USS Bonhomme Richard explosion

This came out an hour ago
Fighting fires on those lower decks is an intimidating job; my sympathies go out to them. An old friend of mine was a fireman on a carrier, and it wasn't fun at all, even with no fires.
I'm not so sure that you can fight a fire below decks on own of those things without getting yourself killed. If the report that the fire has reached to fuel is correct, I just hope that every sailor gets the hell out of there before there is no way out.

It's intimidating as fuck.

Back in 1981, I was an STG3 onboard the USS Pigeon (ASR-21). Yeah, it's real:


We were sitting pierside in San Diego when a fire broke out in one of our AMR's (auxiliary machinery room). By the time the two hose teams made it to the door to enter the space, thick black smoke blinded us. The entire space was filled with smoke. We entered the space, hoses blazing, and somehow managed to extinguish the fire, despite not being able to see what we were doing.

The culprit? A small refrigerator in the office portion of the space had somehow caught fire. It was a small fire, to be sure, and it was pretty much contained to the refrigerator. But it only goes to show how something so relatively small can be so difficult to combat. I feel for the guys who were the first on scene.

Here's a photo of me (all of 19 years old) standing next to the suspect fridge:

View attachment 362936
That had to be scary! Thank you for your service.
They are stating on the news there on cbs 8, firefighters can no longer fight the fire on the ship, as it is burning too hot. They are stating that there is lots of black smoke again coming from it.
What about fire fighting boats or tugs ?? Can't get in close enough ??
They may think the ship is a ticking time bomb, and it might be too dangerous at this point to approach.
Fighting fires on those lower decks is an intimidating job; my sympathies go out to them. An old friend of mine was a fireman on a carrier, and it wasn't fun at all, even with no fires.
I'm not so sure that you can fight a fire below decks on own of those things without getting yourself killed. If the report that the fire has reached to fuel is correct, I just hope that every sailor gets the hell out of there before there is no way out.

In many parts it's a multi-level maze of obstacles and management has to be very good.

The fire was in the vehicle storage area which is about the size of a school gymnasium in terms of area.
Press conference: 5 sailors still hospitalized, but in stable condition. yes, ship is listing but they are countering the list. Whatever that means. The ships skin has burned(?) There are 2 decks between the fuel and the fire. Doing everything they can to keep it from traveling deeper. They said there were flames reported when the fire started, and to their knowledge there was no work being done in that area of the ship. Said they are doing all they can to try to save the ship.

The caption is wrong. He may be the former commander of that helicopter squadron, and current CO, but the helicopters are NOT part of the ship's company.
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This was a little over an hour ago. It really looks like they are finally winning the fight!

You may have to watch an ad first, but only video I found of it.
Press conference: 5 sailors still hospitalized, but in stable condition. yes, ship is listing but they are countering the list. Whatever that means. The ships skin has burned(?) There are 2 decks between the fuel and the fire. Doing everything they can to keep it from traveling deeper. They said there were flames reported when the fire started, and to their knowledge there was no work being done in that area of the ship. Said they are doing all they can to try to save the ship.

The caption is wrong. He may be the former commander of that helicopter squadron, and current CO, but the helicopters are NOT part of the ship's company.

That is from the Navy’s facebook page.
Founded in 1980


[email protected]



The official Facebook page for Commander Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.


So, blame them. ;)
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Happening now, docked in San Diego

Probably a BLM Klan/DNC attack on a naval ship.

That definitely crossed my mind. I hope they get to the bottom of what happened to start a fire on the Bonhomme Richard, named after Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanac" character.

That's not even a remote possibility...

I would think that any terrorist would want to attack the ship when it was fully staffed and loaded and out to sea, not while in port for maintenance. The idea that this fire had anything to do with national political divisions is patently absurd.

Happening now, docked in San Diego

Probably a BLM Klan/DNC attack on a naval ship.

That definitely crossed my mind. I hope they get to the bottom of what happened to start a fire on the Bonhomme Richard, named after Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanac" character.

That's not even a remote possibility...

I would think that any terrorist would want to attack the ship when it was fully staffed and loaded and out to sea, not while in port for maintenance. The idea that this fire had anything to do with national political divisions is patently absurd.

At this point, we have no idea what happened. We will have to wait for the investigation to be completed to know what transpired.
But for others to suggest it, it just shows how the riots have sickened people, left a bad test in people’s mouths.

So far as a full ship, if it were to turn out to be nefarious, it would be much easier to do with a skeleton crew and contractors coming on and off board. But more than likely, an accident.

But we all need to just wait to find out what transpired. Sadly, these investigations move slow, so it could be quite awhile.

At this point I am grateful that all have survived.
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This wasn't a terrorist attack.

Getting onto a US Navy warship when you don't belong there isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Second, if you're going to conduct an attack on a US Navy warship, you're not going to pick an amphib. You're going to go for a cruiser or destroyer to really make a statement.

Whatever the cause of this fire, it was an accident. Of that I'm quite confident...
That is a pretty serious looking fire. Lots of things on an LHD that can go boom.
No they are not. It is one of the lightest armed ships we have. It has no large guns, and only has RAM, CIWS and machine guns for defense.

Um, ordnance is not the only thing that can go boom.
Well, duh!

What else explodes and burns for day? That is the question because it is not normally a shipboard piece of gear simply because the threat of battle damage.

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