Value Voters support Trump

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
Values don't matter to values voters.

Look at their choices. They support the candidate that's closer to their values. I don't agree with everything the Republican party does, but it's a lot better than what the Democrats will do, and that's why I vote Republican.
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you
When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

The unelected intelligence establishment, the CIA and FBI, are spying upon our elected leadership- possibly on the behalf of foreign interests like Red China and Soros. They need reformed, I'd love to see President Trump get a loyal American like Erik Prince in there to clean house.
He hires only the best?????He's losing it.....Fired more people in his 1st term than any other president

Trump will still be your president after the 2020 election, your side needs to prepare.
Blues Don't you get it yet ?? It's not just my side ,it's America...Prepare for chaos

I'll take Trump over any of the dumb ass traitor Dem 2020 candidates. Elizabeth Warren are you freaking kidding me? Stupid corrupt Joe Biden? Whack job bat shit crazy Bernie Sanders? Your party is a basket case. :eusa_hand:
Your increasing anger, hate, and vitriol is beginning to runneth over! You just spew one lie after another and think nothing of it...but then denigrate another man for exaggeration. I'm impressed!

Progressives are whining ONLY because it is a Republican in office making fantastic improvements and putting in place policies that actually work!

The left wanted a radical leader, their hero's? Fidel Castro, Che Guevara. Finally, they got one but it is a REPUBLICAN!

We have record low unemployment, not just the overall figure but record low numbers for all minority groups as well. Wages are increasing WITHOUT any Federal Government help. Who knew? President Trump is moving our troops OUT of harm's way, something demanded by Progressives for what do Progressives do since it was President Trump? They call for IMPEACHMENT! Great trade agreements are here and more in the works. Strengthening our borders. Trump enacts major crime reform and the list goes on.

Keep up the good work haters, President Donald Trump is filling venues with thousands of supporters whose enthusiasm for President Trump increases with ever Progressive attack.

It started under Obama. Trump's trade wars are slowing the economy as manufacturing is already in a recession. Our troops were never in harm's way and apparently are being used to line Trump's pockets. Trump has a business relationship with Saudi Arabia so they get troops and he cares little that the Saudis killed a American citizen. Trump has a business relationship with Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds so Turkey can fire on our troops and the Kurds get killed for helping us.

Donald Trump is the most crooked President we have had and these fake values voters are evil.

The enthusiasm of anti-Trump voters is increasing as well. We saw that in suburban House seats in 2018.

Saudi Arabia is somewhat an ally of ours. Trump didn't send pallets of cash to them so they could support their nuclear arms goal. Furthermore how many Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranians during the war?

Saudi Arabia cold bloodedly killed a American citizen. They are no allies of us but they do have a business relationship with Trump. That apparently shields
them from being held accountable.
How many people have died , being involved with the Clintons? Yet you never say anything about that.
Does the number approach the 4600 soldiers Bush & Cheney killed in Iraq?
now that is a lie, but if you want to know who killed the most it was Obama. But we arent counting the 50 gays in orlando or the partiers in San Bernardino, or Soldiers at Fort Hood either.
brothers and sisters: the American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grew up around it.

this is not an evil tendency in business my friends. it is merely a working out of a law of nature and a law of God.
Hypocrites one and all
That along with their desire to violate the privacy rights of women and to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

The arrogant authoritarianism of the Christian right is the bane of Americans’ rights and protected liberties.

Trump may be a twice divorced philanderer who is crude, egotistical and selfish........but he hates gays and Muslims so the Christian Right loves him
He has supported gays frequently and to the dismay of Evangelicals. The rest is true.
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Common sense does suck, doesn't it?
So does hate
It started under Obama. Trump's trade wars are slowing the economy as manufacturing is already in a recession. Our troops were never in harm's way and apparently are being used to line Trump's pockets. Trump has a business relationship with Saudi Arabia so they get troops and he cares little that the Saudis killed a American citizen. Trump has a business relationship with Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds so Turkey can fire on our troops and the Kurds get killed for helping us.

Donald Trump is the most crooked President we have had and these fake values voters are evil.

The enthusiasm of anti-Trump voters is increasing as well. We saw that in suburban House seats in 2018.

Saudi Arabia is somewhat an ally of ours. Trump didn't send pallets of cash to them so they could support their nuclear arms goal. Furthermore how many Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranians during the war?

Saudi Arabia cold bloodedly killed a American citizen. They are no allies of us but they do have a business relationship with Trump. That apparently shields
them from being held accountable.
How many people have died , being involved with the Clintons? Yet you never say anything about that.
Does the number approach the 4600 soldiers Bush & Cheney killed in Iraq?
now that is a lie, but if you want to know who killed the most it was Obama. But we arent counting the 50 gays in orlando or the partiers in San Bernardino, or Soldiers at Fort Hood either.
WTF are you smoking?
i believe the power to make money is a gift from God just as are the instincts for art, music, literature, the doctor's talent, the nurse's, be developed and used to the best of our ability for the good of mankind.

my friends, having been endowed with the gift he possesses, Trump believes it is his duty to make more money and still more money, and to use the money he makes for the good of his fellow men according to the dictates of his conscience
i believe the power to make money is a gift from God just as are the instincts for art, music, literature, the doctor's talent, the nurse's, be developed and used to the best of our ability for the good of mankind.

my friends, having been endowed with the gift he possesses, Trump believes it is his duty to make more money and still more money, and to use the money he makes for the good of his fellow men according to the dictates of his conscience
LOL Trump uses the money he makes for his good and no one else He even steals from his charitable accounts
That along with their desire to violate the privacy rights of women and to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans through force of law.

The arrogant authoritarianism of the Christian right is the bane of Americans’ rights and protected liberties.

Trump may be a twice divorced philanderer who is crude, egotistical and selfish........but he hates gays and Muslims so the Christian Right loves him
He has supported gays frequently and to the dismay of Evangelicals. The rest is true.
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Common sense does suck, doesn't it?
So does hate

Tell me about it.

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
Our federal protection agencies AREN'T working on behalf of a party or against Trump. Too bad you voted for a guy whose associates keep going to jail.
There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
Our federal protection agencies AREN'T working on behalf of a party or against Trump. Too bad you voted for a guy whose associates keep going to jail.
I'd say people that say they are are traitors and that includes the POS in our WH
We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
Our federal protection agencies AREN'T working on behalf of a party or against Trump. Too bad you voted for a guy whose associates keep going to jail.
I'd say people that say they are are traitors and that includes the POS in our WH
I didn't quite get that, but let's not be calling folks traitors. Almost as hyped up and exaggerated as calling them Nazis.

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