Va Falsified Records To Hide Long Appointment Delays


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Cpl. Jordan Buisman died on Nov. 26, 2012 while waiting for an appointment with a VA doctor in Minneapolis. He had been waiting 70 days at the time of his death and no telling how much longer it would have been. Experts say he may have lived if he had been seen within a reasonable time. Falsified VA records show that he called 4 days after his death to cancel his appointment. This is just one example of what some former VA employees said was standard practice. To hide the large number of people on the waiting list, records were illegally changed to show that patients were cancelling or re-scheduling appointments. This is shameful. Our veterans deserve better than this. We'll never know how many died needlessly because they couldn't get the help they needed and were promised.

Earlier this month KARE 11 News reported that two former employees had filed a formal whistleblower complaint with the Veterans Administration's Office of Inspector General claiming they were instructed to falsify records to make it appear that veterans were cancelling or delaying appointments. They say the practice allowed VA managers to hide long appointment delays.

"So it doesn't look like we're the ones causing the delay," former scheduler Letty Alonso told KARE 11. "It looks like the patient wants that delay."
Yes it is a shame..Fortunately the VA I go to did not do those things...
Our local VA wasn't as bad, but still over a month waiting time. I thought that was bad enough since some don't have any other options.
This administration has no respect for our veterans and doesn't care if they live or die. In fact, he would prefer they die.
Sad, but true, S.J. Right now, they are trying to ensure that there won't be as many veterans to worry about. The cuts in the military are deep and going way too far. Recruiting offices are still open because the administration would rather enlist people and pay them peanuts while giving experienced troops and officers the boot. They hate paying military people good pay so are getting rid of them. Not only saves money each month, but they denied them serving long enough to retire and get a pension. They want that money for illegal aliens and welfare recipients. Not to mention the bureaucrats and congress. They want military members to be willing to give their lives for their country, but not to expect much in return. They reserve their love for the illegal aliens who don't give a shit about this country and just come to make demands. Glad they have their priorities straight. Illegal aliens don't go without care, at least till the local hospitals go bankrupt and close their doors because too many illegals don't pay their bills. A lot of hospitals in California shut down because of illegals.

The VA is what all health care will be like if the government takes over. That is how they operate and people should wise up. Government won't get better at this if they are dealing with millions more people.
This administration has no respect for our veterans and doesn't care if they live or die. In fact, he would prefer they die.
Sure buddy, sure.. Never heard of Walter Reed? It even had problems through several presidents, but be sure to blame Oblama for the entire history of medical care problems at VA hospitals.You can throw in the Nam era also...derp
Sad, but true, S.J. Right now, they are trying to ensure that there won't be as many veterans to worry about. The cuts in the military are deep and going way too far. Recruiting offices are still open because the administration would rather enlist people and pay them peanuts while giving experienced troops and officers the boot. They hate paying military people good pay so are getting rid of them. Not only saves money each month, but they denied them serving long enough to retire and get a pension. They want that money for illegal aliens and welfare recipients. Not to mention the bureaucrats and congress. They want military members to be willing to give their lives for their country, but not to expect much in return. They reserve their love for the illegal aliens who don't give a shit about this country and just come to make demands. Glad they have their priorities straight. Illegal aliens don't go without care, at least till the local hospitals go bankrupt and close their doors because too many illegals don't pay their bills. A lot of hospitals in California shut down because of illegals.

The VA is what all health care will be like if the government takes over. That is how they operate and people should wise up. Government won't get better at this if they are dealing with millions more people.
Except for the fact that the care is administered through private enterprises....but don't let me stop your rants...
Sad, but true, S.J. Right now, they are trying to ensure that there won't be as many veterans to worry about. The cuts in the military are deep and going way too far. Recruiting offices are still open because the administration would rather enlist people and pay them peanuts while giving experienced troops and officers the boot. They hate paying military people good pay so are getting rid of them. Not only saves money each month, but they denied them serving long enough to retire and get a pension. They want that money for illegal aliens and welfare recipients. Not to mention the bureaucrats and congress. They want military members to be willing to give their lives for their country, but not to expect much in return. They reserve their love for the illegal aliens who don't give a shit about this country and just come to make demands. Glad they have their priorities straight. Illegal aliens don't go without care, at least till the local hospitals go bankrupt and close their doors because too many illegals don't pay their bills. A lot of hospitals in California shut down because of illegals.

The VA is what all health care will be like if the government takes over. That is how they operate and people should wise up. Government won't get better at this if they are dealing with millions more people.
Except for the fact that the care is administered through private enterprises....but don't let me stop your rants...

They run the VA according to government rules. And they don't get enough funding.
if you're really sick and sit around waiting until you die you're an idiot and deserve whatever comes your way...

God invented emergency rooms for guess what?


RW idiot troll thread alert !!!
if you're really sick and sit around waiting until you die you're an idiot and deserve whatever comes your way...

God invented emergency rooms for guess what?


RW idiot troll thread alert !!!

Some illnesses can't be dealt with in an emergency room. Many were waiting for the appointment so they could see specialists. They have to see the doctor first for tests and exams before being referred to specialists. I guess you don't understand that ERs are meant for emergency care and that doesn't include treatment for cancers and other illnesses. Get a clue.

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