in the South when you joined the Democrat Party you got your Klan membershhip and vice versa

Southern, White, Conservative, Christians signed Democrats to battle Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

There Democrats and Republicans who were against slavery in the free states and territories.

Too bad the world is not as simple or black and white as your mind

no it really is that simple. politically they were Democrats

and the deadliest places for people of color are still places run by Dems; this time liberal and progressive

idiots and hypocrites

Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?
There isn't a single ounce or even gram of truth to the liberal lie that conservatives are racist. None. When asked they will point to how the majority of blacks vote democrat. That's it, that's all they have to base the accusation on. We all know exactly why blacks vote democrat and that's simply because they buy their votes with money. The GOP wants to reign in welfare abuse and the DNC says its because they hate black people. That's all there is to it. It's bull shit.
"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ on his SCOTUS pick Thurgood Marshall

Frank likes to spread his Commie disinformation around no matter what the topic. A true fellow traveller like his hero McCarthy.

^ How to spot a sock account

^ How to spot a raving paranoid with no objections to falsifying history and spamming history topics with ridiculous lies and distortions.
Southern, White, Conservative, Christians signed Democrats to battle Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

There Democrats and Republicans who were against slavery in the free states and territories.

Too bad the world is not as simple or black and white as your mind

no it really is that simple. politically they were Democrats

and the deadliest places for people of color are still places run by Dems; this time liberal and progressive

idiots and hypocrites

Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?

Revisionist history alert! They were Democrats, period.
Southern, White, Conservative, Christians signed Democrats to battle Liberal Democrats and Liberal Republicans.

There Democrats and Republicans who were against slavery in the free states and territories.

Too bad the world is not as simple or black and white as your mind

no it really is that simple. politically they were Democrats

and the deadliest places for people of color are still places run by Dems; this time liberal and progressive

idiots and hypocrites

Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?


they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
no it really is that simple. politically they were Democrats

and the deadliest places for people of color are still places run by Dems; this time liberal and progressive

idiots and hypocrites

Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?


they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.
Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?


they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.

there you go chasing your tail in contradictions of left-wing failure.

you think it's good; or even "liberal" to advocate amnesty for illegals? (why kid yourself it will be anything but amnesty?)

Black American citizens; not White people; will be hurt the most if dems get their way on immigration.
Black people are the largest church-going demographic in this country; and i can tell you millions are not happy with the notion of same-sex marriages

you're an idiot; a bigot and a hypocrite who thinks he speaks for people. you may even be black; doesnt mean you arent blinded by your poolitics to the point you need to get outside more; and see how it is going to hurt the verty people you claim to be in the corner of
There isn't a single ounce or even gram of truth to the liberal lie that conservatives are racist. None. When asked they will point to how the majority of blacks vote democrat. That's it, that's all they have to base the accusation on. We all know exactly why blacks vote democrat and that's simply because they buy their votes with money. The GOP wants to reign in welfare abuse and the DNC says its because they hate black people. That's all there is to it. It's bull shit.

The Republican Party is 90% white and you can bet they all voted against that derned "mulatto" Obama. They preferred a "pioneer of outsourcing".

Too bad the majority of those on welfare and food stamps are white. As is high school drop outs.
There isn't a single ounce or even gram of truth to the liberal lie that conservatives are racist. None. When asked they will point to how the majority of blacks vote democrat. That's it, that's all they have to base the accusation on. We all know exactly why blacks vote democrat and that's simply because they buy their votes with money. The GOP wants to reign in welfare abuse and the DNC says its because they hate black people. That's all there is to it. It's bull shit.

The Republican Party is 90% white and you can bet they all voted against that derned "mulatto" Obama. They preferred a "pioneer of outsourcing".

Too bad the majority of those on welfare and food stamps are white. As is high school drop outs.

obama could not have won without the white vote; including many repubs who voted for "change" you dolt

you are simply a laughable loser; a petty moron using a silly race card; making accusations you cant back up

obama is fully half white; and 100% failure

the left; not the Right are the race-obsessed ones. the Right doesnt care what color the idiot screwing up the country is; just that he's a screw-up

you race-blinded losers are too politically rabid and politically-correct to admit obama is a failure
Imbecile alert! :rofl:

Politically they were Southern, White, Conservative, Christians who registered as Democrats in opposition to liberals and liberal policies. :lol:

Christian Home Schooled are you?


they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.

"your people"

racist much?

ASSume much?
There isn't a single ounce or even gram of truth to the liberal lie that conservatives are racist. None. When asked they will point to how the majority of blacks vote democrat. That's it, that's all they have to base the accusation on. We all know exactly why blacks vote democrat and that's simply because they buy their votes with money. The GOP wants to reign in welfare abuse and the DNC says its because they hate black people. That's all there is to it. It's bull shit.

The Republican Party is 90% white and you can bet they all voted against that derned "mulatto" Obama. They preferred a "pioneer of outsourcing".

Too bad the majority of those on welfare and food stamps are white. As is high school drop outs.

obama could not have won without the white vote; including many repubs who voted for "change" you dolt

you are simply a laughable loser; a petty moron using a silly race card; making accusations you cant back up

obama is fully half white; and 100% failure

the left; not the Right are the race-obsessed ones. the Right doesnt care what color the idiot screwing up the country is; just that he's a screw-up

you race-blinded losers are too politically rabid and politically-correct to admit obama is a failure

The whites Obama got were gays, college professors, liberals, scientists, atheists, women and so on. People not welcome in the GOP.

Half white. One half too much for the GOP.
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they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.

"your people"

racist much?

ASSume much?

Refute it or accept it. That's what we grownups do with facts.

they were Democrats

you moron libs are professional excuse-makers

it's hysterical!!!

the funniest part is you apply your asinine double standards and history revisionism not only to the distant past but even to current events; as you idiots try to protray the failing obama as either succeeding, or if he isnt succeeding, the victim of racism..

what morons

why dont you go cry?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.

there you go chasing your tail in contradictions of left-wing failure.

you think it's good; or even "liberal" to advocate amnesty for illegals? (why kid yourself it will be anything but amnesty?)

Black American citizens; not White people; will be hurt the most if dems get their way on immigration.
Black people are the largest church-going demographic in this country; and i can tell you millions are not happy with the notion of same-sex marriages

you're an idiot; a bigot and a hypocrite who thinks he speaks for people. you may even be black; doesnt mean you arent blinded by your poolitics to the point you need to get outside more; and see how it is going to hurt the verty people you claim to be in the corner of
Gee. I wonder why Black Americans don't vote for Republicans? And they sure don't vote for Conservatives. Ever wonder why? Could it be the policies of Conservative candidates that turns them off so much?
Let's look at the Democrats responsible for resisting Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 60s. Democrats like George Wallace, James Stennis, Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox. Sure, these men were big D Democrats.

Were they Liberals? Were they pushing for an expansion of the federal government vis social programs and benefit packages? Were they the tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, hippy dippy Liberals today's Conservatives love to hate?

Or were they advocating state's rights? Were they the champions of smaller government? Did they favor laws that made discrimination illegal? Did they advocate equal pay for equal work? Were Labor Unions big contributors to their campaigns?

In fact, ideologically, philosophically, these men were in line with the tenets of modern Conservative ideology. They were Conservatives. They would have agreed with the restrictive laws that clamp down on immigrants that Arizona has passed. They would have been endorsing laws that ban same sex marriages. They would have been championing any effort to eradicate the USEPA. In short, those bigots are your people.

there you go chasing your tail in contradictions of left-wing failure.

you think it's good; or even "liberal" to advocate amnesty for illegals? (why kid yourself it will be anything but amnesty?)

Black American citizens; not White people; will be hurt the most if dems get their way on immigration.
Black people are the largest church-going demographic in this country; and i can tell you millions are not happy with the notion of same-sex marriages

you're an idiot; a bigot and a hypocrite who thinks he speaks for people. you may even be black; doesnt mean you arent blinded by your poolitics to the point you need to get outside more; and see how it is going to hurt the verty people you claim to be in the corner of
Gee. I wonder why Black Americans don't vote for Republicans? And they sure don't vote for Conservatives. Ever wonder why? Could it be the policies of Conservative candidates that turns them off so much?

Gee i wonder what decades of pandering and patronizing by Dems have done for Black people besides produce loyal voters dems take for granted?

what conservative policies (that havent been distorted by libs) are Black Americans so against?
lets go over them and see whose policies will really hurt Black Americans? i've already mentioned Dems plans for amnesty will hurt Black Americans the most
The Republican Party is 90% white and you can bet they all voted against that derned "mulatto" Obama. They preferred a "pioneer of outsourcing".

Too bad the majority of those on welfare and food stamps are white. As is high school drop outs.

obama could not have won without the white vote; including many repubs who voted for "change" you dolt

you are simply a laughable loser; a petty moron using a silly race card; making accusations you cant back up

obama is fully half white; and 100% failure

the left; not the Right are the race-obsessed ones. the Right doesnt care what color the idiot screwing up the country is; just that he's a screw-up

you race-blinded losers are too politically rabid and politically-correct to admit obama is a failure

The whites Obama got were gays, college professors, liberals, scientists, atheists, women and so on. People not welcome in the GOP.

Half white. One half too much for the GOP.

good one doofus; so then what explains his fall among all those people except that he's failed?

just think dork; if obama WERE allowed to run again he'd lose even more support among those democgraphics
so what does that say but to confirm what is already known? obama is the pick of the extreme Left

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