VA Beach Munc Cntr Shooting: 11 Killed by Emp


600,000,000 firearms in the hands of the civilian populace...

30,000 deaths a year, give or take.

sounds to me like a large majority of Americans can be trusted.
30 thousand deaths? How pathetic are you?


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
After what Obama did fostering BLM. ANTIFA, and the illegal Hispanic riots with death, destruction and carnage, we found out what a dictator can be. People would be foolish to give up their guns. Not for you.

Uh, buddy, what fostered BLM was a bunch of asshole cops shooting black children in the back and getting away with it.

Nothing to do with Obama.. other than him agreeing that was a bad thing.
Obama did not get involved. Progs hate the police. Everyone else has views ranging towards the Progs to the police can do wrong. The police are a powerful fiefdom. In a general sense they got what they deserved. The first time in my life I saw this powerful fiefdom with their azz cheeks puckered. Obama wanted to nationalize law enforcement as to integrate it with Mexico's and Canada's nationalized police. We have great individual police departments. but we also have corrupted and inept ones also. Nationalizing them would corrupt the rest. You want things to change? Then the criminal code must be reduced in the number of what is crimes and the fees and fines must be reduced. Would you accept that reduction? Because that may mean less resources for the neighborhoods in exchange for less police brutality. Law enforcement/Corrections/Judicial can destroy people with their absolute power and do. Their fiefdoms are near ph uk proof. And they convince other civilian people that an individual can be a bad person. And the civilians eat it up in many areas. Experiencing NAZI/COMMUNIST tactics is something no one forgets. The problem is it is most likely if you bring weapons to get even it will not end well. There are millions and millions of people who have not had justice for this power fiefdom block's misgivings. For none of them will admit they did wrong when caught. And that brings me back to Honor, Integrity and Character based on the fiefdom and not as an individual knowing right from wrong. Messing with people because they can or their egos are bruised is brutal. And yet there are many good departments with fair people as officers.
Obama did not get involved. Progs hate the police. Everyone else has views ranging towards the Progs to the police can do wrong. The police are a powerful fiefdom. In a general sense they got what they deserved. The first time in my life I saw this powerful fiefdom with their azz cheeks puckered.

Okay, buddy let us know when you can make a coherent point.

For the record, I think 99% of cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

And then you have that one percent we all wish had picked something else on Career Day because they are bullies with badges and guns.
Obama did not get involved. Progs hate the police. Everyone else has views ranging towards the Progs to the police can do wrong. The police are a powerful fiefdom. In a general sense they got what they deserved. The first time in my life I saw this powerful fiefdom with their azz cheeks puckered.

Okay, buddy let us know when you can make a coherent point.

For the record, I think 99% of cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

And then you have that one percent we all wish had picked something else on Career Day because they are bullies with badges and guns.
Your BLM buddies were killing them. You can't get any plainer then that. A few of the Black guys that were shooting cops had PTSD from military service. The fiefdoms protects what is inside. The law enforcement fiefdom does that to the max. Even if many never put their life on the line. Men who fall down in life or have PTSD are jettisoned by this set up. What you did in the past means nothing if you run afoul of the law by their judgement. I gotta speak for BLM for you who supports BLM. being stopped by a cop for identification and harassed over and over if you do nothing wrong is tyranny. I am still waiting for one of these men in their fiefdom with honor, integrity and character to stand up and take the blame for what they do. Not one. If one does, then he is more of or a rightious individual then a fiefdom lackey to admit his transgression. I do not know if there ever will be battles with law enforcement/corrections/judicial. But I do know that they are gettable after what Obama and BLM showed us. And you better smooth the wounds with your BLM pals. For if they did it once, they can and will do it again. Yeah....putting yourself in harms way means chitt!
Yet another mass shooting.

Yet more lies and deflection from the right.

And still nothing constructive from the right as to viable solutions to end mass shootings.


We have the solutions....they just don't include banning and confiscating guns from people who don't use them you are not interested in those actual solutions.
1. It has to be in america.
2. Why is this news? It is the norm.
3. A Japanese man the other day stabbed a dozen I beleive non died, if he was in the US he couldve killed two dozens and we all know how.
5. Thoughts and prayers.

Yes....he could have used a rental truck. A muslim in Nice, France used a rental truck and murdered 86 people and injured 435....this guy used a gun and killed 12......trucks are deadlier than rifles and we let anyone drive them.....I get your point......
Humm how many truck killings happened since ? And how many shootings in the US since? Go on....I'm waiting.

Again......muslim in France using a rental Truck....86 dead, 435 injured.

Guy at Virginia Beach with a .45 caliber pistol....12 dead.

A rental Truck used to commit murder is deadlier than a gun. Deadlier than the guy in Vegas who fired into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from a fortified and concealed position who killed 58.

Only the military and police need automobiles so they need to be banned for civilians since they kill more people than guns every single year.......
1. It has to be in america.
2. Why is this news? It is the norm.
3. A Japanese man the other day stabbed a dozen I beleive non died, if he was in the US he couldve killed two dozens and we all know how.
5. Thoughts and prayers.
4. A Muslim killed a hundred and we all know how.
I bet you were praying he was Muslim. No sweetie 15000 deaths a year on average foe yourswlf, is an American problem since europeans landed here.
Issa, explain how the Democrat gun ban will be carried out
Democrat? It should be a humane initiative...America is swimming in blood and it needs to stop. Other countries dont have to live in such madness.

Let me fix your post....

Other countries dont have to live in such madness...........Yet.

The social welfare states and immigration policies of Europe have now reached the point where the young males of those societies can no longer be civilized.....single teenage mothers raising children from multiple fathers without husbands in the home, and immigrants from countries with alien values, and hostile values to their European host countries are increasing the violence in those European countries..........

1. It has to be in america.
2. Why is this news? It is the norm.
3. A Japanese man the other day stabbed a dozen I beleive non died, if he was in the US he couldve killed two dozens and we all know how.
5. Thoughts and prayers.
4. A Muslim killed a hundred and we all know how.
I bet you were praying he was Muslim. No sweetie 15000 deaths a year on average foe yourswlf, is an American problem since europeans landed here.
Issa, explain how the Democrat gun ban will be carried out
Democrat? It should be a humane initiative...America is swimming in blood and it needs to stop. Other countries dont have to live in such madness.

No.....criminals in democrat party controlled neighborhoods are killing each other.......the rest of the country is safer than Europe.
Actually, if one of them had one, then maybe they could have protected themselves...
Stupid reply. More guns is not the answer. Americans cannot be trusted with owning guns.


600,000,000 firearms in the hands of the civilian populace...

30,000 deaths a year, give or take.

sounds to me like a large majority of Americans can be trusted.
30 thousand deaths? How pathetic are you?


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.

Of those 10,982 people killed in 2017, 70-80% are criminals killed by other criminals.....leaving about 1,500 people who could be considered innocent people. Of those, a huge number are the friends and family of criminals who get caught in the shooting of their criminal relative, boyfriend or friend.

So out of 320,000,000 about 1,500 innocent people are killed in democrat party controlled neighborhoods.......while in that same year over 38,000 are killed in car accidents....

you do not ban and confiscate the best tool for self defense based on that tiny number......considering that as more Americans own and carry guns.....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%.....and each year Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times to save lives....

1,500 vs 1,100,000......can you tell which number is bigger?

The fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our country became safer blows a big hole in your entire premise........

600,000,000 firearms in the hands of the civilian populace...

30,000 deaths a year, give or take.

sounds to me like a large majority of Americans can be trusted.
30 thousand deaths? How pathetic are you?


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?

Every Jewish school in Europe is protected by heavily armed security.....explain that. The number of children killed in School shootings?

Total gun murder of children in 2017......including those killed living in democrat party controlled neighborhoods...there were no mass public school shootings in the below deaths are majority criminals killing children in democrat party neighborhoods...

Ban the democrat party.

2017, gun murder...319


Lets put that number in perspective......

Accidental deaths of children....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2017.... Kids (<1 - 14)


Underage Drinking-Why Do Adolescents Drink, What Are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?

Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).

So before you complain about children dying by need to ban privately owned cars.....and you need to ban alcohol again..........if numbers are driving your emotional response....

'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
Police have said the suspect was armed with a .45-caliber handgun. Cervera said Saturday that more weapons were found at the scene and at his home, but declined to elaborate.

Craddock, 40, was a professional engineer who had graduated from Denbigh High School in nearby Newport News in 1996 and joined the Army National Guard, according to a newspaper clip from the time. He received basic military training and advanced individual training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He later graduated from Old Dominion University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Before going to work in Virginia Beach, he worked for a private engineering firm in Hampton Roads.

Craddock appears to have had no felony record, which would have made him eligible to purchase firearms
Officials ID Virginia Beach gunman as city employee

What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?
Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions.
Neither one of these questions are new or unique.
And yet, never have you demonstrated an ability to provide a viable answer.

What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?

Police have said the suspect was armed with a .45-caliber handgun. Cervera said Saturday that more weapons were found at the scene and at his home, but declined to elaborate.

Craddock, 40, was a professional engineer who had graduated from Denbigh High School in nearby Newport News in 1996 and joined the Army National Guard, according to a newspaper clip from the time. He received basic military training and advanced individual training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He later graduated from Old Dominion University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Before going to work in Virginia Beach, he worked for a private engineering firm in Hampton Roads.

Craddock appears to have had no felony record, which would have made him eligible to purchase firearms
Officials ID Virginia Beach gunman as city employee

What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?
Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions.
Neither one of these questions are new or unique.
And yet, never have you demonstrated an ability to provide a viable answer.

What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?


"Well"? A well is a deep hole in the ground, dug by those who seek to find water. Your well has already been dug, and there was nothing in the hole in the ground thoughtful, thought provoking or substantive; all that was found was Spam and not the kind canned and later eaten.

And we all know - even you - what the final product of food eaten becomes: energy to the eater, and waste for the toilet.
Police have said the suspect was armed with a .45-caliber handgun. Cervera said Saturday that more weapons were found at the scene and at his home, but declined to elaborate.

Craddock, 40, was a professional engineer who had graduated from Denbigh High School in nearby Newport News in 1996 and joined the Army National Guard, according to a newspaper clip from the time. He received basic military training and advanced individual training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He later graduated from Old Dominion University with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Before going to work in Virginia Beach, he worked for a private engineering firm in Hampton Roads.

Craddock appears to have had no felony record, which would have made him eligible to purchase firearms
Officials ID Virginia Beach gunman as city employee

What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?
Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions.
Neither one of these questions are new or unique.
And yet, never have you
What "common sense" gun control laws would have prevented this shooting?
How is it possible for this shooting take place in a gun free zone?
Thank you for continuing to demonstrate you do not have the capacity to provide a meaningful answer to the questions I asked.
As expected.
30 thousand deaths? How pathetic are you?


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
One would be too many. You would rather live in a place where there are many mass shootings than a place that is like Europe. Guess there is not much sense in trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
One would be too many. You would rather live in a place where there are many mass shootings than a place that is like Europe. Guess there is not much sense in trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

<Most intelligent and decent people would prefer to live in the US rather than a euro trash backwards nation
30 thousand deaths? How pathetic are you?


Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.

Gun murder 2017


Gun suicide 20188


Gun suicide does not count...since Japan, with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than we do, as do many countries in Europe and Canada...
You make it sound as if 11,000 people killed in one country is acceptable.
---------------------------------- its the price we pay to be Armed and i see it as acceptable . Thats 10 - 11 thousand dead a year while 30 thousand or more die in car accidents . So 10 - 11 thousand dead by criminals out of a nation with over 320 million and millions of illegals NNuke .
How about the children dying in school shootings, etc. Americans do not need to be armed, we are not armed here in Europe and we get along just fine. I live in Ireland and the police are not armed. Do you have any idea what a good feeling it is that we are that safe?
--------------------------------------- yeah well , we aren't 'europe' and i hope it stays that way at least for my lifetime . And as far ALL the CHILDREN dying in schools , how many are dying yearly NNuke .
How many years did you live in Europe for you to build such a strong opinion of it? I lived in the USA for 45 years and have been over here 23 years. Europe is a far superior place.
Europe is swiftly becoming a backwards shit hole.

not only did they strip away the rights of individuals to own guns they also stripped away the freedom of expression. They routinely jail people for thought crime and speaking their mind. They allow passive bloodless invasion by foreigners who destroy once great european nations and cities. They allow rape and grooming gangs and have established a de facto dictatorship in the form of the EU

Europe is regressing to an inferior third world status

'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

Exactly. And, when you disarm the targets, it leads to shit like this. Fortunately a cop who is still allowed to carry a gun, hmm, amazing how that works out, stopped the bad guy. Just imagine if one of the victims had been allowed to defend their self.

Exactly, when poorly trained citizens who are armed and hear gun fire, shoot at other poorly trained citizens are shooting at those who shot at other poorly trained citizens.

You really are a dumb shit, every heard of Friendly Fire by highly trained members of the military?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.

Citizens with proficiency and talent
score higher and shoot better than trained cops, dumbass. Of course you don't know shit about shooting, but you'll flap your cockholster about it anyway.
I agree

I have no empirical evidence and what I have I admit is largely anecdotal. However after decades of shooting experience with civilian, military and law enforcement I've concluded that Law Enforcement is the least safe with firearms.

In the military the training they require for firearms varies from branch to branch. However the one advantage is intense discipline and standards in general which reinforces firearms safety. I've seen some negligent discharges in the military and they are always followed with some pretty unpleasant consequences for the idiot who fired a round in a negligent manner. Range NCOs can often reinforce safety and standards with some swift physical penalties when working on a range with live ammo.

It's not great in the military but basically in between.

Civilians vary depending on where you are and who they are. Generally when people go to a privately owned and operated range the owners will get rid of dangerous customers often before they even start shooting, At my favorite range I have seen them throw out and ban people just for asking stupid questions such as " what size bullets does this 9mm gun use?" or " what kinda clips does this here gun use ?" " what do you mean its a magazine not a clip?" " I dont see no pages ".

There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians but usually they get thrown off of a range or they apply themselves and learn properly.

Law enforcement however seems to be the worst in my experience. I have seen MANY cops on ranges miss a couple of shots and throw their still loaded weapon at the target. I've seen them muzzle each other or try some hollywood crap like spinning the weapon or holding it sideways.

I suspect that this is because of the training they receive or rather the lack of it. Most officers go through VERY extensive training when becoming officers at the various academies they go through. After they are sworn in however they start to forget that training and it is not properly reinforced. Typically the re certify or qualify once a year. Maybe sometimes twice a year. They forget what they were taught and revert to doing dumb stuff unless they happen to be shooters on their own time.

Much of the training in general that law enforcement receives is not really training at all. It is not developing conditioned skills it is merely a lesson which is designed to deter litigation for the department. In other words they get some basic instruction and then if they do something questionable or wrong the department cannot be sued because they can show that they taught the officers to do something different. This includes other skills such as unarmed self defense tasers etc etc.

Like I said its all anecdotal but I keep seeing the same things over and over.
“There are some pretty dangerous careless and dangerous civilians…”


Which further supports the fact that armed civilians lack both the training and experience to act as a ‘deterrent’ to mass shooting.

Armed civilians is not a ‘solution’ to the problem of mass shootings.

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