Valerie Plame....Idiot Bimbo Or Scheming Witch?

How in the world you come to a conclusion that a person can be re-outed is beyond weird. What do you think that even means? It is beyond obvious that you are making a dishonest attempt to dishonor and trash an American hero

Who's more famous and followed on social media, Loretta.....Plame or Greenwald? If you weren't a brain dead drunk and heroin addict you'd know that Plame would never contribute to the outing of a covert operator....that in itself is ample evidence she never was one.
One of her major concerns was for the safety of those she worked with, when her identity was revealed. Very dirty politics on the part of the Right.

So she feared being waterboarded or her nipples hooked up to jumper cables to reveal who.......the parking attendant was? :laugh: You dirtballs have no idea what you're talking about....Plame wasn't working with anybody worth knowing and hadn't for years.
Guess you didn't read my post before you posted it. I said she feared for those she worked with, ie those who collaborated with her in finding weapons of mass destruction. Apparently some were harmed according to a link posted earlier. Dirty politics for sure and Libby was convicted for it.
Guess you didn't read my post before you posted it. I said she feared for those she worked with, ie those who collaborated with her in finding weapons of mass destruction. Apparently some were harmed according to a link posted earlier. Dirty politics for sure and Libby was convicted for it.

You're talking through your ass.....she never left US soil after the 1990s if then. She knew of some Iraqi scientists in Saddam's old program but they weren't proving useful and were written off. The stunt of sending Wilson to Niger was their ploy to use it as a career move and done without official sanction....why would the CIA try to countermand what the President and Colin Powell were saying....that's treason and that's what she and Wilson should have been indicted, convicted, and hanged for.[/QUOTE]
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One of her major concerns was for the safety of those she worked with, when her identity was revealed. Very dirty politics on the part of the Right.

So she feared being waterboarded or her nipples hooked up to jumper cables to reveal who.......the parking attendant was? :laugh: You dirtballs have no idea what you're talking about....Plame wasn't working with anybody worth knowing and hadn't for years.
Guess you didn't read my post before you posted it. I said she feared for those she worked with, ie those who collaborated with her in finding weapons of mass destruction. Apparently some were harmed according to a link posted earlier. Dirty politics for sure and Libby was convicted for it.

Crocodile tears.
Wilson was correct and still proven correct, in all these years....

And Plame DID NOT get her husband the job to go to Niger...

That's a fact, jack....

A Cia Task force chose Wilson for the job in a meeting they were having about it and then they called Plame in to this meeting for about 5 minutes to ask her if she would ask her husband if he would do it, and then she left the task force meeting on this.... All present at this meeting has said this....Plame was not in any way part of their decision to ask Wilson to go there.

But THAT is the LIE the Vice President wanted his cronies to spread in the try to discredit the facts that Wilson uncovered when down there.

READ THE COURT HEARINGS on this....The link has been posted a few times.
Wilson was correct and still proven correct, in all these years....

And Plame DID NOT get her husband the job to go to Niger...

That's a fact, jack....

A Cia Task force chose Wilson for the job in a meeting they were having about it and then they called Plame in to this meeting for about 5 minutes to ask her if she would ask her husband if he would do it, and then she left the task force meeting on this.... All present at this meeting has said this....Plame was not in any way part of their decision to ask Wilson to go there.

But THAT is the LIE the Vice President wanted his cronies to spread in the try to discredit the facts that Wilson uncovered when down there.

READ THE COURT HEARINGS on this....The link has been posted a few times.

Guess you didn't read my post before you posted it. I said she feared for those she worked with, ie those who collaborated with her in finding weapons of mass destruction. Apparently some were harmed according to a link posted earlier. Dirty politics for sure and Libby was convicted for it.

You're talking through your ass.....she never left US soil after the 1990s if then. She knew of some Iraqi scientists in Saddam's old program but they weren't proving useful and were written off. The stunt of sending Wilson to Niger was their ploy to use it as a career move and done without official sanction....why would the CIA try to countermand what the President and Colin Powell were saying....that's treason and that's what she and Wilson should have been indicted, convicted, and hanged for.
Well, Colin, Bush and Cheney were lying to get us into Iraq, and Scooter was convicted. He escaped prison but Bush refused to pardon him.
Well, Colin, Bush and Cheney were lying to get us into Iraq, and Scooter was convicted. He escaped prison but Bush refused to pardon him.

Nobody lied about Iraq's WMDs...they were trucked into Syria by russian spetsnaz. And for last time, Scooter was convicted of perjury for tiny differences in his recollection of events and refusing to disclose classified information.....Fitzgerald should have been disbarred for what he did.
Sorry to bust this bubble of propaganda that you live in, but Plame traveled 7-10 times for the CPD of the CIA since she had joined this division in 2002

Now get a grip on reality, and accept that you were fooled by the right wing rumor mill, pretty please.

Undercover travel The unclassified summary of Plame's employment with the CIA at the time that syndicated columnist Robert Novak published her name on July 14, 2003 says, "Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for who the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Plame worked as an operations officer in the Directorate of Operations and was assigned to the Counter proliferation Division (CPD) in January 2002 at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

The employment history indicates that while she was assigned to CPD, Plame, "engaged in temporary duty travel overseas on official business." The report says, "she traveled at least seven times to more than ten times." When overseas Plame traveled undercover, "sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias -- but always using cover -- whether official or non-official (NOC) -- with no ostensible relationship to the CI

Plame was covert agent at time of name leak - politics NBC News
Sorry to bust this bubble of propaganda that you live in, but Plame traveled 7-10 times for the CPD of the CIA since she had joined this division in 2002

Plame was covert agent at time of name leak - politics NBC News

Traveled where? Your links are either meaningless or misleading and to add anything from the leftist cretins at NBC or the NYTimes to this discussion shows you for what you are....a prog airhead who despised Bush for being an American MAN instead of a deviate hustler like Clinton or a homosexual muslim like your current squatter in the WH.
If it has anything to do with politics in anyway, only the progressive agenda makes itself a permanent home in wiki.

simply not true...the facts exposed show otherwise.

Facts and opinions ain't the same thing....I'm sure this is shocking to you but it's links as usual. :rolleyes-41:
Why bother? You have fingers and google....just read what Patrick Fitzgerald disclosed in his investigation....

facts are facts, she was a covert operative for the CIA at the time she was exposed. There is NO question about it...and no twisting and turning and lying from conservatives on this is EVER going to change the facts....

google is your friend....if you let it be...

Fitzgerald was told early on that Armitage outed Plame, but he had to make a name for himself and pursue Administration officials. If that isn't in Wiki, it should be.
Wilson was correct and still proven correct, in all these years....

And Plame DID NOT get her husband the job to go to Niger...

That's a fact, jack....

Both claims are wrong.

A Cia Task force chose Wilson for the job in a meeting they were having about it and then they called Plame in to this meeting for about 5 minutes to ask her if she would ask her husband if he would do it, and then she left the task force meeting on this.... All present at this meeting has said this....Plame was not in any way part of their decision to ask Wilson to go there.

But THAT is the LIE the Vice President wanted his cronies to spread in the try to discredit the facts that Wilson uncovered when down there.

READ THE COURT HEARINGS on this....The link has been posted a few times.

Plame s Input Is Cited on Niger Mission

Former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, dispatched by the CIA in February 2002 to investigate reports that Iraq sought to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program with uranium from Africa, was specifically recommended for the mission by his wife, a CIA employee, contrary to what he has said publicly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Administration officials told columnist Robert D. Novak then that Wilson, a partisan critic of Bush's foreign policy, was sent to Niger at the suggestion of Plame, who worked in the nonproliferation unit at CIA. The disclosure of Plame's identity, which was classified, led to an investigation into who leaked her name.
How in the world you come to a conclusion that a person can be re-outed is beyond weird. What do you think that even means? It is beyond obvious that you are making a dishonest attempt to dishonor and trash an American hero

Who's more famous and followed on social media, Loretta.....Plame or Greenwald? If you weren't a brain dead drunk and heroin addict you'd know that Plame would never contribute to the outing of a covert operator....that in itself is ample evidence she never was one.
You are tripping over your own lies. Try to keep up. Maybe take some handwritten notes. You are the one that accused Plame of qoute "re-outing" another agent. You are so unaware that you probably don't even know who the alleged other agent is. So, who is the brain dead one? My post is mocking your silly ass for making up a word like "re-outing".
You are tripping over your own lies. Try to keep up. Maybe take some handwritten notes. You are the one that accused Plame of qoute "re-outing" another agent. You are so unaware that you probably don't even know who the alleged other agent is. So, who is the brain dead one? My post is mocking your silly ass for making up a word like "re-outing".

I didn't want to know who the woman she helped expose was and neither would any real American...that leaves you out.....and as far as "mocking" somebody you're only exposing yourself as a leftist dirtbag with a drug habit....your right to vote should be taken away if it isn't already.
One of her major concerns was for the safety of those she worked with, when her identity was revealed. Very dirty politics on the part of the Right.

So she feared being waterboarded or her nipples hooked up to jumper cables to reveal who.......the parking attendant was? :laugh: You dirtballs have no idea what you're talking about....Plame wasn't working with anybody worth knowing and hadn't for years.
You sure sound like a creepy dude. What kind of person imagines that crap and thinks it's cool to post on the net and put his perversion out into the public?

But here is another link to add to the many you have to ignore to believe in the agenda your master recently gave you suckers to promote. They issued the orders shortly after the House Torture Report was made public and chatter began about interest in possible war crimes investigations. An overall campaign of discrediting potential witnesses was begun. Here is some of what the people who are worried have to worry about being revisited. Also answers the claim that you and your friends try to make that Plame's exposure did no harm.
See if any of you leftist turds can focus long enough to read this....I doubt it.

‘I’m Not a Lawyer’ and Other Distortions From Valerie Plame
By: Amanda Carpenter
3/19/2007 03:01 AM
It’s a good thing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald never had to prove that former CIA agent Valerie Plame was “covert” or not before she outed herself with a full-page photo spread in Vanity Fair. Judging from her testimony on Capitol Hill last week she would bring Fitzgerald’s batting average down considerably.

The hearing, a media extravaganza produced and directed by Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) featured Plame in a well-guarded role. Citing security concerns, Waxman didn’t permit Republicans to ask or answer the questions Plame’s political adventures demand.

Now, almost four years after the Bush administration allegedly leaked her identity to news reporters to undermine her husband Ambassador Joe Wilson Plame still can’t give a straight answer when asked if she was a covert agent under the Intelligence Identities Protection Act when this happened.

Wilson had taken a CIA-sponsored trip to Niger and found evidence that he said refuted President Bush’s information on Iraq’s nuclear weapons programs. Consequently, he hawked this story at a forum sponsored by the Democratic Senatorial Policy Committee in May 2003, which Plame attended. The next day he had a breakfast meeting with reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post about his speech that Plame said she was at as well. He later wrote a nationally-published piece for the Times that said intelligence on weapons of mass destruction had been manipulated to go to war with Iraq. A week a later, on July 14, 2003 conservative journalist Bob Novak wrote a column about Wilson’s “findings” that mentioned his wife Valerie Plame was an “agency [CIA] operative on weapons of mass destruction.”

These events triggered a series of investigations that resulted in the pending imprisonment of Scooter Libby. Libby was eventually found guilty of obstructing justice and lying about how he learned of Valerie Plame’s identity.

Fitzgerald was unable to prove that Libby knew Plame was a “covert”, either in court or when he discussed her with reporters. Valerie Plame can’t prove it either.

In 1982, Congress passed the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. This law makes it a federal crime to knowingly reveal the identity of a CIA agent who has conducted covert roles overseas within five years of the disclosure. To violate this law, the person who disclosed the agent’s identity must have been aware that the agent was “covert” at the time of the disclosure.

Additionally, in order to prosecute anyone who discloses the identity of a covert agent it is imperative that the government prove she was indeed “covert.”

At this point, no one, least of all Fitzgerald, has done this.

When she testified to the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform Ranking Member of the committee Rep. Tom Davis (R.-Va.) asked Plame, “The Intelligence Identities Protection Act makes it a crime to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert agent, which has a specific definition under the act. Did anyone ever tell you that you were so designated?”

Wilson didn’t give a straight answer. She told Davis, “I’m not a lawyer.”

To clarify, Davis asked, “What I’m asking is, for purposes of the act — and maybe this just never occurred to you or anybody else at the time — but did anybody say that you were so designated under the act or was this just after it came to pass?”

“No, no one told me that,” Plame replied.

Rep. John Yarmuth (D.-Ky.) asked her, “Without destroying or disclosing classified information, what does ‘covert’ mean?”

Wilson said, “I’m not lawyer, but my understanding is that the CIA is taking affirmative steps to ensure that there’s not links between the operations officer and the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s that simple.”

Washington lawyer Victoria Toensing, former chief counsel or the Senate Intelligence Committee and former deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration testified to the committee shortly after Plame. Toensing said the definition of “covert” wasn’t as simple as Plame said it was.

Toensing helped write the 1982 Identities Protection Act legislation and insisted “She [Plame] was not a covert agent under the Act.”

“Nobody was ever charged with knowing that she was covert” Toensing explained. “Therefore she wasn’t covered by the statute.”

The act defines a “covert” agent as one whose undercover status is classified, has been assigned to foreign duties within the past five years, and which the government has made a concerted effort to conceal the identity. As Toensing explained in a January 2005 column, “This requirement does not mean jetting to Berlin or Taipei for a week’s work. It means permanent assignment in a foreign country. Since Plame had been living in Washington for some time when the July 2003 column was published, and was working at a desk job in Langley (a no-no for a person with a need for cover), there is a serious legal question as to whether she qualifies as ‘covert.’”

Plame testified that she believed her covert status was more fluid. She said, “Just like a general is a general whether he is in the field in Iraq or Afghanistan; when he comes back to the Pentagon, he’s still a general,” she told the committee. “In the same way, covert operations officers who are serving in the field, when they rotate back for temporary assignment in Washington, they too are still covert.”

Chairman Henry Waxman told Toensing he was “stunned” with her assessment that Plame was not covert at the time of Novak’s disclosure. Waxman told Toensing, “General Hayden, the head of the CIA, told me personally that she was — that if I said that she was a covert agent, it wouldn’t be an incorrect statement.”

Toensing asked him, “Does he want to swear that she was a covert agent under the Act?”

“I’m trying to say this as carefully as I can,” Waxman said. “He reviewed my statement. And my statement was that she was a covert agent.”

“So he didn’t say it was under the Act,” Toensing clarified.

“Well, OK, so you’re trying to define it exactly under the Act,” Waxman said.

“That’s important,” she said. Waxman didn’t permit Toensing to explain further the definition of a covert agent under the Act.

He cut her off abruptly. “No, no, no. No, no, no” Waxman said. “I’m not giving you—I’m not yielding my time to you. So that’s your interpretation.” Then, Waxman changed the subject.

So far, neither Plame, nor Waxman, nor Hayden or anyone else has been able to show that by law Plame was a covert agent on July 14, 2003.

Valerie Plame isn’t a lawyer, but Patrick Fitzgerald and Victoria Toensing both are. And bottom line of this case is that Fitzgerald hasn’t been able to prosecute anyone under the law Toensing helped write and Plame and her Democrat allies continue to exploit.

Plame isn’t through, by any means. There will be more hearings and much more media coverage. Perhaps — in a closed session in which she testifies under oath – Republicans can start getting to the bottom of the Plame Game.

I m Not a Lawyer and Other Distortions From Valerie Plame Human Events
Wilson was correct and still proven correct, in all these years....

And Plame DID NOT get her husband the job to go to Niger...

That's a fact, jack....

Both claims are wrong.

A Cia Task force chose Wilson for the job in a meeting they were having about it and then they called Plame in to this meeting for about 5 minutes to ask her if she would ask her husband if he would do it, and then she left the task force meeting on this.... All present at this meeting has said this....Plame was not in any way part of their decision to ask Wilson to go there.

But THAT is the LIE the Vice President wanted his cronies to spread in the try to discredit the facts that Wilson uncovered when down there.

READ THE COURT HEARINGS on this....The link has been posted a few times.

Plame s Input Is Cited on Niger Mission

Former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, dispatched by the CIA in February 2002 to investigate reports that Iraq sought to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program with uranium from Africa, was specifically recommended for the mission by his wife, a CIA employee, contrary to what he has said publicly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Administration officials told columnist Robert D. Novak then that Wilson, a partisan critic of Bush's foreign policy, was sent to Niger at the suggestion of Plame, who worked in the nonproliferation unit at CIA. The disclosure of Plame's identity, which was classified, led to an investigation into who leaked her name.
so you go and use the very newspapers that the administration tried to use to promote their propaganda through 'unnamed administrative officials' and I use the congressional hearings and court documents where officials had to testify under oath....

hmmmm, who to believe?

Wilson told the truth, Saddam did not purchase yellowcake from Niger...Saddam did not have nukes and Saddam was not trying to develope his nuclear program. PERIOD
See if any of you leftist turds can focus long enough to read this....I doubt it.

‘I’m Not a Lawyer’ and Other Distortions From Valerie Plame
By: Amanda Carpenter
3/19/2007 03:01 AM
It’s a good thing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald never had to prove that former CIA agent Valerie Plame was “covert” or not before she outed herself with a full-page photo spread in Vanity Fair. Judging from her testimony on Capitol Hill last week she would bring Fitzgerald’s batting average down considerably.

The hearing, a media extravaganza produced and directed by Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) featured Plame in a well-guarded role. Citing security concerns, Waxman didn’t permit Republicans to ask or answer the questions Plame’s political adventures demand.

Now, almost four years after the Bush administration allegedly leaked her identity to news reporters to undermine her husband Ambassador Joe Wilson Plame still can’t give a straight answer when asked if she was a covert agent under the Intelligence Identities Protection Act when this happened.

Wilson had taken a CIA-sponsored trip to Niger and found evidence that he said refuted President Bush’s information on Iraq’s nuclear weapons programs. Consequently, he hawked this story at a forum sponsored by the Democratic Senatorial Policy Committee in May 2003, which Plame attended. The next day he had a breakfast meeting with reporters from the New York Times and Washington Post about his speech that Plame said she was at as well. He later wrote a nationally-published piece for the Times that said intelligence on weapons of mass destruction had been manipulated to go to war with Iraq. A week a later, on July 14, 2003 conservative journalist Bob Novak wrote a column about Wilson’s “findings” that mentioned his wife Valerie Plame was an “agency [CIA] operative on weapons of mass destruction.”

These events triggered a series of investigations that resulted in the pending imprisonment of Scooter Libby. Libby was eventually found guilty of obstructing justice and lying about how he learned of Valerie Plame’s identity.

Fitzgerald was unable to prove that Libby knew Plame was a “covert”, either in court or when he discussed her with reporters. Valerie Plame can’t prove it either.

In 1982, Congress passed the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. This law makes it a federal crime to knowingly reveal the identity of a CIA agent who has conducted covert roles overseas within five years of the disclosure. To violate this law, the person who disclosed the agent’s identity must have been aware that the agent was “covert” at the time of the disclosure.

Additionally, in order to prosecute anyone who discloses the identity of a covert agent it is imperative that the government prove she was indeed “covert.”

At this point, no one, least of all Fitzgerald, has done this.

When she testified to the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform Ranking Member of the committee Rep. Tom Davis (R.-Va.) asked Plame, “The Intelligence Identities Protection Act makes it a crime to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert agent, which has a specific definition under the act. Did anyone ever tell you that you were so designated?”

Wilson didn’t give a straight answer. She told Davis, “I’m not a lawyer.”

To clarify, Davis asked, “What I’m asking is, for purposes of the act — and maybe this just never occurred to you or anybody else at the time — but did anybody say that you were so designated under the act or was this just after it came to pass?”

“No, no one told me that,” Plame replied.

Rep. John Yarmuth (D.-Ky.) asked her, “Without destroying or disclosing classified information, what does ‘covert’ mean?”

Wilson said, “I’m not lawyer, but my understanding is that the CIA is taking affirmative steps to ensure that there’s not links between the operations officer and the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s that simple.”

Washington lawyer Victoria Toensing, former chief counsel or the Senate Intelligence Committee and former deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration testified to the committee shortly after Plame. Toensing said the definition of “covert” wasn’t as simple as Plame said it was.

Toensing helped write the 1982 Identities Protection Act legislation and insisted “She [Plame] was not a covert agent under the Act.”

“Nobody was ever charged with knowing that she was covert” Toensing explained. “Therefore she wasn’t covered by the statute.”

The act defines a “covert” agent as one whose undercover status is classified, has been assigned to foreign duties within the past five years, and which the government has made a concerted effort to conceal the identity. As Toensing explained in a January 2005 column, “This requirement does not mean jetting to Berlin or Taipei for a week’s work. It means permanent assignment in a foreign country. Since Plame had been living in Washington for some time when the July 2003 column was published, and was working at a desk job in Langley (a no-no for a person with a need for cover), there is a serious legal question as to whether she qualifies as ‘covert.’”

Plame testified that she believed her covert status was more fluid. She said, “Just like a general is a general whether he is in the field in Iraq or Afghanistan; when he comes back to the Pentagon, he’s still a general,” she told the committee. “In the same way, covert operations officers who are serving in the field, when they rotate back for temporary assignment in Washington, they too are still covert.”

Chairman Henry Waxman told Toensing he was “stunned” with her assessment that Plame was not covert at the time of Novak’s disclosure. Waxman told Toensing, “General Hayden, the head of the CIA, told me personally that she was — that if I said that she was a covert agent, it wouldn’t be an incorrect statement.”

Toensing asked him, “Does he want to swear that she was a covert agent under the Act?”

“I’m trying to say this as carefully as I can,” Waxman said. “He reviewed my statement. And my statement was that she was a covert agent.”

“So he didn’t say it was under the Act,” Toensing clarified.

“Well, OK, so you’re trying to define it exactly under the Act,” Waxman said.

“That’s important,” she said. Waxman didn’t permit Toensing to explain further the definition of a covert agent under the Act.

He cut her off abruptly. “No, no, no. No, no, no” Waxman said. “I’m not giving you—I’m not yielding my time to you. So that’s your interpretation.” Then, Waxman changed the subject.

So far, neither Plame, nor Waxman, nor Hayden or anyone else has been able to show that by law Plame was a covert agent on July 14, 2003.

Valerie Plame isn’t a lawyer, but Patrick Fitzgerald and Victoria Toensing both are. And bottom line of this case is that Fitzgerald hasn’t been able to prosecute anyone under the law Toensing helped write and Plame and her Democrat allies continue to exploit.

Plame isn’t through, by any means. There will be more hearings and much more media coverage. Perhaps — in a closed session in which she testifies under oath – Republicans can start getting to the bottom of the Plame Game.

I m Not a Lawyer and Other Distortions From Valerie Plame Human Events
Now, there's an "unbiased" source. :lol:
Joe Wilson used to get drunk at cocktail parties and OUT his new fact he had a real flair for bragging about what she told him she was....

Rustman is a former CIA Operations Officer (not that a leftist douche knows what thet is)

HANNITY: Was she an undercover agent, sir?

RUSTMANN: Well, she came in and she was undercover, yes, as all of the new CTs do when they come into the agency. And it was probably — well, it was definitely an official cover status which she retained and then worked at the headquarters under that official cover status. And then went overseas with that same status.

HANNITY: You were an agent from 1966 to 1990, and you said that in the Washington Times today she made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee. Her husband was a diplomat. Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

I mean, actually he (Wilson) describes in his book how, after a make-out session on like the third or fourth date, that she told him. But putting that aside, everybody knew?

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

Was Valerie Plame Really A Covert Agent Fox News

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