Vaccines Work So Well That 97% Vaccinated Brown University Bans All Gatherings

I've never denied the holocaust. Do you have any proof that I have? Or is this just another whacky, unfounded claim that you won't backup?

I post a picture of a sad artifact from the Holocaust, and you talk about space lasers and aliens. Fuck you.
A better analogy would be since seatbelts aren't 100% effective, your fellow DemoKKKrats should ban driving. Just as vaccines less than 100% effective are resulting in leftists banning all activities involving more than one person.
According to crap propaganda from the GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Another strawman argument, born of your rank naivete about human nature.

Nobody needs an agenda...It's about that kind of power attracting to it the people, for whom that power is an end unto itself.

They give not one single flying fuck about rhyme nor reason...They just rule and you will obey.
Hilariously ironic, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel. 90% of the world thinks you are nuts along with Rupert Murdoch and your internet crazies.
It's the other 3% that are the problem. It's been shown time after time that the hospitals are overflowing with patients who have refused to be vaccinated.

It's a choice that's become so political that it's becoming a circular firing squad of extreme right anti-vaxxers!
Good to hear. This is the usual pattern. Unhinged Trumpsters make a lot of ludicrous claims and insinuations, then skulk away when asked to defend them.
I made a cogent observation about human nature that requires no silly conspiracy...The same observation made by libertarian titans like Bastiat, Hayek, Rothbard, Rand, etcetera....And you just glossed over it, like nothing was said.

Why is that?
I made a cogent observation about human nature that requires no silly conspiracy...
Nope. You said that this wasn't about safety. You said it was all about submission. You went on and on about tyrants and authoritarians etc...

And then when I asked you to defend your silly screeching, you didn't.
Nope. You said that this wasn't about safety. You said it was all about submission. You went on and on about tyrants and authoritarians etc...

And then when I asked you to defend your silly screeching, you didn't.
Scroll back up, Spanky, and re-read #120 for comprehension.

"Safety" is as disingenuous a rubric for the left as "patriotism" is for the right.....If you were any kind of libertarian other than the "DUUUDEWEEED!" libertarian, you'd already know that.
Scroll back up, Spanky, and re-read #120 for comprehension.

"Safety" is as disingenuous a rubric for the left as "patriotism" is for the right.....If you were any kind of libertarian other than the "DUUUDEWEEED!" libertarian, you'd already know that.
I guess I just don't share your comic book view of the world. The people promoting bad government aren't evil. They're just wrong. And it's our job to explain why they're wrong.

But if you insist on paranoid fantasy and ridiculous accusations, your views will be dismissed - even by those who might otherwise agree with you.
I already did. Now, you made a claim. Defend it or keep dodging.

How does the ruling elite benefit from people wearing masks? Are you suggesting they all own stock in mask companies?

No, you have dodged the question like the plague.

Why is it ok for the ruling elite to go maskless, while they demand the peasants wear them when they are provably of no value.

Is it because they aren't "sophisticated"?
97% vaccinated... Every positive case was asymptomatic...

Gee, i wonder if these two facts are connected?

Sooooo, get vaccinated to protect the vaccinated.

Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?
Nobody makes that statement and you offer it up as a false flag.
The “examples” you offer are failed comparatives because they were derived from years of research and were implemented over 50 years ago with proven track record of success. Covid is an ongoing experiment with humans as the guinea pigs with no proven solution in sight including any additional vaccination experimentation. Stop using as your “rebuttal” your made up statement that No One is saying anyway.

Nonsense. We’ve known Vaccines work for a century and a half. We’ve known how Vaccines work that long too. We know that it reduces the probability of you getting sick, and if you are exposed, and do get sick, we know that the illness will most probably, but not definitely, be far less severe.

Now after a century and a half, suddenly vaccines are mysterious and complicated.

What they did with Covid was take an existing vaccine, remove the other virus, and insert COVID. It’s the same thing they do every year for the Flu Shot. Which flu virus to use is determined and production started about a year before it’s needed. The scientists guess which flu will be prevalent.

Did any of you have a Health Class in High School? I ask because this was covered when I was in school. And it was covered when I was a Sergeant in the Army. Public Health theory is vital to maintaining your soldiers health and combat effectiveness.

Now, suddenly it’s all bullshit. Sure it’s been tried and true for a century and a half, but it’s all a lie because some nutter website said so. Doctors are lying. Doctors with extensive experience in communicable disease are lying. But some idiot who never drove by a Medical School is the one we need to listen to.

Idiocy. Want to know how the nation falls? We join Pol Pot in denouncing and deposing the educated people.

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