VA Dept of Education Promoted Book Embracing CRT Curriculum While McAuliffe was Governor

Hogwash. White folk were indentured servants where as the Black folks ended up as slaves in perpetuity, even those those first batch of Africans were not sold as slaves but as indentures servants to the Quakers. Their descendants? Enslaved.

Slavery existed as an institution in Europe since Roman times. Since we came from Europe it's not much of a stretch to say it came with us. That whites were superior to the inferior slave race was a given at the time and several theories were taught about why that was. How else could a so called Christian society accept the complete bondage of another race in perpetuity without thinking the enslaved were inferior and that by being our slaves we were actually helping them. The attitude of superiority was not limited to the Slave States either. It was endemic across the entire nation. If that triggers the CRT in you then too bad.
Slavery has been an institution throughout human history and in all cultures. In Africa, Asia, Meso-America
and the Middle East, not to mention Europe and North America.
No one is spared blame for the institution though it has been white Christians in democratic European nations
that began the struggle to eliminate this long time blot on humanity (that still exists to this day, by the way).
Slavery has been an institution throughout human history and in all cultures. In Africa, Asia, Meso-America
and the Middle East, not to mention Europe and North America.
No one is spared blame for the institution though it has been white Christians in democratic European nations
that began the struggle to eliminate this long time blot on humanity (that still exists to this day, by the way).
This is a well thought out, factual post.

In other words, liberals won't understand it because its not full of unfounded emotion.
CRT is a dangerous mind altering system of racial brain washing that says whites are hopelessly racist
by dint of their genes (they can't help themselves) and blacks are naturally victims that are too weak and
passive to help themselves.

It wants to usher Jim Crow law back into the nation and re-segregate our schools and society.
It's simply a way for race hucksters to line their pockets at the expense of society in general.
CRT is an idea that as been explored in upper levels of academia for decades.

And that's were it resides.

What the right wing racists are CALLING "CRT" is anything that doesn't promote their racist view of society.

Yes...slavery was bad
So much gaslighting.

The proponents of CRT do not even bother defending it anymore, they just pretend that it does not exist...

While demanding it is true at the same time.
And the memo from the Dept of Education, in 2013 when Macaulife was Governor, reveals the lie. He can insist all he wants that they are not teaching CRT, but the memo says “teachers should embrace CRT“ and “be race-conscious in all their teachings”

This actually INSTILLS racism. Instead of saying, “just teach math without focusing on the skin color of your students,” it says, basically, “be aware of which students are black and which are white when you are teaching math.”

CRT promotes racism.
One additional point: that the memo under Maculiffe is from 2013 shows how far back the leftists who have infiltrated our school system were trying to get CRT thinking into the classroom.

and finally, when the lying Dems insist that CRT is not being taught in Virginia, they mean there is no official class: CRT, Room 224, 1:00 - 2:00 pm. But CRT is more than that: it is a racist and anti-American ideology that is influencing what is taught in the schools.

Go, Youngkin!
What a crock. Slavery in THIS country was all ABOUT race. Some lie there , so what you want is for children to be taught the racist version of history and anything else is “CRT” huh?

You clearly know NOTHING about slavery and only ape what some half-Witted African studies professor told you to say.
Again, if slavery in THIS Country was all about race, then I ask you--Was it racism when the Indians had slavery? What about Black slave owners (13 percent of Free Blacks owned slaves, while just 1.4 percent of Free Whites owned them). What about White slaves? Was it all ABOUT race when Blacks owned Blacks and Whites owned Whites?
You want ALL these questions ignored in the discussion of Slavery in the US so that Whites are cast as uniquely culpable for Slavery in the world and therefore become easy targets for destruction. That is CRT
CRT doesn’t address the bigotry against Jews, either! A Jew is more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than is a black, I myself have experienced three.
That's true (and many times they are attacked because Blacks just see them as White).
Blacks are much more likely to commit hate crimes than White people are. Blacks,--who are just 12.5 percent of the population--commit close to 30 percent of the hate crimes which is a HUGE overrepresentation while Whites, who are about 60 percent of the population, commit just 38 percent for the Hate crimes, which is a HUGE Underrepresentation.
That is not an issue in CRT--only the hate crimes committed by White people are supposed to be a concern for society.
That's true (and many times they are attacked because Blacks just see them as White).
Blacks are much more likely to commit hate crimes than White people are. Blacks,--who are just 12.5 percent of the population--commit close to 30 percent of the hate crimes which is a HUGE overrepresentation while Whites, who are about 60 percent of the population, commit just 38 percent for the Hate crimes, which is a HUGE Underrepresentation.
That is not an issue in CRT--only the hate crimes committed by White people are supposed to be a concern for society.
Actually, I think blacks target Jews not because they see them as white, but they do see them as Jews. Just look at the antisemitism behind the BLM movement. I say it’s because blacks are both resentful and jealous of Jews because, despite such prejudice against them, they are generally more successful than the average American. It proves that you can’t blame racism for failures.

On another note, any psychologist will tell a person that it is easier to make changes to one’s own behavior than to demand people change the way people view you (without your making any changes.) If blacks changed the behavior in their own behavior - stop committing the disproportionate amount of violent crime, and stop having a massive OOW birthrate, thus perpetuating crime and poverty - you would see attitudes toward them improve.
Telling white children they are automatically racist just because they are white is a lie.
It’s also horribly racist, and promotes racist views toward whites. Ironic that this program is being rammed down the throats of children by the party that purports to be against racism.
Actually, I think blacks target Jews not because they see them as white, but they do see them as Jews. Just look at the antisemitism behind the BLM movement.
I think you give them more credit than they deserve. Every Black person I have debated cannot tell the difference between Jews and White Western people. I have to spend an inordinate amount of time explaining the difference. They just view Jews as wealthy White people, and Jews often live in close proximity to Blacks in neighborhoods like Crown Heights, BK, which is why, I believe, they end up getting attacked so often.
I do agree, though. I think that BLM leaders have added anti-Jewish rhetoric to their organization, likely due to the Mohammadian influence within. When I saw the very early BLM mobs in NYC sometime around 2015, I saw a few of them carrying Palestinian Flags, which was interesting, and telling.
So much gaslighting.

The proponents of CRT do not even bother defending it anymore, they just pretend that it does not exist...

While demanding it is true at the same time.
^^^^Nailed it^^^^^^
I think you give them more credit than they deserve. Every Black person I have debated cannot tell the difference between Jews and White Western people. I have to spend an inordinate amount of time explaining the difference. They just view Jews as wealthy White people, and Jews often live in close proximity to Blacks in neighborhoods like Crown Heights, BK, which is why, I believe, they end up getting attacked so often.
I do agree, though. I think that BLM leaders have added anti-Jewish rhetoric to their organization, likely due to the Mohammadian influence within. When I saw the very early BLM mobs in NYC sometime around 2015, I saw a few of them carrying Palestinian Flags, which was interesting, and telling.
Yes. The early rendition of the BLM charter was full of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel verbiage. In fact, some years ago they came out with a list of “demands,” and there were several that were harmful to Israel. Soros is a big funder of BLM and he is vehemently anti-Israel.
Yes. The early rendition of the BLM charter was full of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel verbiage. In fact, some years ago they came out with a list of “demands,” and there were several that were harmful to Israel. Soros is a big funder of BLM and he is vehemently anti-Israel.
I've also noticed that BLM has many atheistic, Anti-Israel Jews within their ranks. Have you noticed how many young Jews happen to also be anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian? My GF is a Russian Jew (whose family converted to orthodox Christianity before she was born), and she (in her late 20s) has so many Jewish friends that she grew up with who turned vehemently anti-Israel sometime about 5-10 years ago.
They are filled with revolutionary fervor against Israel and the Western world. Have you noticed this, too?
If so, what do you attribute this to?
I've also noticed that BLM has many atheistic, Anti-Israel Jews within their ranks. Have you noticed how many young Jews happen to also be anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian? My GF is a Russian Jew (whose family converted to orthodox Christianity before she was born), and she (in her late 20s) has so many Jewish friends that she grew up with who turned vehemently anti-Israel sometime about 5-10 years ago.
They are filled with revolutionary fervor against Israel and the Western world. Have you noticed this, too?
If so, what do you attribute this to?
Yes, of course I’ve noticed this. It’s a shame that liberal Jews are willing to further antisemitism by joining forces with the anti-Jew Israel-haters.

As to what I attribute it to, it’s that these Jews, almost all secular, are letting their liberalism - which divides groups into oppressed and oppressor, as defined by who is more successful and who less - override their connections to Judaism. (Some of the most adamant anti-Israel Jews are found among liberal college professors.)

So basically, it’s their liberalism causing them to side with those they see as oppressed (be they blacks, illegal immigrants, or Palestinians) and against those they see as the oppressors.

This could be a separate topic on a new thread which I might start tomorrow. (On an aside, I’ve recently joined an Orthodox synagogue, even though I’m far from Orthodox - typing away on Shabbos, oye vey! - because they’re not going on all the time about the awful Israel, and awful Trump, and moronic Trump voters. But I digress.)
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Yes, of course I’ve noticed this. It’s a shame that liberal Jews are willing to further antisemitism by joining forces with the anti-Jew Israel-haters.

As to what I attribute it to, it’s that these Jews, almost all secular, are letting their liberalism - which divides groups into oppressed and oppressor, as defined by who is more successful and who less - override their connections to Judaism. (Some of the most adamant anti-Israel Jews are found among liberal college professors.)

So basically, it’s their liberalism causing them to side with those they see as oppressed (be they blacks, illegal immigrants, or Palestinians) and against those they see as the oppressors.

This could be a separate topic on a new thread which I might start tomorrow. (On an aside, I’ve recently joined an Orthodox synagogue, even though I’m far from Orthodox - typing away on Shabbos, oye vey! - because they’re not going on all the time about the awful Israel, and awful Trump, and moronic Trump voters. But I digress.)
This would be a very great topic for it's own thread. My Gf, in particular, would love to see it. She really struggles with her Jewish heritage as she sees far too many Jews fitting those stereotypical seditious or revolutionary roles acting and leading revolts against the heritage and fundamental principals (and groups of people) in the US and other Western countries. I keep trying to point her in the direction of all the great Jews who are patriotic men and women of the West, but she needs to see more of that.
This would be a very great topic for it's own thread. My Gf, in particular, would love to see it. She really struggles with her Jewish heritage as she sees far too many Jews fitting those stereotypical seditious or revolutionary roles acting and leading revolts against the heritage and fundamental principals (and groups of people) in the US and other Western countries. I keep trying to point her in the direction of all the great Jews who are patriotic men and women of the West, but she needs to see more of that.
Thanks. Watch for the thread tomorrow afternoon. Hope I will see you there.

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