USMB's Virtual Thanksgiving Day Dinner

So, I was just wondering what everybody is thankful for. I'll go ahead and start. :)

First of all, I am thankful for finding this website and that we all could be here together to share a Thanksgiving meal even if it's virtual. I am also thankful that even though Joe Bidedumb tried to divide this nation, he was clearly unsuccessful. (Fuck you Joe Biden. XD) This year I am also thankful that even though my original Thanksgiving plans didn't work due to somebody in my family catching Covid, that I could still have a small family gathering and celebrate it with them and that we were able to get a turkey and have it thawed and the cracker pudding made on time. ;)
My family is 5 cats, a dog, and my wife.
All of my family lives out West.
This what happens when you settle near the last place you were assigned after active-duty.
I worked civil service for close to 20 years after I retired from the military.....and now all I do is take care of my wife and pets.
And I need to kick the Amazon habit.
Driving out of here in a few minutes to my nephew's domicile in the tremendous city of Imperial, PA.

Imperial is adjacent to the Pitts, so I'll be armed although I understand Imperial is a lot safer than Pittsburgh.

Right now, I'm sure he's getting the bird ready.

Just a head's up! Virtual Thanksgiving dinner is running a bit late, but it should be ready within a few minutes. :)
I spent a month in Northern England in 2006 and my wonderful hosts had only one request. They had a big turkey in their freezer and they wanted a traditional American Thanksgiving feast! Lots of confusion when I went shopping for ingredients. I didn't know how to choose a pumpkin for pumpkin pie and there was no canned pumpkin puree to be had, so I went for sweet potato pie, close enough. No french fried onions for the green bean casserole so I had to try to make my own -- miserable failure. I searched almost every inch of the ASDA store for cranberry sauce -- no fresh cranberries to be had -- and when I finally found them, I forgot to serve them with dinner!

For all the problems, the dinner was a huge success! The double cream, whipped, for the pie topping was incredible. Try double cream if you can find some. Every scrap of stuffing, potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole and pie were gobbled up! My host told me my potato pie was GORGEOUS!

One of the best memories of my life.

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