Zone1 USSC to hear racial discrimination in education case today

At the 2003 ruling, the SCOTUS took a wishy-washy approach by kicking it down the road, to abolish it in about 20 years. We are now at that point.

And the group bringing the case is brilliant. They know they can’t argue that Asians are being rejected to make room for blacks with scores and grades waaaaaay below them, since blacks are a protected minority and the leftists would be screaming, so they are saying that Asians are being rejected to make room for whites with grades and scores somewhat below them, since the leftists are OK with the “white privilege” approach.

Simply brilliant. But the end result will be the same: it will be ruled that you can’t formulate tests and adjust cut-off points with the goal of achieving a specific racial outcome.

The sad thing is that we will have to wait for June, probably, for the ruling, meaning that another year will go by with leftists using race as a determinant in admissions. But by the entering class of 2024, the progressives will no longer be able to reject or accept people due to their race.
I never had any problems entering several colleges over the last forty years and I plan on going back at 65 for free tuition.
I never had any problems entering several colleges over the last forty years and I plan on going back at 65 for free tuition.

Me, neither. I was accepted to every college I applied to, including one in the Ivy League.

But how is that relevant to the fact that leftists are using race in deciding whom to admit or reject to their college?
The legal effort was brought to the high court by the conservative group Students for Fair Admissions, which argues that nearly four decades of affirmative action precedent have disproportionately harmed Asian American applicants and that institutions should amend their policies to adopt "race-neutral" standards. The justices will hear two cases Monday over admissions policies at the public University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the private Harvard University .

Edward Blum, the 70-year-old head at SFFA and a longtime critic of affirmative action, said the group represents nearly 20,000 students who are asking the high court to overturn its decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, which affirmed the partial use of race in admissions at the University of Michigan in a 5-4 opinion in 2003, so long as it didn't rely on race as a sole deciding factor.

Maya Wiley, the president and CEO of the LCEF, told the Washington Examiner. “One thing is clear — the future of our multiracial democracy is at stake. The civil rights community is united because we know that we are stronger together, even in the face of the so-called Students for Fair Admissions’

The Left doesn't actually believe in Civil Rights.
They demand racial discrimination in Education and in Employment.
They need to start accepting that everyone has the same Civil Rights.
Where is their "inclusion and equity" in Civil Rights?
They undermine the whole premise of their existence.
I agree that the time to end ALL affirmative action has long come and gone. It was okay initially to break down the cultural barriers left over after segregation ended. But once accomplished, it should have ended long ago. Instead it became a kind of reverse discrimination with privilege given and standards lowered to meet some kind of quota that would 'prove' diversity and that resulted in a kind of cultural entitlement that I believe has been detrimental to many minorities.

And it created a new kind of prejudice in which the minority was assumed to have gotten his/her job because of affirmative action or to create some sort of diversity instead of having to compete like everybody else. Minorities and women were resented when standards were lowered for them.

Eliminating race as a basis for ANYTHING except maybe for historical roles in movies or whatever should now be the goal. Allow everybody to compete using the same standards and requirements for all. Then there is no question in anybody's mind whether a person attained his/her grades, position, status via merit and not entitlement.

The goal should be for skin color to be of no more importance than hair color or eye color or any other physical trait.
I agree that the time to end ALL affirmative action has long come and gone. It was okay initially to break down the cultural barriers left over after segregation ended. But once accomplished, it should have ended long ago. Instead it became a kind of reverse discrimination with privilege given and standards lowered to meet some kind of quota that would 'prove' diversity and that resulted in a kind of cultural entitlement that I believe has been detrimental to many minorities.

And it created a new kind of prejudice in which the minority was assumed to have gotten his/her job because of affirmative action or to create some sort of diversity instead of having to compete like everybody else. Minorities and women were resented when standards were lowered for them.

Eliminating race as a basis for ANYTHING except maybe for historical roles in movies or whatever should now be the goal. Allow everybody to compete using the same standards and requirements for all. Then there is no question in anybody's mind whether a person attained his/her grades, position, status via merit and not entitlement.

The goal should be for skin color to be of no more importance than hair color or eye color or any other physical trait.
Yes. Affirmative action hurts two groups:

1) The whites and Asians who were rejected for their race
2) The blacks who would have been accepted even if they were not black
Yes. Affirmative action hurts two groups:

1) The whites and Asians who were rejected for their race
2) The blacks who would have been accepted even if they were not black

Affirmative Action puts a shadow over every competent black teacher, lawyer or proctologist.

People always wonder whether they are really competent or they were just given the job to meet a racial quota.
So if Affirmative Action benefits white women the most, then it's time to strike it down, right?

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Now change my mind.

College attendance by men, and by white men in particular, has declined steeply relative to attendance by women. As a remarkable Wall Street Journal report has it, men today make up only two out of five college students, and the men who do enroll are less likely to graduate than the women.

Why women being more college educated than men is troubling fo……
Yes. Affirmative action hurts two groups:

1) The whites and Asians who were rejected for their race
2) The blacks who would have been accepted even if they were not black
Well said. I had a bestie friend who happened to be black and we were close enough we could say anything to each other. She was an extremely competent successful professional and one of the most empathetic, insightful, intelligent people I've known. She told me the hardest thing she ever had to endure because of race was the attitude of white and black people who assumed she achieved her position via affirmative action and not due to merit. That and when she was reminded that she must think this or that about whatever because she was black. And she bristled every time she was asked to give the 'black perspective' about something.

All that goes away when people are allowed to just be people and not divided into groups with different standards or pigeon-holed into some PC structured category.
Can you imagine the howls from the left?

First the SC throws out Roe vs Wade, then they shitcan Affirmative Action!

That would be so much winning I could hardly stand it.

Trump was right: We're going to say "Please stop, Mr. Trump. I can't stand all this winning!!!"
yeah? They release a ruling this close to the midterms that abolish Affirmative Action and the Republicans will be slaughtered in the election.

Still, think it's so much winning?

The timing could not be worse.
yeah? They release a ruling this close to the midterms that abolish Affirmative Action and the Republicans will be slaughtered in the election.

Still, think it's so much winning?

The timing could not be worse.

How would Republican be slaughtered in the midterms? The main issues are the economy: Inflation, high prices for gasoline, food, and rent. The Democrats are basing their whole campaign on abortion, which is really something nobody cares about. This is a time to be bold and go for the gold ring, bro.
How would Republican be slaughtered in the midterms? The main issues are the economy: Inflation, high prices for gasoline, food, and rent. The Democrats are basing their whole campaign on abortion, which is really something nobody cares about. This is a time to be bold and go for the gold ring, bro.
Give the radicalized base ZERO reasons to mobilize. If they get wind that AA may be or has been turned over, those who would have sat out will jump up and wait in line to vote.
Give the radicalized base ZERO reasons to mobilize. If they get wind that AA may be or has been turned over, those who would have sat out will jump up and wait in line to vote.

The left will never be happy, no matter who much they get. Given the sad state of the country right now, I don't see them breaking down the polling place doors to get it.
The left will never be happy, no matter who much they get. Given the sad state of the country right now, I don't see them breaking down the polling place doors to get it.
I do see the possibility. The one saving grace is that they ruled on Roe way back in the early summer, which gave time for Biden's failed policies to destroy our economy.

With a week to go, that won't help this time.

I'm all for abolishing AA. This entire case has the democrats actually saying out loud that they do NOT want a color-blind society.

However, on a scale of 1 to 5, prying the control of congress from the Dems hands ranks higher than a decades-old discrimination program.

Just hold the ruling until AFTER the election.
I do see the possibility. The one saving grace is that they ruled on Roe way back in the early summer, which gave time for Biden's failed policies to destroy our economy.

With a week to go, that won't help this time.

I'm all for abolishing AA. This entire case has the democrats actually saying out loud that they do NOT want a color-blind society.

However, on a scale of 1 to 5, prying the control of congress from the Dems hands ranks higher than a decades-old discrimination program.

Just hold the ruling until AFTER the election.

That makes sense.
yeah? They release a ruling this close to the midterms that abolish Affirmative Action and the Republicans will be slaughtered in the election.

Still, think it's so much winning?

The timing could not be worse.
The time SCOTUS usually releases rulings is right before the summer break. Even if they hear the case now, it is very unlikely the ruling will be released before midterms.
But these days you have to ask the question why a black student with a lawyer and a doctor as parents should have an advantage over someone like me who's parents were a check sorter/mainframe technician and a nurse.
Because that black kid still faces white racism. And it generally comes from the types who worked the jobs xxxx parents did.
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Do whites who do all this whining about racial preferences not understand that white is a race and that whites get the most preferences?
Anyone involved with college admissions knows that Black applicants are highly sought after and will be selected over similarly/more qualified White or Asian applicants. People who don't know anything about college admissions often pretend like they know, but they don't know.

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