Utah High School Student Told To Cover Her Shoulders

Do you think this dress is too provocative for a high school prom?

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You're shocked that conservative Mormons in Utah are prude?

Prude?....like having multiple wives is somewhat modest?

Who has multiple wives?

Well, I don't know them personally, but there are some.

The LDS Mormons do not practice polygamy. They were forced to abandon that practice by the United States government who sent the army to Utah to enforce the United States claim on that territory.
But several of the other Mormon offshoots still practice polygamy.
Mormons and Polygamy

The Polygamy Issue
Does polygamy still exist in Utah? You bet it does.
Utah was admitted to the Union in 1896 but only under the condition that the Mormon Church ban polygamy, which they agreed to do. The Mormon Church remains opposed to polygamy to this day and immediately excommunicates any member who is discovered to be practicing polygamy. There are several ultra-orthodox offshoots of the Mormon Church though, especially in rural parts of Utah, which quietly practice polygamy today basically under a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Most polygamists just want to be left alone and don't want notoriety.
The Mormons and Polygamy

A lot of Arab sheikhs and other royalty have multiple wives and those countries are extremely conservative.

Yeah, and they are extremely sexist.....making their wives wear Burkas.....and here in the US baring a shoulder is now naughty? Well, you said it, that's conservatism for you.
First we had dress codes at school dances, next sharia law. By the time I said some, it was too late. Oh, the humanity of it all

If you think it is contradictory for us left wingers to moralize and berate some hicks in flyover country over a high school dress code but get outraged when anyone criticizes the Burka than think again you republican shitlords! Check your white privilege.
Yea I am sure this code was imposed by a sexist republican men. When will you Americans vote out those misogynistic monsters. Oh wait never mind.

We're trying....but there are so many uninformed people in America that seem to believe they (these sexist politicians) are actually wanting the best for women........:)
I am pretty sure the Koch Brothers were behind this dress code and they put the woman who set the high school dress code up to this. She is probably just a self hating woman.

I am glad you guys have brave Democrats willing to stand up to the evils of the Patriarchy like school dress codes. When will you take legal action?

Er, I think you are delusional.....seems like my thread was merged....and the OP is certainly not a democrat....so FAIL!
What the core problem is, friends and neighbors, is.....women in utah (and the middle east) is because MEN can't seem to differentiate between their top head and their lower head. Therefore, if a woman shows shoulders, ankles, face, lips, you name it AND he gets a woody...it's the womans fault for making him get one...because he is an idiot.
What the core problem is, friends and neighbors, is.....women in utah (and the middle east) is because MEN can't seem to differentiate between their top head and their lower head. Therefore, if a woman shows shoulders, ankles, face, lips, you name it AND he gets a woody...it's the womans fault for making him get one...because he is an idiot.

You haven't lost your sense of humor, Gracie..........:)
Typical radical feminism, not real feminism.

Grow up and share some of the responsibility.
Yea I am sure this code was imposed by a sexist republican men. When will you Americans vote out those misogynistic monsters. Oh wait never mind.

We're trying....but there are so many uninformed people in America that seem to believe they (these sexist politicians) are actually wanting the best for women........:)
I am pretty sure the Koch Brothers were behind this dress code and they put the woman who set the high school dress code up to this. She is probably just a self hating woman.

I am glad you guys have brave Democrats willing to stand up to the evils of the Patriarchy like school dress codes. When will you take legal action?

Er, I think you are delusional.....seems like my thread was merged....and the OP is certainly not a democrat....so FAIL!
I don't "fail". You are the one who brought political parties into it, implying this was a democrat republican issue and this was the evil republicans "repressing women" like in the Muslim world, but burkas are ok because anyone who criticizes them is bigoted, because a prom has a dress code and how Democrats "stand for women". You are just a liberalizing moral faggot that wants to lecture to conservative people how they live their lives. We have the shame shit here across Europe.

I like how for example, it isn't anyone's business if gays adopt, or parents give their child gender reassignment surgery, but it is totally outrageous and a crime against humanity that a school have a dress code for a dance.

You guys are cartoonish.
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What the core problem is, friends and neighbors, is.....women in utah (and the middle east) is because MEN can't seem to differentiate between their top head and their lower head. Therefore, if a woman shows shoulders, ankles, face, lips, you name it AND he gets a woody...it's the womans fault for making him get one...because he is an idiot.

You haven't lost your sense of humor, Gracie..........:)
Unfortunately, its what its all about. Men. Seeing a woman body part, getting a woody, and therefore claim the woman is a tease for showing that body part.
Of course women use their wiles. Not our fault your lower brain takes over common sense.
Meanwhile...anyone that does NOT have Nutz on iggie...his comment in this thread (yes, I peeked) is proof enough he is an asshole. That dress is like something June Cleaver would wear. And that girl is not a "white whore".
I think we should have a censor here just like there is one if someone types the word n*gger. If he can call women white whores, we should be allowed to call him a niggah.
Why don't all of you dipshits just calm down. Romney decided not to run for President, so all of the lies about Mormons and Utah won't be required posting for obamabots any longer.

Posting lies isn't necessary when the truth is so comical.
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change

School policies are not the Mormon church.
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change

School policies are not the Mormon church.

You likely haven't lived in Utah like I have. Two years in Logan and a year in Ogden. The law and the Mormon church go hand in hand in Utah.
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change

School policies are not the Mormon church.

You likely haven't lived in Utah like I have. Two years in Logan and a year in Ogden. The law and the Mormon church go hand in hand in Utah.

They are still separate.

I have lived here three separate times, plus maintained a home here, for 14 years, off and on. This is no different than living in Center or Jasper, Texas.
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change

Seems to me you are the one that is "thick".........that's what I have been trying to point out all along.....that it is hypocritical to be so anal about someone's bare shoulders considering all the other stuff that they allow.........and I'm not talking about LGBT.
What's the problem here? She looks fantastic in the dress.


High-Schooler Told to Cover Up for Exposing Her Shoulder

If she covered her shoulders and exposed her boobs they would have given her an award for being "liberated."

Are you saying that Utahans are that progressive? Why the strict rules, then?

Regressive is likely a better adjective. But I guess I need to spell out my point (boy oh boy are liberals thick sometimes). The point is that the Mormon church is openly calling for acceptance of the LGBTN (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Namba) community while telling a girl to cover her shoulders -- which is highly hypocritical. But it also reveals the decay of their core values and moral standards. If they're going to embrace fags then they shouldn't worry about a girl's bare shoulders.

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was lauded by some Tuesday for announcing a new position on gay rights. In a rare press conference in Salt Lake City, the Mormon Church said it supported measures that provide statewide legal protections to LGBT people in Utah. The move makes public a shift in the church's stance, and throws support behind an anti-discrimination law being debated in the state."
Mormon LDS Church - Gay Rights Policy Change

School policies are not the Mormon church.

That's right....

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