VA Dept of Education Promoted Book Embracing CRT Curriculum While McAuliffe was Governor

and the push for a curriculum that makes whites out as racists
Alert the Fauxrage committees right away.

Wait a second, even Lincoln had racist attitudes didn't he? It was taught that way. It had to be taught that way. How else could the county allow the slave states to hold an entire race in servitude in perpetuity?

So the Anti CRT crusade is a fascist anti truth campaign.
Alert the Fauxrage committees right away.

Wait a second, even Lincoln had racist attitudes didn't he? It was taught that way. It had to be taught that way. How else could the county allow the slave states to hold an entire race in servitude in perpetuity?

So the Anti CRT crusade is a fascist anti truth campaign.

The start of slavery in North America had NOTHING to do with race. CRT would tell you that it did, but it is a fine example of the anti-history/anti-truth aspects of CRT-type ideology. Were the Black Africans who imported Slavery into the US racist? What about the Blacks in North American who owned slaves (a higher percentage of Free Blacks owned slaves than Whites)? Were the Whites who owed White Slaves racist against Whites? Were the Indians who owned slaves racist? Were the Chinese slave owners racist against others? What about the Islamic slave trade? Are Muslims 75 Times more racist than Whites, since the Islamic world imported 75 TIMES more Black Africans into a far more brutal slave system than did North America?
Whites never owned Islamic Slaves, but 1.5 million White Europeans were enslaved in Islamic countries. Does that mean Whites cannot be racist against Islamic people and that they OWE Whites reparations?
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Alert the Fauxrage committees right away.

Wait a second, even Lincoln had racist attitudes didn't he? It was taught that way. It had to be taught that way. How else could the county allow the slave states to hold an entire race in servitude in perpetuity?

So the Anti CRT crusade is a fascist anti truth campaign.
Wow! Nonsensical bullshit!
The start of slavery in North America had NOTHING to do with race. CRT would tell you that it did, but it is a fine example of the anti-history/anti-truth aspects of CRT-type ideology. Were the Black Africans who imported Slavery into the US racist? What about the Blacks in North American who owned slaves (a higher percentage of Free Blacks owned slaves than Whites)? Were the Whites who owed White Slaves racist against Whites? Were the Indians who owned slaves racist? Were the Chinese slave owners racist against others? What about the Islamic slave trade? Are Muslims 75 Times more racist than Whites, since the Islamic world imported 75 TIMES more Black Africans into a far more brutal slave system than did North America?
Whites never owned Islamic Slaves, but 1.5 million White Europeans were enslaved in Islamic countries. Does that mean Whites cannot be racist against Islamic people and that they OWE Whites reparations?
What a crock. Slavery in THIS country was all ABOUT race. Some lie there , so what you want is for children to be taught the racist version of history and anything else is “CRT” huh?

How can you write that with a straight face? LOL
That is what their handlers have told them. Questioning the accepted ideology of their Party is a big no no in their circles. They don't want to be canceled.
Telling white children they are automatically racist just because they are white is a lie.
That is true IF it was actually taught.
Sure, you'll find a quote or two by a wacko teacher and claim that ALL teachers are teaching this.
That's why you are fake news.

Oh, and your "Seek Help Soon" statement is really clever. So insightful. You must be proud.
That is true IF it was actually taught.
Sure, you'll find a quote or two by a wacko teacher and claim that ALL teachers are teaching this.
That's why you are fake news.

Oh, and your "Seek Help Soon" statement is really clever. So insightful. You must be proud.
It is part of CRT. Sorry that destroys your narrative, Sport.
The start of slavery in North America had NOTHING to do with race. CRT would tell you that it did, but it is a fine example of the anti-history/anti-truth aspects of CRT-type ideology. Were the Black Africans who imported Slavery into the US racist? What about the Blacks in North American who owned slaves (a higher percentage of Free Blacks owned slaves than Whites)? Were the Whites who owed White Slaves racist against Whites? Were the Indians who owned slaves racist? Were the Chinese slave owners racist against others? What about the Islamic slave trade? Are Muslims 75 Times more racist than Whites, since the Islamic world imported 75 TIMES more Black Africans into a far more brutal slave system than did North America?
Whites never owned Islamic Slaves, but 1.5 million White Europeans were enslaved in Islamic countries. Does that mean Whites cannot be racist against Islamic people and that they OWE Whites reparations?
Hogwash. White folk were indentured servants where as the Black folks ended up as slaves in perpetuity, even those those first batch of Africans were not sold as slaves but as indentures servants to the Quakers. Their descendants? Enslaved.

Slavery existed as an institution in Europe since Roman times. Since we came from Europe it's not much of a stretch to say it came with us. That whites were superior to the inferior slave race was a given at the time and several theories were taught about why that was. How else could a so called Christian society accept the complete bondage of another race in perpetuity without thinking the enslaved were inferior and that by being our slaves we were actually helping them. The attitude of superiority was not limited to the Slave States either. It was endemic across the entire nation. If that triggers the CRT in you then too bad.
Who owns the company distributing the book? Merrick Garland's son in law.
Explain how the DOJ has any influence in what is taught in local schools.

Try to do that without blabbing some deranged conspiracy theory if you can.
Explain how the DOJ has any influence in what is taught in local schools.

Try to do that without blabbing some deranged conspiracy theory if you can.
Merrick Garland's son in law owns the company peddling CRT text books. AG Garland’s son-in-law’s education company supports critical race theory. Parents complained to school boards to get these books out of their schools. Garland directed the FBI to conduct an investigation into these parents.

These education contracts are worth tens of thousands to Tanner.
CRT-type ideology is NOT about teaching History, as you and so many others try to claim. It is a filter by which to view everything--a deliberate bias--and only services to obfuscate truth in History, Science, Biology, Historical context, world History, psychology, and more.
Absolutely! Look at the memo that McAukiffe’s Deot of Education put out. The second line says to “engage in race-conscious teaching.” So there it is - in black and white. They want race to permeate all aspects of teaching!

And what does that mean? Does that mean if you have a class in which no blacks are in the top third that racism is at play? If more black kids fail math than whites, that’s a problem of whiteness?

And how will it play out in class? When teacher asks a question and hands go up, will she favor blacks and pick them over whites four times out of five to make sure she’s not accused of racism?
What a crock. Slavery in THIS country was all ABOUT race. Some lie there , so what you want is for children to be taught the racist version of history and anything else is “CRT” huh?

CRT is a dangerous mind altering system of racial brain washing that says whites are hopelessly racist
by dint of their genes (they can't help themselves) and blacks are naturally victims that are too weak and
passive to help themselves.

It wants to usher Jim Crow law back into the nation and re-segregate our schools and society.
It's simply a way for race hucksters to line their pockets at the expense of society in general.
You know before I came onto this board I didn't really like liberals, but I didn't necessarily lOATHE them either. I just figured they were decent folks but misguided. NOPE. They are absolute scum of the earth. They want to destroy America in every way they can. Im so glad the weasel McAuliffe had a momentary lapse of liberal normalcy and actually SPOKE THE TRUTH. He said what he believed with regards to parents being involved in their children education and its biting him in the ass. You know he wishes he had that moment back where he could do what liberals typically do.......LIE!!!!!
You know before I came onto this board I didn't really like liberals, but I didn't necessarily lOATHE them either. I just figured they were decent folks but misguided. NOPE. They are absolute scum of the earth. They want to destroy America in every way they can. Im so glad the weasel McAuliffe had a momentary lapse of liberal normalcy and actually SPOKE THE TRUTH. He said what he believed with regards to parents being involved in their children education and its biting him in the ass. You know he wishes he had that moment back where he could do what liberals typically do.......LIE!!!!!
I agree. I didn’t used to hate liberals either, but after seeing what they write on message boards, I do. They actually want to make our children racist against white people, and if anyone objects, they call that person a liar….or a racist himself.

And the rape case in Loudoun was the last straw. Here we see liberal after liberal spewing venom against the father of the victim while rushing in to a) defend the rapist, and b) hate on anyone who speaks up against this horrible crime.

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