Valerie Plame....Idiot Bimbo Or Scheming Witch?

Where's Care4all? Surely an expert on the "covert" nature of Plame's work at LANGLEY should be able to snap off the definitions I asked for....what gives?
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe.

Yes- she was still covert- she was not publicly employed by the CIA- and she still had contacts with the sources she had developed in her years as a CIA foreign operative.

Her outing put her contacts at risk.

I have always found it amazing that so called Conservatives have attacked the covert operative- rather than the ones who outed the operative.

Do you even know who outed her? I do.
simply not true...the facts exposed show otherwise.

Facts and opinions ain't the same thing....I'm sure this is shocking to you but it's links as usual. :rolleyes-41:
Why bother? You have fingers and google....just read what Patrick Fitzgerald disclosed in his investigation....

facts are facts, she was a covert operative for the CIA at the time she was exposed. There is NO question about it...and no twisting and turning and lying from conservatives on this is EVER going to change the facts....

google is your friend....if you let it be...

Fitzgerald was told early on that Armitage outed Plame, but he had to make a name for himself and pursue Administration officials. If that isn't in Wiki, it should be.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Interesting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent
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Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

Cummings and Waxman are both lying Rat their version of events aren't worth further mention.. You might try to answer the question I gave your cohort earlier in this know nothing about CIA classifications and that would prove it. As to any "covert" nature of Plame's duties since the late 90's...she was covertly trying to discredit the Bush administration; that we know. Maybe she was trading sexual favors for information at DC cocktail parties but that's not "covert" by Agency definition. She was in fact NOT a "covert" agent at the time she and Wilson got the payback they had coming and it cost her her career...and rightly so....she could have been indicted for treason.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

That doesn't really matter, since the Special Prosecutor already knew the source of the leak.

"On August 28, 2006,Christopher Hitchens asserted that Richard Armitage was the primary source of the Valerie Plame leak and that Fitzgerald knew this at the beginning of his investigation.This was supported a month later by Armitage himself, who stated that Fitzgerald had instructed him not to go public with this information.Investor's Business Daily questioned Fitzgerald's truthfulness in an editorial, stating "From top to bottom, this has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of prosecutorial power in this country's history...The Plame case proves [Fitzgerald] can bend the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols."

Patrick Fitzgerald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That doesn't really matter, since the Special Prosecutor already knew the source of the leak.

"On August 28, 2006,Christopher Hitchens asserted that Richard Armitage was the primary source of the Valerie Plame leak and that Fitzgerald knew this at the beginning of his investigation.This was supported a month later by Armitage himself, who stated that Fitzgerald had instructed him not to go public with this information.Investor's Business Daily questioned Fitzgerald's truthfulness in an editorial, stating "From top to bottom, this has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of prosecutorial power in this country's history...The Plame case proves [Fitzgerald] can bend the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols."

Patrick Fitzgerald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's correct...Scooter Libby was convicted of slight changes in his testimony between depositions....common human we ponder something that happened, some things have more importance than others and impressions change over time....Fitzgerald called that PERJURY. And in fact, the leak came from Armitage at STATE not the White House but he wasn't a big enough fish for the Rats to a side note, Wilson never learned of Saddam's contacts in Niger with the French uranium mining company....and for good reason....France was so far up Saddam's ass they tipped off the WMD inspectors as to the next day's location and in time for Saddam's RG to move the weapons depots.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

The fact that the CIA "cleared" the statement only means that it had nothing in it that was a threat to national security. That doesn't mean they confirmed that it was true.

Waxman was one of the biggest lying assholes in Congress, and so is Elijah Cummings.
That doesn't really matter, since the Special Prosecutor already knew the source of the leak.

"On August 28, 2006,Christopher Hitchens asserted that Richard Armitage was the primary source of the Valerie Plame leak and that Fitzgerald knew this at the beginning of his investigation.This was supported a month later by Armitage himself, who stated that Fitzgerald had instructed him not to go public with this information.Investor's Business Daily questioned Fitzgerald's truthfulness in an editorial, stating "From top to bottom, this has been one of the most disgraceful abuses of prosecutorial power in this country's history...The Plame case proves [Fitzgerald] can bend the truth with the proficiency of the slickest of pols."

Patrick Fitzgerald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's correct...Scooter Libby was convicted of slight changes in his testimony between depositions....common human we ponder something that happened, some things have more importance than others and impressions change over time....Fitzgerald called that PERJURY. And in fact, the leak came from Armitage at STATE not the White House but he wasn't a big enough fish for the Rats to a side note, Wilson never learned of Saddam's contacts in Niger with the French uranium mining company....and for good reason....France was so far up Saddam's ass they tipped off the WMD inspectors as to the next day's location and in time for Saddam's RG to move the weapons depots.

It wasn't that Armitage wasn't a big enough fish to fry. It was the fact that he did nothing illegal.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Interesting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

Notice the wording...."had been". Not was at the time of the outing...had served at various times overseas...not at the time of the outing...

Victoria tonsing, an attorney who helped create the law,that was created to prosecute people who outed agents spoke about the exact definition and the reason they created it...they had to prevent the guys who sold out our spies while protecting whistle blowers....

from what I remember, she had to have been listed as covert at the time of the outing, living overseas with a detailed cover identity....and no she hadn't been overseas int the covered time period and she wasn't living under a detailed cover history, and she was not designated as,covert at the time....she was parking in the CIA parking lot every day for work......
It wasn't that Armitage wasn't a big enough fish to fry. It was the fact that he did nothing illegal.

It was both....Armitage could have stepped forward to stop the Libby persecution but chickened out....I believe Novak finally revealed who'd told him in passing and her connection to the Wilson fiasco. And that's why her (non-existent) covert status was important...she was no longer an operative with a handler and therefore had a lower security classification....she was little more than a potted plant at the CIA and Wilson knew it and used her for his own enrichment.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

The fact that the CIA "cleared" the statement only means that it had nothing in it that was a threat to national security. That doesn't mean they confirmed that it was true.

Waxman was one of the biggest lying assholes in Congress, and so is Elijah Cummings.

At the March 16, 2007, hearing, the Committee heard the first public testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson. A statement cleared for public release by CIA Director Michael Hayden established definitively that Ms. Wilson had worked at the CIA “on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States”; that she had taken “serious risks on behalf of her country”; that she was “covert” at the time Mr. Novak’s column was published; and that her “employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.”3 The cleared statement also established that “maintaining her cover was critical to protecting the safety of both colleagues and others” and that the disclosure of her employment “placed her professional contacts at greater risk” and “undermined the trust and confidence with which future CIA employees and sources hold the United States.”4

Did Hayden ever deny the assertion? Or are we going to continue to get the echo chamber of talking points?
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

The fact that the CIA "cleared" the statement only means that it had nothing in it that was a threat to national security. That doesn't mean they confirmed that it was true.

Waxman was one of the biggest lying assholes in Congress, and so is Elijah Cummings.

At the March 16, 2007, hearing, the Committee heard the first public testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson. A statement cleared for public release by CIA Director Michael Hayden established definitively that Ms. Wilson had worked at the CIA “on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States”; that she had taken “serious risks on behalf of her country”; that she was “covert” at the time Mr. Novak’s column was published; and that her “employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.”3 The cleared statement also established that “maintaining her cover was critical to protecting the safety of both colleagues and others” and that the disclosure of her employment “placed her professional contacts at greater risk” and “undermined the trust and confidence with which future CIA employees and sources hold the United States.”4

Did Hayden ever deny the assertion? Or are we going to continue to get the echo chamber of talking points?

Michael Hayden isn't qualified to make that call. It has to be determined by a judge and jury. Furthermore, the woman who wrote the law disagrees. I think she's more qualified to make such a determination than some politically appointed hack. No one who drives to the CIA headquarters in Langley every day, parks in their lot, and enters the building with a CIA issued security badge can reasonably called "under cover."
At the March 16, 2007, hearing, the Committee heard the first public testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson. A statement cleared for public release by CIA Director Michael Hayden established definitively that Ms. Wilson had worked at the CIA “on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States”; that she had taken “serious risks on behalf of her country”; that she was “covert” at the time Mr. Novak’s column was published; and that her “employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.”3 The cleared statement also established that “maintaining her cover was critical to protecting the safety of both colleagues and others” and that the disclosure of her employment “placed her professional contacts at greater risk” and “undermined the trust and confidence with which future CIA employees and sources hold the United States.”4

Did Hayden ever deny the assertion? Or are we going to continue to get the echo chamber of talking points?

Some non-sourced blog of anti-Bush opinions....horseshit. And this is the last response to you if you're too fucking lazy to start a new post instead of adding on to half a dozen others...fair garbage is close to IGNORE status.
Let's review....Plame was NOT a covert operative at the time of her "outing" by Richard Armitage, NOT Dick Cheney as her Rat conspirators and Hollywood handlers wanted the world to believe. She was a desk jockey at the CIA with just enough juice to get her unemployed husband sent on a junket to Niger to look for evidence of yellow-cake uranium being sold to Saddam. He couldn't find anything....BIG NEWS...the guy is a drunk living off his wife and probably can't find matching socks in the morning.

So at some point Wilson decided to tell his story to the NYTimes and the Bush State Dept. and Robert Novak decided to fire back at the hack....Cheney aide Scooter Libby took the bullet, his career and future ruined by the stunt pulled off by Plame and Co. All along she claimed her life "and the safety of her 3 year old twins was at risk" whom she never explained....the FSB? secret muslim assassins? Laura Bush? She was so terrified that she openly moved to Santa Fe, NM and appeared before a crowd at the Hollywood premier of her fake story:


These days she's writing "romantic adventure novels" about her fantasy life at the CIA and being a dutiful agent for the far much so she just participated in the OUTING OF A REAL FEMALE CIA OPERATIVE by retweeting a tweet from the guy who helped Snowden commit treason:

Valerie Plame Wilson retweeted

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · Dec 19

Meet Alfreda Birkowski, the Senior Officer at the Center of the CIA's Torture Scandals …

We who saw Plame and Wilson for the dirtbags they were in 2003 aren't surprised they still are. What's ironic is that Holder's DOJ has no interest in pursuing her for the IDENTICAL thing they ruined Scooter Libby for not doing.

Valerie Plame retweets article that outs CIA agent - Washington Times

Right off the bat this OP degenerates into bullshit by BullKurtzUSMC. Inyrtsting choice for a name, but seems to be a truism.

CIA Confirmed Plame Wilson's Covert Status - Before Plame Wilson testifies, committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) reads a statement saying that she had been a “covert” officer” who had “served at various times overseas” and “worked on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” Waxman notes that the CIA had cleared this statement. And during subsequent questioning, committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) reports that Hayden had told him, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”
The Iraq-Niger Uranium Controversy and the Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson Valerie Plame Wilson CIA Agent

The fact that the CIA "cleared" the statement only means that it had nothing in it that was a threat to national security. That doesn't mean they confirmed that it was true.

Waxman was one of the biggest lying assholes in Congress, and so is Elijah Cummings.

At the March 16, 2007, hearing, the Committee heard the first public testimony of Valerie Plame Wilson. A statement cleared for public release by CIA Director Michael Hayden established definitively that Ms. Wilson had worked at the CIA “on the prevention of the development and use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States”; that she had taken “serious risks on behalf of her country”; that she was “covert” at the time Mr. Novak’s column was published; and that her “employment status with the CIA was classified information prohibited from disclosure under Executive Order 12958.”3 The cleared statement also established that “maintaining her cover was critical to protecting the safety of both colleagues and others” and that the disclosure of her employment “placed her professional contacts at greater risk” and “undermined the trust and confidence with which future CIA employees and sources hold the United States.”4

Did Hayden ever deny the assertion? Or are we going to continue to get the echo chamber of talking points?

Michael Hayden isn't qualified to make that call. It has to be determined by a judge and jury. Furthermore, the woman who wrote the law disagrees. I think she's more qualified to make such a determination than some politically appointed hack. No one who drives to the CIA headquarters in Langley every day, parks in their lot, and enters the building with a CIA issued security badge can reasonably called "under cover."

That's what I expected. Opinions and talking points.
You are referring to Victoria Toensing, who claimed that Plame hadn't been stationed abroad for five years, so she wasn't covert. But any proof to whether Plame had or hadn't been stationed abroad was classified, so Toensing was simply throwing shit on the wall to see if it stuck, because she didn't know if Plame had been stationed overseas or not. However Plame was working on Iraq's WMD program for the CIA and under oath she did leave the country under aliases, which would make her covert. This is why Hayden said she was covert. He would know Plame's activites, Toensing wouldn't.

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