Vaccinated vs previously infected: who spreads the virus more?


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people.
I'm thinking that vaxxed people who have never been infected are going to spread the virus more easily when they finally do become infected than previously infected non vaxxed people.
You’re just thinking or you saw a medical study that shows that?
Re-infection rates are one of many incomplete research studies currently being accumulated.

And they are going to be regional initially but eventually conglomerated with outliers removed to an average and then configured. (I know someone working on that study... even brought her cookies at Christmas)
The "debate" is a worthless sideshow.

Delta and any ensuing mutations are and will be less life threatening, and we're at the point of herd immunity for the original.

It's long past time to ignore the panic porn and get on with living.
Tell that to Texas that is running out of ICU beds. Shipping patents to other hospitals and out of state, calling for medical help from other states, and stopping elective surgeries in many hospitals.

No biggie… right?
Tell that to Texas that is running out of ICU beds. Shipping patents to other hospitals and out of state, calling for medical help from other states, and stopping elective surgeries in many hospitals.

No biggie… right?
Sorry, immune from the panic porn too, loser.

The CDC Director said similar in interview on CNN recently.

I have posted the link in several threads about it.

18 to go
I would think that vaxxed people who have never been infected might not know when they become infected, especially if the jab minimizes the sickness. I don't hear much about unvaxxed people who have been previously infected getting it twice. Perhaps this is why vaccinated people have become known as super spreaders.
The CDC Director said similar in interview on CNN recently.

I have posted the link in several threads about it.

18 to go
It sounds like a rather silly statement to me. Vaxed vs post positive… why are we comparing those groups again?
I can't imagine. All I know is that you see the world through the eyes of a lefty.
Maybe, maybe not… that really doesn’t matter when debating topics like this. So make your point. Why are we comparing post positive people and vaxed people?
Maybe, maybe not… that really doesn’t matter when debating topics like this. So make your point. Why are we comparing post positive people and vaxed people?
Post an answer to the opening post first, then we can pursue your derailment question.
I promise...
None of the participants or those referenced in this thread are epidemiologists...

I personally know many as my wife worked with several.

There's literally trillions of dollars being poured into research right now. Some of it private and some public.

The "public" numbers or current research articles you are seeing are not accurate whatsoever. Those are nothing more than political agenda numbers and claims.

Everything is highly preliminary at this moment.

Yes, masks help prevent the spread but ONLY if everyone is wearing them properly and without exception. And we are talking about militancy seen only in communist countries....where you might get shot on the spot for removing your mask....beaten if improperly wearing it.

Currently there's over 3000 different drugs with funding to understand their effects on those who have been infected.

All sorts of population studies are currently ongoing. None are complete.

The real numbers and interim results are being very carefully kept guarded by those conducting the studies.
Because Epidemiologists are thieves....they think nothing about stealing a subordinate's work and slapping their own name in place of the originator. I've seen it many times before. As it is now it won't get published unless you put the boss's name on it even though he/she didn't lift a finger to assist but instead actually tried to block it. That's how cutthroat the field is.

So... unless I see verified research by true epidemiologists I'm not going to believe anything...the field was once large but has shrunk since cancer research has lost a lot of funding. Now those left were scrapping over crumbs...but now with a global on!

And epigenetics (ancestral history) also plays a role in immunology...

This stuff is just gearing up...

Nothing is clear yet... nothing is really known.
You're right. They know nothing...but they sure are pushing that political agenda like their lives depend on it...and one will. :wink:
Post an answer to the opening post first, then we can pursue your derailment question.
My answer would be that I’d have to look at study’s but if I’m guessing I’d say that whomever has a more sever case would spread more. I have no clue how vaxed antibodies compare to “natural” antibodies. Now can you explain why we are comparing these two groups?

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