Valerie Plame....Idiot Bimbo Or Scheming Witch?

Interesting that all the links sprinkled throughout the OP's that seem to indicate the OP is backing up opinions with the evidence to support the opinions being ranted about. There is actually nothing in the OP's rant that is substantiated. Some might consider that kind of thing to be dishonest and question why such dishonesty is needed to make an opinion and fraudulent statements anything even remotely accurate.
The OP bought the talking points from the Right, hook, line, and sinker.
At the March 16, 2007, hearing, the Committee heard the first public testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson. A statement cleared for public release by CIA Director Michael Hayden established definitively that Ms. Wilson had worked at the CIA “on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States”; that she had taken “serious risks on behalf of her country”; that she was “covert” at the time Mr. Novak’s column was published; and that her “employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.”3 The cleared statement also established that “maintaining her cover was critical to protecting the safety of both colleagues and others” and that the disclosure of her employment “placed her professional contacts at greater risk” and “undermined the trust and confidence with which future CIA employees and sources hold the United States.”4

Did Hayden ever deny the assertion? Or are we going to continue to get the echo chamber of talking points?

Some non-sourced blog of anti-Bush opinions....horseshit. And this is the last response to you if you're too fucking lazy to start a new post instead of adding on to half a dozen others...fair garbage is close to IGNORE status.

The "Some non-sourced blog of anti-Bush opinions....horseshit" is from the Committee On Oversight And Government Reform. :dunno: I left a the link! I copied the information I posted directly from the Congressional site. :eusa_angel:
You're thinking hard about putting me on ignore. Would it because you can't dispute my posts and that I use documented facts?
I have friends who were also USMC and they can handle things a lot better than you. In other words, if you can't take the heat, well just get out of the kitchen.
I have presented an honest debate, no talking points or bullshit from hyper-partisan resources. Try it some time.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Interesting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

Notice the wording...."had been". Not was at the time of the outing...had served at various times overseas...not at the time of the outing...

Victoria tonsing [sic], an attorney who helped create the law,that was created to prosecute people who outed agents spoke about the exact definition and the reason they created it...they had to prevent the guys who sold out our spies while protecting whistle blowers....

from what I remember, she had to have been listed as covert at the time of the outing, living overseas with a detailed cover identity....and no she hadn't been overseas int the covered time period and she wasn't living under a detailed cover history, and she was not designated as,covert at the time....she was parking in the CIA parking lot every day for work......
Who's heard of Victoria Toensing since then? She had her 15 minutes.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Interesting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

Notice the wording...."had been". Not was at the time of the outing...had served at various times overseas...not at the time of the outing...

Victoria tonsing [sic], an attorney who helped create the law,that was created to prosecute people who outed agents spoke about the exact definition and the reason they created it...they had to prevent the guys who sold out our spies while protecting whistle blowers....

from what I remember, she had to have been listed as covert at the time of the outing, living overseas with a detailed cover identity....and no she hadn't been overseas int the covered time period and she wasn't living under a detailed cover history, and she was not designated as,covert at the time....she was parking in the CIA parking lot every day for work......
Who's heard of Victoria Toensing since then? She had her 15 minutes.

I think that's a pretty accurate statement. Victoria was blowing smoke without any knowledge of the specifics.
Libby was disbarred after being convicted of a felony in relation to the Plame affair.[3]

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairsand Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[4] andAssistant to the President during theadministration of President George W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indictedby a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[5][6][7] Plame's position at the CIA was considered classified information.[5] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements tofederal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[8]
Scooter Libby - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Cheney was pissed at Bush for not pardoning Libby.
Libby was disbarred after being convicted of a felony in relation to the Plame affair.[3]

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairsand Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[4] andAssistant to the President during theadministration of President George W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indictedby a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[5][6][7] Plame's position at the CIA was considered classified information.[5] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements tofederal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[8]
Scooter Libby - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Cheney was pissed at Bush for not pardoning Libby.

Of course... Libby was innocent and wrongly convicted. He should have been pardoned.
Libby was disbarred after being convicted of a felony in relation to the Plame affair.[3]

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairsand Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[4] andAssistant to the President during theadministration of President George W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indictedby a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[5][6][7] Plame's position at the CIA was considered classified information.[5] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements tofederal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[8]
Scooter Libby - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Cheney was pissed at Bush for not pardoning Libby.

Of course... Libby was innocent and wrongly convicted. He should have been pardoned.
Apparently Bush didn't agree with you.
Libby was disbarred after being convicted of a felony in relation to the Plame affair.[3]

From 2001 to 2005, Libby held the offices of Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairsand Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States[4] andAssistant to the President during theadministration of President George W. Bush.

In October 2005, Libby was indictedby a federal grand jury concerning the investigation of the leak of the covert identity of Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame Wilson.[5][6][7] Plame's position at the CIA was considered classified information.[5] Libby was indicted on five counts relating to the Plame affair: Two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements tofederal investigators, and one count of obstruction of justice. Libby resigned all three government positions immediately after the indictment was announced.[8]
Scooter Libby - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Cheney was pissed at Bush for not pardoning Libby.

Of course... Libby was innocent and wrongly convicted. He should have been pardoned.
Apparently Bush didn't agree with you.

So? It's not the first time.

If he'd have listened to me about Iraq, US losses would have been under 50 and ISIS wouldn't be in Iraq, given that we're still decades away from where the radiation would be anywhere close to where one could hope to live for more than a few weeks after going there.
Why bother? You have fingers and google....just read what Patrick Fitzgerald disclosed in his investigation....

facts are facts, she was a covert operative for the CIA at the time she was exposed. There is NO question about it...and no twisting and turning and lying from conservatives on this is EVER going to change the facts....

google is your friend....if you let it be...

Quick...tell me everything you know about the difference between a covert operative, an operations officer, and station intel specialist.....GO!
I realize you have been fooled and blinded by the right, you need to learn how to research things, without using biased sources....and trust me, I know it's hard because the Media is filled with both left leaning sources and right leaning and practically nil of those that are neutral!!!

In this case, I went to the actual filings of the proceedings that took place and the statements of Patrick Fitzgerald....

-Not from a right wing source that claims Patrick was trying to make a name for himself yadahyadahyadah...ala, he knew about Armitage being the leaker early on....etc etc etc.

-Nor from a left wing source that said Patrick Fitzgerald was a right winger put in there to investigate so that only a peon would get the blame for what the Vice President ad Karl Rove DID....and P Fitzy did the job the right wing hired him for...he let the Vice President go.

And YOU ARE WRONG on her covert status and a bunch of other right wing spin machine allegations as well...

From the filed court hearings....this is a small clip of it, but you and every person on this site, needs to read this official document, here is a part from page 12 out of 18 pages that you should read all of, every word, so you can truly understand what really happened.

Here is the full link for the official Court document:


Patrick Fitzgerald
First, it was clear from very early in the investigation that Ms.Wilson qualified under the relevant statute (Title 50, United States Code,Section 421) as a covert agent whose identity had been disclosed by public officials, including Mr.Libby, to the press.
Now tell me, if this whole incident had happened in the Obama Administration, you all would be making the same sad excuses of meaningless drivel that Obama and Vice Pres Biden were innocent and this was all a set up by a Democratic special prosecutor trying to make a name for himself? It's laughable, no?

So, please, all of you, JUST STOP with passing the lies, just because you WANT to believe them, doesn't mean they are true....even if done in ignorance on yours and other's still does not mean the lies are nothing less than lies that the President's and Vice President's rumor mill and media hounds tied to these offices, put out there for you all to grab on to and hang your hat on...

@ BullKurtzUSMC Billyc Bripat9643 Vigilante tootall where_r_my_keys
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See how these moonbats ran from the fight and now slink back around thinking they can find their missing teeth and declare victory? This "Care4all" googler still refuses to answer a simple question about types of CIA employees....why? because she hasn't got a clue, yet continues to be condescending in her ignorance. I tell ya, we're fighting most of the world and a third our own folks.....and they think they've got a chance to ruin this country? They don't....they don't have the stomach for a real fight with us.
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Bottom line in my OP? Plame had ZERO FEAR of being kidnapped or killed by "foreign agents"....she and her bum husband were clearly publicity hounds. Plame was NOT a covert agent...probably had never been one actively seeking foreign contacts....she's simply not smart enough to pull it off. Plame purposefully RETWEETED an outing of a real CIA agent with a past in foreign intrigue would ever do such a thing. And last? I'm the only person on this board who's ever worked (albeit briefly) at Langley as an outside (Army) instructor in briefing and debriefing forward observation combat teams in the field. You'd never recognize a CIA operative...they're chosen for their ordinary looks and won't notice them or remember them. Now take a look at Plame.
See how these moonbats ran from the fight and now slink back around thinking they can find their missing teeth and declare victory? This "Care4all" googler still refuses to answer a simple question about types of CIA employees....why? because she hasn't got a clue, yet continues to be condescending in her ignorance. I tell ya, we're fighting most of the world and a third our own folks.....and they think they've got a chance to ruin this country? They don't....they don't have the stomach for a real fight with us.

Please, baffling with bull sh*t doesn't work on me....try again.

I don't declare victory btw, that's for the immature ones, the children on the board.
Bottom line in my OP? Plame had ZERO FEAR of being kidnapped or killed by "foreign agents"....she and her bum husband were clearly publicity hounds. Plame was NOT a covert agent...probably had never been one actively seeking foreign contacts....she's simply not smart enough to pull it off. Plame purposefully RETWEETED an outing of a real CIA agent with a past in foreign intrigue would ever do such a thing. And last? I'm the only person on this board who's ever worked (albeit briefly) at Langley as an outside (Army) instructor in briefing and debriefing forward observation combat teams in the field. You'd never recognize a CIA operative...they're chosen for their ordinary looks and won't notice them or remember them. Now take a look at Plame.
Why do you keep repeating LIES? It's right there, in the Court Documents, that Plame was a covert agent at the time of the "outing" by bush administration officals, and that it was a concerted effort on these administration officials to out Plame, in order to try to discredit the TRUTH of what her husband told the press... It was not just relayed to Novak by mistake by Armitage, Karl Rove also told Novak, and Libby told Judith Miller and Ari Fleisure around the precise time as well...

I don't need to know ALL the different positions held by people in the Cia, nor do YOU know all the names and positions of people who work for the CIA, but Valerie Plame WAS defined as a COVERT AGENT for the CIA at the time of her outing and the LAW, stated in my quote from Patrick Fitzgerald, with Statute code regarding the outing of COVERT AGENTS was broken and this is why Patrick Fitzgerald continued in his investigation, even after he knew Armitage did the initial outing to Novak...along with Rove.
Page 12

determine who disclosed information about Ms. Wilson to various reporters, including – but not limited to – Mr. Novak.
From these facts, it is argued either that the entire investigation should have been quickly terminated or that it was inappropriate that at the end of the investigation only Mr. Libby was charged. We address both arguments below.

1. Termination of the Investigation

The assertion that the collective facts known at an early point in the investigation warranted a summary termination of the investigation does not stand up to close scrutiny.

First, it was clear from very early in the investigation that Ms. Wilson qualified under the relevant statute (Title 50, United States Code, Section 421) as a covert agent whose identity had been disclosed by public officials, including Mr. Libby, to the press.

Early in the investigation, however, the critical issue remained as to precisely what the particular officials knew about Ms. Wilson’s status and what the officials intended when they disclosed her identity to the media. Moreover, in assessing the intent of these individuals, it was necessary to determine whether there was concerted action by any combination of the officials known to have disclosed the information about Ms. Plame to the media as anonymous sources, and also whether any of those who were involved acted at the direction of others.

This was particularly important in light of Mr. Libby’s statement to the FBI that he may have discussed Ms. Wilson’s employment with reporters at the specific direction of the Vice President....

continued on next page

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