Utah dad says baby taken from him for adoption against his will

Funny you didn't have that position when a couple fags sued for child support from a sperm donor
They won on a technicality. He should have signed an agreement or had a physician present as required by law. If he'd won then any man could say he was just a sperm donor to get out of child support.
Fags want equal rights. Give it to them. When those two queers split up the one without the child should have paid NOT THE DONOR
If you be the donor you had better get a writ of non-liability from the donee...

Haven't there been cases where that doesn't matter if the State ends up paying for the kid? Wasn't there a case somewhere where the guy ended up paying when two lesbians split up, and one ended up on the dole? I thought that guy signed a contract, but the State found it void.
The name of the father has to be on the birth certificate and entered with the state.. I know states like Texass that allow any name to be put in the Fathers box even if it's not the named ones child...and will have to pay child support even if it is proven that the name is not the real Dad..
That's because Texas has a lot of black people. Just sayin'.
That's what happens when you don't get a legal marriage license.
Funny you didn't have that position when a couple fags sued for child support from a sperm donor
Oh wow, you lying sack of shit. Two lesbians had this child with the help of a sperm donor. They were doing fine until one got sick and couldn't work any more. Then the STATE, NOT the other lesbian sued the guy for child support. They did that to scare off potential sperm donors in the future from fathering a child.

You are one lying ass. You know you are. And you of all people say "fags". After all that time you spent trying to pick up wet soap? It shouldn't have taken that much time. It's not that hard to do.
They won on a technicality. He should have signed an agreement or had a physician present as required by law. If he'd won then any man could say he was just a sperm donor to get out of child support.
Fags want equal rights. Give it to them. When those two queers split up the one without the child should have paid NOT THE DONOR
If you be the donor you had better get a writ of non-liability from the donee...

Haven't there been cases where that doesn't matter if the State ends up paying for the kid? Wasn't there a case somewhere where the guy ended up paying when two lesbians split up, and one ended up on the dole? I thought that guy signed a contract, but the State found it void.
The name of the father has to be on the birth certificate and entered with the state.. I know states like Texass that allow any name to be put in the Fathers box even if it's not the named ones child...and will have to pay child support even if it is proven that the name is not the real Dad..
That's because Texas has a lot of black people. Just sayin'.
The percentage of blacks in Texas is less than the national average.
Just sayin'.
That's what happens when you don't get a legal marriage license.
Funny you didn't have that position when a couple fags sued for child support from a sperm donor
Oh wow, you lying sack of shit. Two lesbians had this child with the help of a sperm donor. They were doing fine until one got sick and couldn't work any more. Then the STATE, NOT the other lesbian sued the guy for child support. They did that to scare off potential sperm donors in the future from fathering a child.

You are one lying ass. You know you are. And you of all people say "fags". After all that time you spent trying to pick up wet soap? It shouldn't have taken that much time. It's not that hard to do.
Fags ask for a child. A man helps them get a child. Fags then can't support the child. Fags demand & receive welfare. State sues innocent man for the laziness & irresponsibility of 2 fags.

Fags & Rderp fail
Step it up a notch, if you're going to force payments, then a father should have a say so in any abortion decisions.
Nope. Her body. He made his choice when he dropped his underpants. After that it is up to her.

That you can't see the consistency error with that if you support a gender neutral society speaks volumes of the intellectual dishonesty of your ilk.
Society is not gender-neutral, nor will it ever be. Those who can create life will never be the same as those who simply donate to the process. They are your betters actually. Just a few of you could keep a multitude them in business no problems at all. And if they only want girls, they don't even need you.

Looks like someone is way to into Lesbian-separatist science fiction.

And biology isn't gender neutral, but how the law treats you can be.
Can be but often isn't. That won't change.

And that's not science fiction, that's science. It can be done.

No, its still science fiction for humans.
That's what happens when you don't get a legal marriage license.
Funny you didn't have that position when a couple fags sued for child support from a sperm donor
Oh wow, you lying sack of shit. Two lesbians had this child with the help of a sperm donor. They were doing fine until one got sick and couldn't work any more. Then the STATE, NOT the other lesbian sued the guy for child support. They did that to scare off potential sperm donors in the future from fathering a child.

You are one lying ass. You know you are. And you of all people say "fags". After all that time you spent trying to pick up wet soap? It shouldn't have taken that much time. It's not that hard to do.

That's still pretty fucked up...

The guy wasn't smart enough to get the state to sign him off parental rights - aka have the GF adopt the baby?
His rights ended when he fucked a girl without marrying her. I have no sympathy.

Hopefully he has now learned his lesson.
It takes two to fornicate.
But only one to complain. If he wanted rights, he should have married the girl.
A father is a father married or not. You sound silly blaming the father when the mother also decided to have sex out of wedlock.

What's your issue? Do you just hate men? Daddy issues?

Their final products were not actually working sperm and eggs, but rather germ cells that potentially could mature and become viable for fertility. The study's findings were published Wednesday in the journal Cell.

This doesn't mean men and women will soon be donating skin cells rather than sperm and egg at fertility clinics. Eventually, however, the findings could open the door to more intensive research on human genetics and certain cancers, and could impact fertility treatments sometime in the future.

Still science fiction at the level you are talking about. Man-rage women will have to wait for their lesbian dystopian fantasies a little while longer.

Their final products were not actually working sperm and eggs, but rather germ cells that potentially could mature and become viable for fertility. The study's findings were published Wednesday in the journal Cell.

This doesn't mean men and women will soon be donating skin cells rather than sperm and egg at fertility clinics. Eventually, however, the findings could open the door to more intensive research on human genetics and certain cancers, and could impact fertility treatments sometime in the future.

Still science fiction at the level you are talking about. Man-rage women will have to wait for their lesbian dystopian fantasies a little while longer.
If you think it can't be pulled off you're fooling yourself, it just hasn't been done yet. They can make a human with three parents as well, egg from from one and genetics from two others. The science is no longer a fiction, they just haven't pulled the trigger.

Their final products were not actually working sperm and eggs, but rather germ cells that potentially could mature and become viable for fertility. The study's findings were published Wednesday in the journal Cell.

This doesn't mean men and women will soon be donating skin cells rather than sperm and egg at fertility clinics. Eventually, however, the findings could open the door to more intensive research on human genetics and certain cancers, and could impact fertility treatments sometime in the future.

Still science fiction at the level you are talking about. Man-rage women will have to wait for their lesbian dystopian fantasies a little while longer.
If you think it can't be pulled off you're fooling yourself, it just hasn't been done yet. They can make a human with three parents as well, egg from from one and genetics from two others. The science is no longer a fiction, they just haven't pulled the trigger.

A concept and an initial product isn't an automatic end result. Just ask the Fusion guys about that one.

Their final products were not actually working sperm and eggs, but rather germ cells that potentially could mature and become viable for fertility. The study's findings were published Wednesday in the journal Cell.

This doesn't mean men and women will soon be donating skin cells rather than sperm and egg at fertility clinics. Eventually, however, the findings could open the door to more intensive research on human genetics and certain cancers, and could impact fertility treatments sometime in the future.

Still science fiction at the level you are talking about. Man-rage women will have to wait for their lesbian dystopian fantasies a little while longer.
If you think it can't be pulled off you're fooling yourself, it just hasn't been done yet. They can make a human with three parents as well, egg from from one and genetics from two others. The science is no longer a fiction, they just haven't pulled the trigger.

A concept and an initial product isn't an automatic end result. Just ask the Fusion guys about that one.
Tell us, what the hell are you so worried about? Oh right, gays could do what only heterosexuals can do currently. Got it.
That's what happens when you don't get a legal marriage license.
Funny you didn't have that position when a couple fags sued for child support from a sperm donor
Oh wow, you lying sack of shit. Two lesbians had this child with the help of a sperm donor. They were doing fine until one got sick and couldn't work any more. Then the STATE, NOT the other lesbian sued the guy for child support. They did that to scare off potential sperm donors in the future from fathering a child.

You are one lying ass. You know you are. And you of all people say "fags". After all that time you spent trying to pick up wet soap? It shouldn't have taken that much time. It's not that hard to do.
Fags ask for a child. A man helps them get a child. Fags then can't support the child. Fags demand & receive welfare. State sues innocent man for the laziness & irresponsibility of 2 fags.

Fags & Rderp fail
Because one of them got sick. It even happens with straight couples.
Ben Carson says prison makes you gay. Is that why you're so angry? That it made you gay or didn't make you gay. Not sure which. Please clarify.
His rights ended when he fucked a girl without marrying her. I have no sympathy.

Hopefully he has now learned his lesson.
It takes two to fornicate.
But only one to complain. If he wanted rights, he should have married the girl.
A father is a father married or not. You sound silly blaming the father when the mother also decided to have sex out of wedlock.

What's your issue? Do you just hate men? Daddy issues?
The girlfriend put the child up for adoption. She isn't complaining. He's the one with the gripe. He's the only one that could have changed the circumstances and eliminated the foundation for his gripe.
He should get custody and the mother should have to pay child support.
Not married, her baby not his, unless he could work it out with her which he couldn't, obviously.

Get Baby Kaylee Home to her Daddy
He should get custody and the mother should have to pay child support.
Not married, her baby not his, unless he could work it out with her which he couldn't, obviously.

Get Baby Kaylee Home to her Daddy
People like your are total ass holes,you would be blubbering over child support,if she wanted it.
That child is just as much his as hers,trying to say other wise shows just what kind of an idiot you are.

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