Vaccines Work So Well That 97% Vaccinated Brown University Bans All Gatherings

For what purpose? Who benefits from the submission?
What purpose?
No tin foil hat shit....Tyrants gonna tyrant just like viruses gonna virus.

They don't need a reason......And you're a serious fucking dope to believe that you're going to get supplied with one by asking them.

See, that gets you nowhere because anyone listening to your ranting will just write you off as a nut. The people implementing the statist policies aren't diabolical monsters from comic books. They're mostly well-intended people who have some dangerous misconceptions about the nature of government. But that's a long sentence, with a couple of big words, and it will confuse the rubes. So let's just go with "Tyrants!". :rolleyes:
See, that gets you nowhere because anyone listening to your ranting will just write you off as a nut. The people implementing the statist policies aren't diabolical monsters from comic books. They're mostly well-intended people who have some dangerous misconceptions about the nature of government. But that's a long sentence, and confusing for rubes. So let's just go with "Tyrants!". :rolleyes"
There's your first naive mistake....You think these assholes are "well-intended".

Hayek spelled this out very clearly from an historical perspective, in The Road to Serfdom....You do know who Hayek is, right?

I see. They want to bring slavery back, and the pandemic was a diabolical scheme to condition us. You're guys are freakin' geniuses.
You obviously have no clue how Commie governments have always operated the past century.
Stop wasting our time, this forum is for educated people. Go to the PlayStation forums.
I see. They want to bring slavery back, and the pandemic was a diabolical scheme to condition us. You're guys are freakin' geniuses.
Didn't need to be a scheme of forethought.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste".

They're doing it right up in your face, and you're too busy contemplating your navel looking for logic to see it.
You obviously have no clue how Commie governments have always operated the past century.
Stop wasting our time, this forum is for educated people. Go to the PlayStation forums.
Yes, your time is obviously very valuable. ;) Please don't waste any of it responding to my posts.
Most people are, yes. I guess you can call that naive. I can live with that. Beats batshit crazy.
Then you are beyond ignorant of human nature and history....You're in active denial of them.

Get with mac and resume your usual mutual jackoff sessions of haughty piety.....It'll make you both feel better about yourselves.
Then you are beyond ignorant of human nature and history....You're in active denial of it.

Get with mac and resume your usual mutual jackoff sessions of haughty piety.
Still nothing. Just whacky accusations and insults. Jackoff indeed.
They're not confused....Their sowing confusion, in order to keep the state of chaos in play for as long as possible.
The vaccines are 94% effective or less, which means 6% are liable to get breakthrough infections. Much less serious but still very contagious for people who can't get The shot. Get the damn shot and stop being so goddamn ignorant. Change the channel.
I'm not the one in active denial of documented aspects of human nature and history, jackass.
No, you're the one screeching about tyrants and Dr. Fauci and the aliens and their diabolical plans to turn us all into zombies. Or something. :cuckoo:

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