USPSs way of "getting back in the game"

Instead of a clothing line, the Post Office should concentrate on changes which will guarantee their success:

1. Ban all small package deliver by any service but USPS. No FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other service. Small packages are mail and shouldn't be trusted to capitalists.

2. Ban all email service by any provider but USPS. All internet email should be handled by USPS exclusively. Communication is too important to trust to capitalists.

3. Reactivate the United States Postal Savings system. Every post office would become a bank office and we wouldn't have to trust capitalists with our savings.

Hitler much? Damn son
WTF is wrong with you?
Talk about gov't takeover
Instead of a clothing line, the Post Office should concentrate on changes which will guarantee their success:

1. Ban all small package delivery by any service but USPS. No FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other service. Small packages are mail and shouldn't be trusted to capitalists.

2. Ban all email service by any provider but USPS. All internet email should be handled by USPS exclusively. Communication is too important to be trusted to capitalists.

3. Reactivate the United States Postal Savings system. Every post office would become a bank office and we wouldn't have to trust capitalists with our savings.

So if you can't compete, ban the competiton. Stalin would be proud.
I think the USPS is missing the opportunity to tap into the bike/scooter messenger/delivery service.
why does the right hate the post office??????

Truth shut the fuck say the same dam thing in every thread.....and you always ignore whenever i or someone else tells you that the Democrats co- sponsored that dam bill back in 06.......and you always ignore when someone like me who actually worked for them tells you that the Democrats and the President are not doing much to help the place.....will it help if i tell you my Union is not to happy with your buddies in Congress right now BECAUSE they are sitting on their asses talking and not doing a dam thing?.....
Instead of a clothing line, the Post Office should concentrate on changes which will guarantee their success:

1. Ban all small package delivery by any service but USPS. No FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other service. Small packages are mail and shouldn't be trusted to capitalists.

2. Ban all email service by any provider but USPS. All internet email should be handled by USPS exclusively. Communication is too important to be trusted to capitalists.

3. Reactivate the United States Postal Savings system. Every post office would become a bank office and we wouldn't have to trust capitalists with our savings.

So if you can't compete, ban the competiton. Stalin would be proud.

The whole point of competition is destroying the competition.
Instead of a clothing line, the Post Office should concentrate on changes which will guarantee their success:

1. Ban all small package delivery by any service but USPS. No FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other service. Small packages are mail and shouldn't be trusted to capitalists.

2. Ban all email service by any provider but USPS. All internet email should be handled by USPS exclusively. Communication is too important to be trusted to capitalists.

3. Reactivate the United States Postal Savings system. Every post office would become a bank office and we wouldn't have to trust capitalists with our savings.

So if you can't compete, ban the competiton. Stalin would be proud.

The whole point of competition is destroying the competition.

You're funny!
why does the right hate the post office??????
Because they're government. Cons want to privatize everything, even if it cost several dollars to mail a letter.

and your another one.....say the same dam thing over and over ignoring the fact that the Democrats are not doing much to help the place and ignoring the fact that they Co-Sponsored that bill in 06....if you and your girlfriend were not such fucking hacks you might see that.....
Totally makes sense, Im sure everyone can agree that when you think fashion and style the US letter carrier comes immediately to mind.
they are talking about winter clothes.....not the any of you people do any research before you post?....
I know right? It is the fuckin USPS for crying out loud, not fuckin Tomm Hilfiger
I understand doing what you got to do, but who is going to walk around with branded clothing from the post office?

I smell another Solyndra in the making.
We wont see a single light blue sock roll out of this deal,and all the money will disappear.

i wont argue here.....because they will blow any money made....
The whole point of competition is destroying the competition.

You're funny!

Think it's not? Do you think GM and Nissan really want to produce the best cars so drivers will have a good choice? Or do you think one would drive (no pun intended) the other out of business if it could?

Who do you suppose is going to do all the banning of of the other car manufactures?
Do you think they might not take kindly to being banned? But first things first.......
I know right? It is the fuckin USPS for crying out loud, not fuckin Tomm Hilfiger
I understand doing what you got to do, but who is going to walk around with branded clothing from the post office?

I smell another Solyndra in the making.
We wont see a single light blue sock roll out of this deal,and all the money will disappear.

lol probably
It is run by smucks and it cant keep up with technology. They need to do some MAJOR reforming or privatize it. Least then, it might have a chance

they can easily keep up with the technology......your Congress steps on their toes...and as far as moving mail technology is concerned, the PO has Machines that are pretty dam state of the art....especially this new Flat Sorting machine built by Grumman.....we have had reps from other countries PO's visiting here to see how we move so much mail all at once.....
Instead of a clothing line, the Post Office should concentrate on changes which will guarantee their success:

1. Ban all small package delivery by any service but USPS. No FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other service. Small packages are mail and shouldn't be trusted to capitalists.

2. Ban all email service by any provider but USPS. All internet email should be handled by USPS exclusively. Communication is too important to be trusted to capitalists.

3. Reactivate the United States Postal Savings system. Every post office would become a bank office and we wouldn't have to trust capitalists with our savings.

So if you can't compete, ban the competiton. Stalin would be proud.

The whole point of competition is destroying the competition.

When you use the government to ban the other party, that is not "competition"

Again, go worship your hero stalin.
The whole point of competition is destroying the competition.

When you use the government to ban the other party, that is not "competition"

Again, go worship your hero stalin.

Competition is for the private sector. The government must provide critical services.

Getting your beanie babies from amazon is not a critical service, and if the post office could do it better and cheaper, they could compete, but they can't so they don't.
Totally makes sense, Im sure everyone can agree that when you think fashion and style the US letter carrier comes immediately to mind.
they are talking about winter clothes.....not the any of you people do any research before you post?....

So you actually thought we were being serious? Well I guess if you can take the USPS selling a clothing line seriously.......
Totally makes sense, Im sure everyone can agree that when you think fashion and style the US letter carrier comes immediately to mind.
they are talking about winter clothes.....not the any of you people do any research before you post?....

So you actually thought we were being serious? Well I guess if you can take the USPS selling a clothing line seriously.......

if Harley would have said it no.....i know him.... you other two guys not so much.....and the PO has some outdoor nasty weather clothes that actually work pretty well....when i first started they did not.....
why does the right hate the post office??????
Because they're government. Cons want to privatize everything, even if it cost several dollars to mail a letter.

Cause the 47 cents a piece is really working out :eek:
They are run by dumbasses IE our Gov't
They will end up getting bailed out, by US, and it will be another useless bailout costing us billions..
But hey, lets not privatize it to someone who could turn it around..

Interesting read; not sure if it is all true or not.

Hightower Lowdown | The Post Office is not broke--and it hasn't taken any of our tax money since 1971
Cash-strapped Postal Service to launch new clothing line | Fox News

Seems like they are going for a clothing line? LOL
What a joke
I am sure that will save them :eusa_whistle:
Maybe thats how the gov't will make ACA better when it crashes everything? Sell "poor, cheap and sick" clothing

The Postal Service wouldn't be in trouble if the GOP hadn't insisted that they fund their pension fund 75 years out. They are making enough money to cover current operations.

They could also make money by charging mass mailing and junk mailers the same rate that you and I pay to mail a letter.

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