VA Beach Munc Cntr Shooting: 11 Killed by Emp

'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.
Apparently you ignored the rest.

They are often in fact better than cops as a deterrence.

Banning guns is not a viable solution. And before you start ALL proposed laws are an effort to ban them
Can you just hear the news rooms at cnn and msnbc desperately trying to find out the color and political leanings of the shooter?

The funny thing is how they pretend that they care.
MSNBC was super bummed when they finally got the answer.


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
One would be too many. You would rather live in a place where there are many mass shootings than a place that is like Europe. Guess there is not much sense in trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.
We ALL would rather be here than in Europe, thats why we are all here.
'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.
If all those victims were armed, there wouldnt have been as many victims. Thats simply a fact.
Gun control laws have zero to do with preventing crime, but EVERYTHING to do with concentrating power in the hands of the very billionaires who fund the anti gun efforts.

They realize you can't truly be the slave they want, when you can defend yourself.
Most of the world functions perfectly well with gun control

The US has five times the murder rate of those countries that restrict firearms

Big deal. Take a look at Europe as a whole, so that the populations are similar and guess what. Europe's violent crime rates are higher than ours, and gun deaths are similar. You cherry pick and think that supports your argument. All it does is show you to be a weak minded silly person incapable of thinking for yourself.
Thank God for our Second Amendment


Yeah, now total them all up and you will see it is the same, actually trending better for the USA. And, the violent crime rates throughout Europe are exploding. Same gun laws as you wish, and the gun crime rates are exploding. Why?:eusa_whistle:
Why would you "add them all up" ? Its per 100,000 of population so that is never going to change.

Because you claim that Europe is safer than the US but you only choose those countries that support your lie.

If you use ALL of Europe, then, the population counts are similar and that way you get all of the countries, not just your pet few.

And voila, comparing like to like and Europe is no better than the US and in many categories is actually worse.
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
One would be too many. You would rather live in a place where there are many mass shootings than a place that is like Europe. Guess there is not much sense in trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

<Most intelligent and decent people would prefer to live in the US rather than a euro trash backwards nation
Intelligent Americans is becoming an oxymoron.
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.
Europe is swiftly becoming a backwards shit hole.

not only did they strip away the rights of individuals to own guns they also stripped away the freedom of expression. They routinely jail people for thought crime and speaking their mind. They allow passive bloodless invasion by foreigners who destroy once great european nations and cities. They allow rape and grooming gangs and have established a de facto dictatorship in the form of the EU

Europe is regressing to an inferior third world status
What a load of garbage.
Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.
If all those victims were armed, there wouldnt have been as many victims. Thats simply a fact.
That is not a fact, but an idiotic opinion.

Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.
You are free to leave
'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.

Yet another lie by the pseudo intellectual. The vast majority of civilians are better trained than cops are.

Cops are trained to write reports, guns are the most dangerous tools they possess, and thanks to a admin that is overwhelmingly anti gun those tools are the least used, and the training is pathetic.

Civilian shooters on the other hand, like what they do so become proficient in their use.

Also, civilians don't protect incompetent people, we send them down the road. The cops blue wall, however is well known.

As usual the statist pseudo intellectual c clayton lies to hide the fact doesn't really know a thing about what he speaks.
Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.
If all those victims were armed, there wouldnt have been as many victims. Thats simply a fact.
That is not a fact, but an idiotic opinion.

No, it is a fact born out by real world experience and statistics. The fact that you are the one who is wrong is purely up to your ignorance.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.
Europe is swiftly becoming a backwards shit hole.

not only did they strip away the rights of individuals to own guns they also stripped away the freedom of expression. They routinely jail people for thought crime and speaking their mind. They allow passive bloodless invasion by foreigners who destroy once great european nations and cities. They allow rape and grooming gangs and have established a de facto dictatorship in the form of the EU

Europe is regressing to an inferior third world status
What a load of garbage.
All documented facts sorry
Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.
If all those victims were armed, there wouldnt have been as many victims. Thats simply a fact.
That is not a fact, but an idiotic opinion.
When has 1 armed man ever defeated 11 armed men, other than John Wick? more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate has gone down, not up.....which blows the crap out of your theory.....

bullshit, we still have the highest murder rates in the industrialized world. Tens of thousands when most civilized countries only have hundreds.
They don’t have fatherless democrat plantation negroes.

Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
One would be too many. You would rather live in a place where there are many mass shootings than a place that is like Europe. Guess there is not much sense in trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

Europe is extremely violent and getting more violent....again, fatherless homes are turning their young males to crime and violence, and importing people from countries with values hostile to European values will also increase the violence.....add to that the flood of illegal guns, and Europe is going to be a very unpleasant place.
'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.

And you continue to ignore the truth....nothing you posted is accurate or true, or based in facts.......

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Most of the world functions perfectly well with gun control

The US has five times the murder rate of those countries that restrict firearms

Big deal. Take a look at Europe as a whole, so that the populations are similar and guess what. Europe's violent crime rates are higher than ours, and gun deaths are similar. You cherry pick and think that supports your argument. All it does is show you to be a weak minded silly person incapable of thinking for yourself.
Thank God for our Second Amendment


Yeah, now total them all up and you will see it is the same, actually trending better for the USA. And, the violent crime rates throughout Europe are exploding. Same gun laws as you wish, and the gun crime rates are exploding. Why?:eusa_whistle:
Why would you "add them all up" ? Its per 100,000 of population so that is never going to change.

Because you claim that Europe is safer than the US but you only choose those countries that support your lie.

If you use ALL of Europe, then, the population counts are similar and that way you get all of the countries, not just your pet few.

And voila, comparing like to like and Europe is no better than the US and in many categories is actually worse.
Please tell me you are just confused. Its pro rata old fella . The percentages dont change. Jeez!
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.
You are free to leave
Pay attention. I left 23 years ago.
Europe is extremely violent and getting more violent....again, fatherless homes are turning their young males to crime and violence, and importing people from countries with values hostile to European values will also increase the violence.....add to that the flood of illegal guns, and Europe is going to be a very unpleasant place.
Sounds a lot more like an American inner city.

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