Vaccines are safe

Then why won’t the FDA fully approve them and with young kids, which I have I am a little concerned?

100% of every drug that has ever been recalled by the FDA was approved by the FDA.

So. Knowing this, what is the actual value in promoting the idea that something is safe just because the FDA approved it?

Personally, I'd abolish the FDA. It's one of the most corrupt government agencies there are. It's a revolving door between government and the industry with lobbyists serving as doorman.

Placing that aside, historically speaking, more Americans have died from approved pharmaceutical drugs than illegal drugs, by far.
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At this point, any and all opposition to the vaccines should be considered criminal activity.

Better that now than the consequences later over this ridiculous support of Trump's agenda that has proven to be so destructive.

Assuming that it's not too late already?


That is literally the dumbest thing I have seen today.

Move to Australia so you can be locked in your home to obey. And obey. And obey.

Oh, and turn your kids over to be used as research test subjects.

Good lord.
I think Merck knowing it was going to be a #vaccinegenocide jab opted out I think you’re right.
100% of every drug that has ever been recalled by the FDA was approved by the FDA.

So. Knowing this, what is the actual value in promoting the idea tha tsomething is safe just because the FDA approved it?

Placing that aside, historically speaking, more Americans have died from approved pharmaceutical drugs than illegal drugs.
Every time I read a thread about this upcoming deadline for FDA approval, I think of previous reports about major inefficiencies within the ranks of FDA. NPR had an informative segment several years ago regarding FDA’s bi-annual fiasco of a regular backload of meds, either black boxed without any reason connected to testing but due to staffing inadequacies along with passing others through that later fail.

Does any reader know if the situation has improved with FDA’s bi-annual backed up drugs fiasco? If they are still the ball fumblers they were that’s on the governmental end which needs a thorough scrub down.
Every time I read a thread about this upcoming deadline for FDA approval, I think of previous reports about major inefficiencies within the ranks of FDA. NPR had an informative segment several years ago regarding FDA’s bi-annual fiasco of a regular backload of meds, either black boxed without any reason connected to testing but due to staffing inadequacies along with passing others through that later fail.

Does any reader know if the situation has improved with FDA’s bi-annual backed up drugs fiasco? If they are still the ball fumblers they were that’s on the governmental end which needs a thorough scrub down.
I'm wondering how many people are dying out there due to medical malfeasance at these hospitals. First it was ventilators and Remdesivir which CDC was recommending before approved for EUA by FDA even and now CDC is recommending Also who is footing the bill for these hospitals to kill people? Zinc prevents viruses from attaching, Licorice root stops the replication and natural C and D boost the immune system. Plus a host of other reasonable less destructive and debilitating treatment options available
I'm wondering how many people are dying out there due to medical malfeasance at these hospitals. First it was ventilators and Remdesivir which CDC was recommending before approved for EUA by FDA even and now CDC is recommending Also who is footing the bill for these hospitals to kill people? Zinc prevents viruses from attaching, Licorice root stops the replication and natural C and D boost the immune system. Plus a host of other reasonable less destructive and debilitating treatment options available
Yes! Just yesterday this factor that inadequate medical care is actually killing some of the patients by inducing a coma for tube placement when the patient needs to clear their lungs is total lunacy! Which doctors actually support this measure? I must be missing a piece of this puzzling factor as it just makes zero sense. Considering the doctors’ ethical promise to first do no harm, that failed strategy goes against the concept of doing no harm completely. Now of course it was nationally reported that people were dying because there was no access to ventilators, but it appears details were left out to reveal the full picture. Unbelievable. There is no excuse that hospitals weren’t fully stocked with PPE and ventilators. We’ve had more than a few catastrophic warnings prior yet total medical response ineptness all around.
The OP suggests that Covid rarely impacts children. That's wrong and shouldn't be promoted by anyone. People take that kind of lying bullshit seriously and so that's what I would call irresponsible and depending on the final outcome, criminal behaviour.

But don't fret over it, I'm sure I'm trying to set the bar too high for this forum.
Or should I say, too high for Americans?

Let's wait to see how Alabama manages it. Some doctors are predicting the collapse of the medical system so maybe that could bring some of the chickens home.

As always, best wishes from Canada.
Lots of people lie here...or are accused of lying. It isn’t against the rules. If it were....we’d have no posters.
In order for the FDA to approve them for children, they first have to pass the results of the clinical trials, which are still ongoing. That was a really dumb question. Alpha was the strain that rarely affected children. Delta is not. Kids still aren't dying because the strain hasn't become more lethal, but how it overwhelms the immune system has. Many more children are ending up in the hospital than ever before.

Myocarditis is caused by the spike protein. People have gotten myocarditis from covid19 infections as well. Getting a mild case of myocarditis from a vaccine is way more pleasant to deal with than getting it while also having to fight off a deadly viral infection of covid19. The ppl who get it from the shot, would very likely have gotten it anyway once they were infected, and at this point, it's almost assured with the way delta is spreading. It's time to drop the whole myocarditis thing, as an antivax talking point. There have been a thousand reports of myocarditis after 177 million ppl have gotten the shot. That is literally 0.0005649718%.
Lots of people lie here...or are accused of lying. It isn’t against the rules. If it were....we’d have no posters.
Doing harm to other people is the issue, not lying.
We Canadians are more proactive on protecting our rights and freedoms. That's generally seen by Americans as trampling on the rights and freedoms of others.

I've replied to you because I still have some respect for your behaviour and manners, not to debate the issue here in a clusterfuk of nonsensical fools.

That's the main reason why we still lead the world on rights and freedoms.

If you have anything more to say in respect to the harm Americans do to their fellow Americans, you might want to follow up on my suggestion that the anti-vaxxers and their nonsense is harmful.
Doing harm to other people is the issue, not lying.
We Canadians are more proactive on protecting our rights and freedoms. That's generally seen by Americans as trampling on the rights and freedoms of others.

I've replied to you because I still have some respect for your behaviour and manners, not to debate the issue here in a clusterfuk of nonsensical fools.

That's the main reason why we still lead the world on rights and freedoms.

If you have anything more to say in respect to the harm Americans do to their fellow Americans, you might want to follow up on my suggestion that the anti-vaxxers and their nonsense is harmful.
Yet people are dying in hospital hallways and you don’t have a true military as you rely on the US. This thread is about concern for my kids due to heart issues that they may experience from the vaccines. I cited an article. And you want me banned? I also have donated countless pints of blood and platelets as a COVID19 survivor to help those who have had the virus and could not recover on their own. What have you done sans complain. This is a US Messageboard so see yourself out.
Both Pfizer and Moderna should receive full FDA approval by first week September - at latest. For kids, unsure about those dates, but emergency authorization should happen around the same time.

End useless thread now.
Doing harm to other people is the issue, not lying.
We Canadians are more proactive on protecting our rights and freedoms. That's generally seen by Americans as trampling on the rights and freedoms of others.

I've replied to you because I still have some respect for your behaviour and manners, not to debate the issue here in a clusterfuk of nonsensical fools.

That's the main reason why we still lead the world on rights and freedoms.

If you have anything more to say in respect to the harm Americans do to their fellow Americans, you might want to follow up on my suggestion that the anti-vaxxers and their nonsense is harmful.
We Canadians are more proactive on protecting our rights and freedoms.
Hilarious. You Canadians arrest people for walking their dogs or buying shoes and prosecute people for saying Islam is controlled by people who’s intent is violence.
At this point, any and all opposition to the vaccines should be considered criminal activity.

Better that now than the consequences later over this ridiculous support of Trump's agenda that has proven to be so destructive.

Assuming that it's not too late already?


No, opposition to a new technology never before tested on humans is not criminal activity. What you espouse happened in nazi germany and is an abomination to the world.

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