Uvalde Police Chief Peter Arredondo — Who Prevented Law Enforcement from Entering the School — is Beto O'Rourke Supporter and Donor

well well well. How about that. Starting to make a little more sense now isn't it.

No wonder Abbot was lied to and he is ticked over it. Sounds like the police chief should be out of work.
Just out of work?

Sounds like he was wanting to maximize the body count for political reasons to me.if so, he is an accessory to the murder of children.
Big bend texas said:
What exactly is this supposed to mean?

what does that MEAN??? You are on here spouting your nonsense and you're not keeping up with the story...and it's many twists, turns, lies and misdirection??? WHAT THE HELL.......the lerft really are Low info possible voters.
what does that MEAN??? You are on here spouting your nonsense and you're not keeping up with the story...and it's many twists, turns, lies and misdirection??? WHAT THE HELL.......the lerft really are Low info possible voters.
You made the statement please clarify?

What exactly does this mean?

and he is ticked over it
This explains why Beto crashed the press conference the other day. He didn't fear any repercussions.. The FEC website confirms him donating to beta male Beto O'Rourke. Link is in my second link.


Paul A. Szypula

46m · Uvalde Police Chief Peter Arredondo — who prevented law enforcement from entering the school — is reportedly a Democrat who donated to Beto O’Rourke.

Second link.

I knew it. This motherfucker needs to be executed.
So what would you call Beto crashing a presser to make political points?
And I seem to remember liberals wanting to defund the police.
What a skank you are.
Dragonlady is a perfect example of what's wrong with the left.

They're agitators, they want to get in everyone's face, they can't leave well enough alone.

They're worse than evangelists, worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses that come knocking at your door - at least THEY go away. Progtards don't, they don't understand "get out of my face".

They just keep agitating, keep pressing the buttons. They think it's necessary for social change. They've deluded themselves into thinking it's "progressive".

Well no, it isn't. It's impolite and annoying. It doesn't win any friends or convince anyone, all it does is create hatred. It's polarizing and divisive, and it stifles genuine solutions.

These agitators need to be slapped down. HARD. They don't respect boundaries anymore, and when that happens they become totalitarian assholes just like Stalin and Mao, and eventually if left unchecked the SAME thing is going to happen with these progtards, because that's the way human beings roll.

Well, I have a message for the dumbass regressives: NOT ON MY WATCH.

If you want to get to my kids, you're going to have to shoot me dead first.

Are you ready to do that?

Because I have NO problem at all, shooting people who threaten my children. I don't talk to domestic terrorists, I SHOOT THEM. Dead. On the spot. And you should too.

Right at the moment, I lean right politically, because the left has gone astray.

But this, what I'm talking about, is not left or right, it's about humanity and children.

Left, right, up, or down, the only real evil in this equation is INDIFFERENCE.

If the lefties are trampling on my childrens' boundaries it means they don't care, they're being indifferent.

And people like that, are the reason for Nazis, slavery and slaveholders, commies and gulags and all the rest. Human indifference gets us into more trouble than anything else.

I'm just letting people know, my job is to protect my kids. There's a lot of dads like me who take our jobs seriously. Maybe we were taken by surprise when the cops knelt for a bunch of commies, but now we understand the reality.

All I can tell you is, we will protect our kids. No matter what.

The cops aren't in charge, any more. Not when they fail to protect children, and not when they're kneeling for a bunch of communists. I'm very sorry, but I'm not interested in their worthless excuses about policy. The reality is they are FAILING to do their jobs, and it's a mission critical job that absolutely needs doing, so if they won't do it, we'll have to do it ourselves.
Dragonlady is a perfect example of what's wrong with the left.

They're agitators, they want to get in everyone's face, they can't leave well enough alone.

They're worse than evangelists, worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses that come knocking at your door - at least THEY go away. Progtards don't, they don't understand "get out of my face".

They just keep agitating, keep pressing the buttons. They think it's necessary for social change. They've deluded themselves into thinking it's "progressive".

Well no, it isn't. It's impolite and annoying. It doesn't win any friends or convince anyone, all it does is create hatred. It's polarizing and divisive, and it stifles genuine solutions.

These agitators need to be slapped down. HARD. They don't respect boundaries anymore, and when that happens they become totalitarian assholes just like Stalin and Mao, and eventually if left unchecked the SAME thing is going to happen with these progtards, because that's the way human beings roll.

Well, I have a message for the dumbass regressives: NOT ON MY WATCH.

If you want to get to my kids, you're going to have to shoot me dead first.

Are you ready to do that?

Because I have NO problem at all, shooting people who threaten my children. I don't talk to domestic terrorists, I SHOOT THEM. Dead. On the spot. And you should too.

Right at the moment, I lean right politically, because the left has gone astray.

But this, what I'm talking about, is not left or right, it's about humanity and children.

Left, right, up, or down, the only real evil in this equation is INDIFFERENCE.

If the lefties are trampling on my childrens' boundaries it means they don't care, they're being indifferent.

And people like that, are the reason for Nazis, slavery and slaveholders, commies and gulags and all the rest. Human indifference gets us into more trouble than anything else.

I'm just letting people know, my job is to protect my kids. There's a lot of dads like me who take our jobs seriously. Maybe we were taken by surprise when the cops knelt for a bunch of commies, but now we understand the reality.

All I can tell you is, we will protect our kids. No matter what.

The cops aren't in charge, any more. Not when they fail to protect children, and not when they're kneeling for a bunch of communists. I'm very sorry, but I'm not interested in their worthless excuses about policy. The reality is they are FAILING to do their jobs, and it's a mission critical job that absolutely needs doing, so if they won't do it, we'll have to do it ourselves.
She a product of being raised as a member of the "no consequences" generations.

It gets worse every year thanks to all forms of social media where there are rarely any consequences and no real consequences for saying things that would get you knocked on your ass or slapped silly if you said them face to face.
The White House said they will not launch any investigations into the LE response.

All the dem's are interested in is using this to push more gun control legislation just as they've been doing since Columbine.

The speeches and bills are already written, they just recycle them with the same goal in mind.

This has been their goal going all the way back to the seventies with "Handgun Incorporated" when handguns were first targeted.
well well well. How about that. Starting to make a little more sense now isn't it.

No wonder Abbot was lied to and he is ticked over it. Sounds like the police chief should be out of work.
If the story is accurate the Police Chief should be fired immediately for not letting the police go in.
If the story is accurate the Police Chief should be fired immediately for not letting the police go in.
Not necessarily. They had a girl in the classroom on the phone with them who told them there were still 8 kids alive and he wasn't shooting anymore.

There was a substantial risk he'd finish as many of them as possible if/when they forced entry.

The decision to breach was finally made when started shooting at the doors where officers were staging.

If they had forced entry early and he'd shot even more kids before being taken down or surrendering we'd definitely be blaming the Chief for that decision as well.

What I'd like to know is why they didn't put sharp shooters in a position to take him out through the windows as it certainly appears there were no lack of windows they could see him through.
Not necessarily. They had a girl in the classroom on the phone with them who told them there were still 8 kids alive and he wasn't shooting anymore.

There was a substantial risk he'd finish as many of them as possible if/when they forced entry.

The decision to breach was finally made when started shooting at the doors where officers were staging.

If they had forced entry early and he'd shot even more kids before being taken down or surrendering we'd definitely be blaming the Chief for that decision as well.

What I'd like to know is why they didn't put sharp shooters in a position to take him out through the windows as it certainly appears there were no lack of windows they could see him through.
We probably should wait for the investigations of the incident to end so we all have a more accurate view of what happened.

I would like to know why the back door of the school was propped open (assuming that is a fact).

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