Vacate the Utah NSA site and use it to store nuclear waste


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Since we never constructed the Yucca Mountain nuclear storage facility, I can think of no better use for the Police State institution known as the NSA Data site in Utah than to store spent plutonium rods.

Also, Orin Hatch gots some 'splaining to do.

Vacate it, then put it to proper use
What???? Are you saying that you don't agree with 62 per cent of our fellow Amerikans whom believe that its important for the government to investigate terrorist threats even if it intrudes on personal privacy?
[Beauteous. A little poetry for a Monday morn.

Four dead in Benghazi after State yanked almost all the Ambassador's security and the only person in jail is the producer of a film trailer the Administration tried to use to blame the attack and deaths on immediately afterwards. Then you have the George Zimmerman trial where the State of Florida, Al Sharpton, MSNBC, the Democratic Party and the NAACP are trying to set precedent by, namely, if you are a white person confronted by a black man YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to defend yourself in any manner, or to protect your personal property, your possessions or your family.

Ladies and Gents, welcome to the old Soviet Union, Nikita, Uncle Joe, Lavrenti, and Vladimir still live on in our age of Comrade Barack.]

"You better watch out, You better not try

Joining a Tea Party, I’m telling you why

The NSA is coming to town.

They’ve got their list. They won’t check it twice.

They’ve got your emails. And being a Patriot’s a vice.

The NSA is coming to town.

They know what you’ve been saying. They taped all you phone calls

They know how you voted. So Vote democrat or don’t vote at all.

So you better watch out. You better not try.

Don’t pray to your God. I’m telling you why

The NSA is coming to town."

The NSA is Coming to Town
Stop PRISM and turn the Dark Star site into a nuclear waste dump. End the obama tyranny.
Dick Cheney went on the telly yesttiday to support the NSA's surveillance program, but Cheney, like the introduction to George Lucas's "StarWars" is still living "Once upon a time in a galaxy, far, far away" for unlike he and his former boss George W Bush when they were both in office, Barack Obama is neither American citizen, nor American patriot, whose interest extends not one iota in the direction of the welfare of the American people. Mr Obama and the Democrats firmly believe that the Capitalist system and the society it begat can be infinitely raped, looted, expropriated, and exploited for the purposes of appropriating all that stolen wealth to the population sub groups that can provide them the most votes to enable them to stay in office. What would have happened if Planned Parenthood had run afoul of the IRS during the Bush years? With the TeaParty vs the Irs, its been "Nothing to see here! Move along now!" since day one.

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