VA Leftists walk out of opening prayer

With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.

Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.

A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together

Jesus Christ died on the cross, went to Hell and took they keys to Hell and Defeated Death, took the Deed to The Earth from Satan for Homosexuals and other sinners, and took the Deed (Scroll) to Earth and took The Crown of Adam back to rule again when The Age is Complete.

Homosexuals if they repent and quit Homosexuality will go to Heaven if they have accepted Christ and repent of their sins, just like a Drunk, Adulterer, or Murderer will who is truly sorrowful for their sins, but you cannot take The Lord's name in Vane and continue on in sin and be a pretender.

It is not Hate Speech to try to save a Homosexual from Eternal Damnation, so that he may receive eternal life in Christ.

BTW, that Scroll (Deed to The Earth) It has 7 seals on it, and the only ONE Worthy to Open it, Is Jesus Christ. It is the Scroll talked about in The Book of Revelation.

It is Jesus reading off The Deed to Earth in The Heavenly Court of God before a Jury of Angels and Believers and Old Testament and New Testament Saints. He breaks each of the 7 seals to open the scroll, and with breaking each cursed seal a seal judgment is pronounced and unleashed on The Earth, After the 7 seals are Broken He begins reading the Scroll and within it are 14 more Global Plagues to come until each one has been completed, and The Reading is Finished, then Christ takes full possession of The Earth and descends in to the Midst of Armageddon to wipe The World's Armies off of the face of Earth and establish his Kingdom.
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Anyone who stayed and didn't walk off would appear to support this "reverend's" overtly partisan politics and be praying for what he was praying about. He should have had more respect for the General Assembly. He was supposed to be addressing the Supreme Being on behalf of the entire Assembly and he failed to respect this fact. I'm thinking that the procedure of opening the proceedings of a government entity is not a good idea. There is plenty of time to pray or not before or after the official proceedings.
A black man is "partisan" toward Republicans? I thought such a man didnt exist.

I'm talking about the content of this prayer. The race of the person offering it is entirely irrelevant.

The race of the licensed minister is actually critically important.

The vast majority of African Americans are staunchly Normative. Sodomy is actually illegal in most of Africa. If you don't believe me, drive up to a street corner in you local ghetto, and ask the young men hanging out if they are gay. You'll find out I'm right.

If the D's were to nominate Buttigieg, he's going to have to go back into the "closet" for the general election IMHO.
Anyone who stayed and didn't walk off would appear to support this "reverend's" overtly partisan politics and be praying for what he was praying about. He should have had more respect for the General Assembly. He was supposed to be addressing the Supreme Being on behalf of the entire Assembly and he failed to respect this fact. I'm thinking that the procedure of opening the proceedings of a government entity is not a good idea. There is plenty of time to pray or not before or after the official proceedings.
A black man is "partisan" toward Republicans? I thought such a man didnt exist.

I'm talking about the content of this prayer. The race of the person offering it is entirely irrelevant.
His prayer sounded, what you would call, CONSERVATIVE. I can see why you're upset
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Glad they walked out then.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Glad they walked out on hate speech

The preacher was relaying God's word from the Bible and the murderous heathens didn't want to hear the truth..

Supporter of christian sharia, eh? :eusa_eh:
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

God DAMN those satan sexting queer loving baby killing sloth enabling for injecting politics into religion. Dman them all to hell for eternity! AHADIFDAIHA
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

The House leader cut him off PDQ. They won't invite that Reverend again.

Good for her.
What is a "heathen" and what does being such a thing have anything to do with the General Assembly? Moreover, you have cannot have any idea of what the beliefs are of those who walked out. This guy was trying to turn the General Assembly into a captive audience. This is unacceptable. If he wants to hold a prayer service in support of his views, he is welcome to do so before or after the official proceedings.
A heathen is someone who does NOT believe in GOD. Non-believer = HEATHEN. Thank you.

So a "heathen" is someone who believes that there is no supreme being? It's a synonym for "atheist"? Regardless, why is there this push by fundie supposed-"Christians" to find captive audiences that they can mis-identify as auditoriums or stadiums full of people who support the views of someone like frankie graham or jeffress or someone of that bunch? The Virginia General Assembly represents all of the people of the Commonwealth, yet this guy was trying to make it look like the entire body was praying for everything that he was asking for in his speech, regardless of the beliefs of the individuals who make up the General Assembly and their constituents.

Actually I'd say about 85-95% of real Virginians views would more align with those of the pastor. That's already been proven with the 2A sanctuary areas that now exist in the State, since the godless commies started threatening draconian gun laws.

The remote boondocks are not “real Virginia”

A lot of the remote boondocks of Virginia seceded from the slave based commonwealth in 1863 and became free West Virginia, should the others follow?
Maybe they should.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

I think the pastor should have focused on unity and things that all Virginians, all religions can agree. That said, I also think that this crop of Liberal Democrats that have taken over Virginia are going to push it and Virginia will vote for Trump and Republicans in November.

We shall see

Virginia is changing. It no longer depends on rural grown tobacco for revenue. The center of mass has now moved towards suburban DC and voters no longer cherish the old southern values

You mean the Judeo - Christian Ethic which made this country the Beacon of Freedom in The World.

I guess they don't teach you about the Puritans in Russian schools.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

typical dems stomping out free speech

With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.

Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.

A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together

Jesus Christ died on the cross, went to Hell and took they keys to Hell and Defeated Death, took the Deed to The Earth from Satan for Homosexuals and other sinners, and took the Deed (Scroll) to Earth and took The Crown of Adam back to rule again when The Age is Complete.

Homosexuals if they repent and quit Homosexuality will go to Heaven if they have accepted Christ and repent of their sins, just like a Drunk, Adulterer, or Murderer will who is truly sorrowful for their sins, but you cannot take The Lord's name in Vane and continue on in sin and be a pretender.

It is not Hate Speech to try to save a Homosexual from Eternal Damnation, so that he may receive eternal life in Christ.

BTW, that Scroll (Deed to The Earth) It has 7 seals on it, and the only ONE Worthy to Open it, Is Jesus Christ. It is the Scroll talked about in The Book of Revelation.

It is Jesus reading off The Deed to Earth in The Heavenly Court of God before a Jury of Angels and Believers and Old Testament and New Testament Saints. He breaks each of the 7 seals to open the scroll, and with breaking each cursed seal a seal judgment is pronounced and unleashed on The Earth, After the 7 seals are Broken He begins reading the Scroll and within it are 14 more Global Plagues to come until each one has been completed, and The Reading is Finished, then Christ takes full possession of The Earth and descends in to the Midst of Armageddon to wipe The World's Armies off of the face of Earth and establish his Kingdom.

WHy are we supposed to believe all that?
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

I think the pastor should have focused on unity and things that all Virginians, all religions can agree. That said, I also think that this crop of Liberal Democrats that have taken over Virginia are going to push it and Virginia will vote for Trump and Republicans in November.

We shall see

Virginia is changing. It no longer depends on rural grown tobacco for revenue. The center of mass has now moved towards suburban DC and voters no longer cherish the old southern values

You mean the Judeo - Christian Ethic which made this country the Beacon of Freedom in The World.

I guess they don't teach you about the Puritans in Russian schools.

I guess they don’t teach you about Hell in whatever Godless Commie School you went to.

No Worries. That’s your next Field Trip.
Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.
Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.
A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together
Jesus Christ died on the cross, went to Hell and took they keys to Hell and Defeated Death, took the Deed to The Earth from Satan for Homosexuals and other sinners, and took the Deed (Scroll) to Earth and took The Crown of Adam back to rule again when The Age is Complete.

Homosexuals if they repent and quit Homosexuality will go to Heaven if they have accepted Christ and repent of their sins, just like a Drunk, Adulterer, or Murderer will who is truly sorrowful for their sins, but you cannot take The Lord's name in Vane and continue on in sin and be a pretender.

It is not Hate Speech to try to save a Homosexual from Eternal Damnation, so that he may receive eternal life in Christ.

BTW, that Scroll (Deed to The Earth) It has 7 seals on it, and the only ONE Worthy to Open it, Is Jesus Christ. It is the Scroll talked about in The Book of Revelation.

It is Jesus reading off The Deed to Earth in The Heavenly Court of God before a Jury of Angels and Believers and Old Testament and New Testament Saints. He breaks each of the 7 seals to open the scroll, and with breaking each cursed seal a seal judgment is pronounced and unleashed on The Earth, After the 7 seals are Broken He begins reading the Scroll and within it are 14 more Global Plagues to come until each one has been completed, and The Reading is Finished, then Christ takes full possession of The Earth and descends in to the Midst of Armageddon to wipe The World's Armies off of the face of Earth and establish his Kingdom.
WHy are we supposed to believe all that?

Because it is written somewhere that all decent people must join his cult and rattle our tambourines very loudly so that the Supreme Being can hear. He's doing the best he can to destroy the Christian faith and lead everyone, regardless of what faith they might practice, to atheism, or at least agnosticism.
Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.
Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.
A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together
Jesus Christ died on the cross, went to Hell and took they keys to Hell and Defeated Death, took the Deed to The Earth from Satan for Homosexuals and other sinners, and took the Deed (Scroll) to Earth and took The Crown of Adam back to rule again when The Age is Complete.

Homosexuals if they repent and quit Homosexuality will go to Heaven if they have accepted Christ and repent of their sins, just like a Drunk, Adulterer, or Murderer will who is truly sorrowful for their sins, but you cannot take The Lord's name in Vane and continue on in sin and be a pretender.

It is not Hate Speech to try to save a Homosexual from Eternal Damnation, so that he may receive eternal life in Christ.

BTW, that Scroll (Deed to The Earth) It has 7 seals on it, and the only ONE Worthy to Open it, Is Jesus Christ. It is the Scroll talked about in The Book of Revelation.

It is Jesus reading off The Deed to Earth in The Heavenly Court of God before a Jury of Angels and Believers and Old Testament and New Testament Saints. He breaks each of the 7 seals to open the scroll, and with breaking each cursed seal a seal judgment is pronounced and unleashed on The Earth, After the 7 seals are Broken He begins reading the Scroll and within it are 14 more Global Plagues to come until each one has been completed, and The Reading is Finished, then Christ takes full possession of The Earth and descends in to the Midst of Armageddon to wipe The World's Armies off of the face of Earth and establish his Kingdom.
WHy are we supposed to believe all that?

Maybe if you got off of your lazy butt and researched it you’d understand why.

You cannot even explain to me why Man is exponentially different than all the other creatures of Earth.

You just accept whatever explanations The Left gives you with blind faith.

You have no explanations for fractal math.

You have no explanations as to why a galaxy 40 Billion Light Years Away looks the same as one 4 Million Light Years Away.

If there was a Big Bang the outer galaxies would be older and disorganized. They aren’t.

You believe in A Global Warming Catastrophe, but a book inspired of God which has been 100% accurate in its prophecies which tells you that this age will end in judgments 1.000 times more severe than any imagined consequences of so called Global Warming, you won’t believe.

You won’t believe The Bible is a Love Story for you with instructions on how to make it back Home to your Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus.

But you will believe in Nothingness, Evolution, The Green New Deal, and Socialism, and believe that neither you or a baby has a Soul, so what is it to you to destroy the body?

If there is no God, there is No Love, for Love comes from God and is a gift from

You Celebrate Saint Valentines Day yet deny why Saint Valentine Sacrificed his life out of Love to God who sent His only son in Love to save man.

Why should you believe?

Are you a man created special and apart from everything else in God’s image, or are you a Dog, a Monkey, No Better than a bug you squash or a Steak you eat?

If you have to ask why should you believe all that, I have to ask why don’t you?

Saint Valentine - Wikipedia
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The Rev. Robert Grant Jr. of the Father’s Way Church in Warrenton, Va., delivered the opening prayer for the session; this duty goes to clergy members from a variety of faiths, and their prayers “are usually nonpolitical,” the Virginia Mercury reports. But Grant did not shy away from political issues.

He told House members that they risked God’s wrath for not following the Bible.

It's a slippery slope from the Whore of Babylon to outright rejection of the Almighty Loving God straight to witchcraft and fallen women embracing the Beast!
I would respect his beliefs if it also included those born. It does not.
Sin is not a political issue. You are either for it and against God or against it and for God!

The Rev. Robert Grant Jr. of the Father’s Way Church in Warrenton, Va., delivered the opening prayer for the session; this duty goes to clergy members from a variety of faiths, and their prayers “are usually nonpolitical,” the Virginia Mercury reports. But Grant did not shy away from political issues.

He told House members that they risked God’s wrath for not following the Bible.


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