Vaccines Work So Well That 97% Vaccinated Brown University Bans All Gatherings

Stupid Moon Bats want the government to force vaccinations because they love the government controlling their lives more than life itself.

Unfortunately, this theme pervades our politics. People today want freedom from choice.
Control. Isn’t that obvious?
Not really. It seems more likely they want to do something to protect people from covid. I think they're on the wrong track, that there are better ways to deal with it, but I don't think it's because they want "control".

You guys seem pretty invested in demonizing those you disagree with. That might work for getting the base all riled up, but for everyone else it just makes you look crazy.
Not really. It seems more likely they want to do something to protect people from covid. I think they're on the wrong track, that there are better ways to deal with it, but I don't think it's because they want "control".

You guys seem pretty invested in demonizing those you disagree with. That might work for getting the base all riled up, but for everyone else it just makes you look crazy.
Like I said, you know fucking nothing about human nature.

Let's use an extreme example for the sake of illustration....Did Hitler or any General have to order the Waffen SS (one of the very few of the Nazi military branches that you volunteered for) troops to be the sadistic war criminal monsters that they were, or did they volunteer and become subsequently selected because they would do the things that they did as a matter of who they were?
Like I said, you know fucking nothing about human nature.

Let's use an extreme example for the sake of illustration....Did Hitler or any General have to order the Waffen SS (one of the very few of the Nazi military branches that you volunteered for) troops to be the sadistic war criminal monsters that they were, or did they volunteer and become subsequently selected because they would do the things that they did as a matter of who they were?
Yes! Extreme examples! Now we're talking. X-treme baby. Demoncats! Sling it!
Not really. It seems more likely they want to do something to protect people from covid. I think they're on the wrong track, that there are better ways to deal with it, but I don't think it's because they want "control".

You guys seem pretty invested in demonizing those you disagree with. That might work for getting the base all riled up, but for everyone else it just makes you look crazy.
It’s control. What else would explain the utter illogic of demonizing unvaccinated people when it is extremely clear that vaccines do not prevent transmission?
It It has always been about your mountain of GOP garbage treasonous propaganda. A catastrophe for the country and the world.....
Where have the feckless democrats been this whole time, hiding in the corner?
It’s control. What else would explain the utter illogic of demonizing unvaccinated people when it is extremely clear that vaccines do not prevent transmission?
That's the only explanation you can think of? You think maybe they're just wrong? No way - they're evil! Go team!
Yes! Extreme examples! Now we're talking. X-treme baby. Demoncats! Sling it!
Demmunists would be a more accurate name.
The democrat party’s hijacking by marxists has come full circle. Their latest generation has zero perspective on the Cold War.
So you lied which time, that you can or can’t get Rona when vaxxed?
The answer is always the same, you can get it if vaccinated but only 6% as often and much less severe. No one has died who is vaccinated basically. If we could get 90% vaccinated the disease would end. Just like smallpox and measles. Except in GOP idiot areas of course now.
You haven't made an argument or a point to rebut. You've merely ranted like a nut. That's all you guys ever do. And then you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
You responded with nothing about the impact of a generaration with no perspective on the cold war.
You haven't made an argument or a point to rebut. You've merely ranted like a nut. That's all you guys ever do. And then you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
And you've answered none of the questions put to you.

All you've done is accuse others of acting like tin foil hat wearing nuts, and provided no reasoning whatsoever behind your horribly naive "well, they must be doing it for a good reason" argument.

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