Vaccinated? Boosted? Nervous? Try These Remedies

All of which inactivate the Spike Protein. And yeah, sorry, Ivermectin is on the list, but didn't we know that? Well, some of us did.

Here it is:

Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Nigella Seed
Milk Thistle Extract

For our infections, we took IVM the first time, along with Vitamins D and C, Zinc, and I take Milk Thistle already. For our second, thanks to the defunct and corrupt govt, we couldn't get IVM so we took the above plus Quercetin. I have also added Curcumin and just ordered NAC. For myself, I will save the Quercetin and NAC if I get infected again, but take the others daily.

We had mild infections both times. You....just do not want that spike protein around.

ETA: if you were vaxxed and especially boosted you might want to take more of these all the time. IMO

The only ones who should be nervous are those unvaccinated.
Doctors gave you:


and so many others. But I'm sure it will be fine! Get another booster!

"Doctors" gave my mother and three of my brothers the "treatments" that killed them.

"Doctors" gave my husband the drug that killed him.

"Doctors" gave my friend the drug that destroyed her kidneys, so that she now must spend three or four days a week in dialysis which, by the way, is paid for by taxpayers. My friend was so disabled that she can no longer work for a living. Anybody have any idea how much a day of dialysis costs?

"Doctors" gave me Lyrica, the drug that did so much damage to my body that nobody here has the time to read all about it. This is the same drug that got Pfizer a $2.3B (that's BILLION) RICO fine for the shady marketing practices they used to fast-track it into the bodies of Americans, AFTER using clinical trials that were 100% fabricated by the likes of this subhuman POS:

"Medicine" was the third largest killer of adults, BEFORE "Covid" and the jab came along.

"Doctors" are, with very few exceptions, murderers. I have worked with a few who were actual practitioners of the healing art. Most of them burned out or died.

Ask yourself how many HEALTHY people you know today and then, if you're lucky enough to have lived that long, think about how fewer chronically sick people there were back in the 60's, 50's or even 40's.

My great grandma died just a couple months shy of 99. My grandma was 90 when she died. My mom was 65 when she died. A trend?

I quit using "doctors" about twelve years ago and I have now outlived every member of my immediate family.

It’s the willfully ignorant right’s war on facts, science, and the truth – conservatives seeking to drag America into a Dark Age of fear and ignorance.

why don't you check out my threads and look at the science coming in. Peer reviewed, etc.

I’m sticking with John’s Hopkins, AMA, Harvard, DoH, CDC, Mayo Clinic, WHO, over a 2021 organization put together on the fly by antivaxers

From your link:

"Doctors" gave my mother and three of my brothers the "treatments" that killed them.

"Doctors" gave my husband the drug that killed him.

"Doctors" gave my friend the drug that destroyed her kidneys, so that she now must spend three or four days a week in dialysis which, by the way, is paid for by taxpayers. My friend was so disabled that she can no longer work for a living. Anybody have any idea how much a day of dialysis costs?

"Doctors" gave me Lyrica, the drug that did so much damage to my body that nobody here has the time to read all about it. This is the same drug that got Pfizer a $2.3B (that's BILLION) RICO fine for the shady marketing practices they used to fast-track it into the bodies of Americans, AFTER using clinical trials that were 100% fabricated by the likes of this subhuman POS:

"Medicine" was the third largest killer of adults, BEFORE "Covid" and the jab came along.

"Doctors" are, with very few exceptions, murderers. I have worked with a few who were actual practitioners of the healing art. Most of them burned out or died.

Ask yourself how many HEALTHY people you know today and then, if you're lucky enough to have lived that long, think about how fewer chronically sick people there were back in the 60's, 50's or even 40's.

My great grandma died just a couple months shy of 99. My grandma was 90 when she died. My mom was 65 when she died. A trend?

I quit using "doctors" about twelve years ago and I have now outlived every member of my immediate family.


All of this. Every word. Though I am sorry for these losses--unbelievable.

I used to sniff at naturopathy and pretty much anything other than vitamins as treatments. But now, I treat several things with natural remedies with BETTER results than the drugs. Because we know how it goes: the drug causes this side effect, so then you need ANOTHER drug for that....etc.

And you have a GREAT point about medical error and how many people it kills. You're aware of this right citygator

Oooo, another PROOF from the Cult Of The White Coated Priests.

I’m sure your medical expertise is unquestioned - by you. I on the other hand will avoid fringe morons and follow the advice of real medical professionals.
I’m sticking with John’s Hopkins, AMA, Harvard, DoH, CDC, Mayo Clinic, WHO, over a 2021 organization put together on the fly by antivaxers

From your link:
View attachment 744078

Interesting. But which ones? The AMA still gives the death shots to babies...does the WHO recommend that? Because several European nations don't recommend it or have outright BANNED the shots for young children and babies.
I’m sure your medical expertise is unquestioned - by you. I on the other hand will avoid fringe morons and follow the advice of real medical professionals.

The doctors who gave her family members terrible drugs: were they morons or no?

how about all the deaths caused by medical malpractice?

Face it: you're worshipping "expertise". It rarely deserves it, and not especially when it involves you putting experimental drugs in your body: 2, 3, 4 times and more.
All of this. Every word. Though I am sorry for these losses--unbelievable.

I used to sniff at naturopathy and pretty much anything other than vitamins as treatments. But now, I treat several things with natural remedies with BETTER results than the drugs. Because we know how it goes: the drug causes this side effect, so then you need ANOTHER drug for that....etc.

And you have a GREAT point about medical error and how many people it kills. You're aware of this right citygator
A doctor in a specific instance isn’t infallible. The aggregate learnings of doctors and scientists is extremely trustworthy- that’s why you wouldn’t go to a third world country and drink untreated water. Those experts told you it may kill you or at least make you very sick. That’s also why you know not to have unprotected sex with HIV+ folks. Doctors learned that.

And while I don’t know the medical situations of your or please’s friends most situations involve very sick people that doctors couldn’t save and their family blames the doctors.
Why would we be nervous?

You are infected more.

And the "protection" against hospitalization and death is waning fast.

That is--if you survive the vaccines. :(

When a jabbie says to us, "You should be nervous", they are saying in code, "I know that I have been duped into taking something that will very likely kill me and the only way I can cope with this is by lashing out at those who were more intelligent than I and saved themselves".

They furiously despise us for the fact that we have not taken the same poison.


When a jabbie says to us, "You should be nervous", they are saying in code, "I know that I have been duped into taking something that will very likely kill me and the only way I can cope with this is by lashing out at those who were more intelligent than I and saved themselves".

They furiously despise us for the fact that we have not taken the same poison.

No one cares about your badge of “freedom” to not get vaccinated. We saw so many unvaxed who died that the ones who didn’t die prove nothing. The only mission the unvaxed have is to pretend they were smart by listening to fringe con artists. Go be free. I don’t care. Just stop the misinformation.
A doctor in a specific instance isn’t infallible. The aggregate learnings of doctors and scientists is extremely trustworthy- that’s why you wouldn’t go to a third world country and drink untreated water. Those experts told you it may kill you or at least make you very sick. That’s also why you know not to have unprotected sex with HIV+ folks. Doctors learned that.

And while I don’t know the medical situations of your or please’s friends most situations involve very sick people that doctors couldn’t save and their family blames the doctors.

Oh. They're extremely trustworthy in the aggregate?

So when the CDC declined to tell people that exercise helps with Covid--for over TWO years--that was "extremely trustworthy"?

Or when they pulled the J&J shot because it causes blood clots?

How about when they made schools close for weeks, months and up to a year--that was "extremely trustworthy"? How about masks on toddlers?

You're being willfully naive. I understand why, but you shouldn't cast aspersions on those who held back. I think it's easy to see we took a rational path--maybe at this point, the better one.
A doctor in a specific instance isn’t infallible. The aggregate learnings of doctors and scientists is extremely trustworthy- that’s why you wouldn’t go to a third world country and drink untreated water. Those experts told you it may kill you or at least make you very sick. That’s also why you know not to have unprotected sex with HIV+ folks. Doctors learned that.

And while I don’t know the medical situations of your or please’s friends most situations involve very sick people that doctors couldn’t save and their family blames the doctors.

Every "doctor" who has studied medicine in the US has been indoctrinated into accepting that the system gives them plausible deniability.

They know that only in rare cases will they ever be held liable for the damage they inflict.

The great part about this is that the kill shot debacle is going to change this.

The shit is going to hit the fan over the quaccine deaths and many, many "doctors" are going to be scapegoated.

This is as it should be.

No one cares about your badge of “freedom” to not get vaccinated. We saw so many unvaxed who died that the ones who didn’t die prove nothing. The only mission the unvaxed have is to pretend they were smart by listening to fringe con artists. Go be free. I don’t care. Just stop the misinformation.

And now the vaxxed are dying. Oh wait, no, the heart attacks are caused by...climate change. Yeah.
No one cares about your badge of “freedom” to not get vaccinated. We saw so many unvaxed who died that the ones who didn’t die prove nothing. The only mission the unvaxed have is to pretend they were smart by listening to fringe con artists. Go be free. I don’t care. Just stop the misinformation.

You obviously do.

Here you are.

A doctor in a specific instance isn’t infallible. The aggregate learnings of doctors and scientists is extremely trustworthy- that’s why you wouldn’t go to a third world country and drink untreated water. Those experts told you it may kill you or at least make you very sick. That’s also why you know not to have unprotected sex with HIV+ folks. Doctors learned that.

And while I don’t know the medical situations of your or please’s friends most situations involve very sick people that doctors couldn’t save and their family blames the doctors.

I see that your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable is functioning well.

Isn't technology wonderful?

Oh, BTW, I disagree with your post.


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