Value Voters support Trump

They call themselves "values voters'.
And one inference, of course, is that all others voters are not values voters.

And these self-named values voters voted for a serial adulterer currently married to a former porn model.

And these self-named values voters voted for a businessman who has been sued for non-payment of bills over 4,000 times.

And these self-named values voters voted for a man who openly solicits campaign help for favors.

And these self-named values voters voted for a man who financially profits from the Presidency every time he can.

And these self-named values voters voted for a man who refuses to release his tax forms, falsely claiming he cannot.

And these self-named values voters voted for a man who has made grossly inappropriate comments about the sexual desirability of his own daughter, and bragged about entering a locker room where young teen models were undressing.

So what values do these voters hold that can excuse voting for a man like Trump?

Your increasing anger, hate, and vitriol is beginning to runneth over! You just spew one lie after another and think nothing of it...but then denigrate another man for exaggeration. I'm impressed!

Progressives are whining ONLY because it is a Republican in office making fantastic improvements and putting in place policies that actually work!

The left wanted a radical leader, their hero's? Fidel Castro, Che Guevara. Finally, they got one but it is a REPUBLICAN!

We have record low unemployment, not just the overall figure but record low numbers for all minority groups as well. Wages are increasing WITHOUT any Federal Government help. Who knew? President Trump is moving our troops OUT of harm's way, something demanded by Progressives for what do Progressives do since it was President Trump? They call for IMPEACHMENT! Great trade agreements are here and more in the works. Strengthening our borders. Trump enacts major crime reform and the list goes on.

Keep up the good work haters, President Donald Trump is filling venues with thousands of supporters whose enthusiasm for President Trump increases with ever Progressive attack.

It started under Obama. Trump's trade wars are slowing the economy as manufacturing is already in a recession. Our troops were never in harm's way and apparently are being used to line Trump's pockets. Trump has a business relationship with Saudi Arabia so they get troops and he cares little that the Saudis killed a American citizen. Trump has a business relationship with Turkey and gets nothing from the Kurds so Turkey can fire on our troops and the Kurds get killed for helping us.

Donald Trump is the most crooked President we have had and these fake values voters are evil.

The enthusiasm of anti-Trump voters is increasing as well. We saw that in suburban House seats in 2018.

Saudi Arabia is somewhat an ally of ours. Trump didn't send pallets of cash to them so they could support their nuclear arms goal. Furthermore how many Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranians during the war?

Saudi Arabia cold bloodedly killed a American citizen. They are no allies of us but they do have a business relationship with Trump. That apparently shields
them from being held accountable.

We have had business dealings with Saudi Arabia for the last several administrations, not just Trump. When did you move to this country anyhow?
We sure as hell are not going to support the corrupted lawless assholes on the left. :eusa_hand:

First, I am not parading myself using some family values Christian bullshit.

Any one of those "value Voter" parents would beat the shit our their kid if they acted like Trump.

Well believe it or not, some people don't vote based on how a person acts, they vote based on what they stand for and past results.

When you have a party that tells the country they believe in infanticide, believe in open borders threatening our security, believe in sidestepping the rule of law with their sanctuary cities, believe in disarming the public so the criminal element expands and has the upper hand, believes that sissies in dresses should be allowed to enter your daughters bathroom or dressing room in school, who should they support?

You are so clueless. You are part of a party that believes: women have no say in what happens to their bodies. You want to dictate what they can do. To have infanticide you have to have a life. Tell me scientifically when a life begins.

No one believes in open borders. Opposing a wall does not mean that you support open borders. Nor is our security threated as our POEs are the areas where drugs and weapons come through. Name a terrorist who crossed the border. Sanctuary cities are not against the law as cooperation with the federal government on immigration is not required.

Getting rid of bump stocks, AK-47s and AR-15s are not disarming the public. Amazing how you want to scare people. There is a compromise co-authored by REPUBLICAN Pat Toomey that apparently is too extreme for you gun nuts.

People have a right to do what they want. We may need a separate facility aside from the regular bathrooms. You are the sissy.

Beto stood at the border and said "tear down this wall", if that isn't "open borders" I don't know what is.

Opposing a wqall does not mean you support open borders. A majority of voters see no need for a wall. I suppose a majority of voters are for open borders.

You lie. Every goddamn policy Dem's support, every immigration law they ignore, every instance of undermining ICE and establishing sanctuary cities is evidence of their support for open borders and CRIMES. Dem's should be in prison for the thousands of crimes, rapes, and murders by illegals on Americans.
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?

We sure as hell are not going to support the corrupted lawless assholes on the left. :eusa_hand:

You supported him in the primary.

There are lots of Republicans who are honorable people. You assfucks rejected them.

We hate the left 10x so :fu:
I'm surprised they held the Values Voters meeting this year. Trump was God's way of showing them they have no real values.

They could have voted for someone who hates them, like you do.

It takes a special kind of person to hate a group, and then be shocked that that group supports someone else, politically.

And by special, I mean, retarded.


You ought to quit calling other people "haters". It's unintelligent to assume they are motivated in the same way as you.

I'm assuming nothing. I am making an educated guess, based on how absurd your reasoning is.

Are you denying hating conservative Christians?

Who made this statement? "They are vile lying piece of shit soulless monsters."
Dear Trump supporters,

After what has transpired the last couple of weeks with the impeachment proceedings and the whistle blower fiasco, and after interacting with you on numerous political debate groups, I am finally realizing how much you are hurting. Hurting because Trump lied to you, Trump misrepresented himself to you. I know you are just now realizing how much he played you. I feel your pain. I really do. How much do I feel your pain?

Not much at all you ignorant tiki torch carrying stoopfuks. You stupid fucks got played. Period. End of story. No one feels sorry for your ignorant asses. No one!

Don't expect anyone to have any type of sympathy for you. You brought this shit on yourself. You have no one else to blame but the bigoted, racist, misogynistic fucker you see every time you look in the mirror.

But to be fair, I really can't put all the blame on you. Your parents had a lot to do with how you are today and beings how you redneck fucks hate accepting the blame for any of your misgivings, you can blame your parents for the lowlife, worthless, pieces of shit you and your cult have become.

Your dear leader is about to eat shit and I just wanted you to know that I will be here to rub each and every one of your no business being born, two ton yellow belly, cousin humping noses in it when the time comes.

The entire "whistle blower " shit is just part of President Trump's orchestrated plans, ed.

There is nothing there. No quid. No pro. And no quo. The Ukraine President said he wasn't pressured in the least
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?
If I was a Mexican citizen with health problems, and I heard about Pocahontas and the rest of the D's supporting free medical care for Illegals, damn straight I would look to come to America as an illegal.

They have radios and TV's down there. Maybe not everyone, but when they stop off at the local cantina and say "Hey ese, wassup Holmes", those with TV's talk to those without.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not
You are so clueless. You are part of a party that believes: women have no say in what happens to their bodies. You want to dictate what they can do. To have infanticide you have to have a life. Tell me scientifically when a life begins.

That's like asking how many gallons of water are in the ocean. When life begins is subjective. Being against abortion is not telling a woman what she can do to her body, it's what she's doing to another body.

No one believes in open borders. Opposing a wall does not mean that you support open borders. Nor is our security threated as our POEs are the areas where drugs and weapons come through. Name a terrorist who crossed the border. Sanctuary cities are not against the law as cooperation with the federal government on immigration is not required.

Immigration is a federal matter. That's why Ears sued Arizona when they created their own criteria on how to handle immigrants, and he won. You have no idea how drugs get into this country because the drugs that are snuck in can't be counted.

Without a wall, that is open borders, so how can you say Democrats are not for open borders?

Getting rid of bump stocks, AK-47s and AR-15s are not disarming the public. Amazing how you want to scare people. There is a compromise co-authored by REPUBLICAN Pat Toomey that apparently is too extreme for you gun nuts.

Wait a minute: you just said they are not for disarming the public, and then give two types of weapons they want to take away from us. The only thing stopping the Democrats from disarming the country is our Constitution and the good righty judges that support it. If we ever find ourselves in the unfortunate situation of a liberal Supreme Court, that's when guns will all be confiscated. That's why it's so important to keep Democrat Presidents from having the ability to select judges.

People have a right to do what they want. We may need a separate facility aside from the regular bathrooms. You are the sissy.

This is the Twilight Zone the Democrats envision for this country. You talk about Republicans telling a woman what she can do with her body, yet don't support giving them their needed privacy in public.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.
It doesn't take much to know Trump is a corrupt pos Always was always will be And you repubs are blind to it
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.
Do you remember trump lying about showing his taxes lying about Obama's citizenship, lying about Cruz's father involved with JFK killing, etc etc etc etc Don't you get it yet?? He's a fn liar from the top of his head to his toes
You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.
Do you remember trump lying about showing his taxes lying about Obama's citizenship, lying about Cruz's father involved with JFK killing, etc etc etc etc Don't you get it yet?? He's a fn liar from the top of his head to his toes

Whether Trump lies or not doesn't affect me. When DumBama lied, it did affect me, because I've had medical insurance my entire life, and it was dropped because of his lie; a lie that cost us at least a trillion dollars, and many people like myself their coverage.

It's not how many lies one tells, it's what they lie about that's more important. When you lie and it damages people's lives, that one lie is much worse than a thousand lies that are harmless.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.
He hires only the best?????He's losing it.....Fired more people in his 1st term than any other president
You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.
He hires only the best?????He's losing it.....Fired more people in his 1st term than any other president

So what? He fired people. He made a television series out of it prior to taking office. It doesn't prove anything.
Yeah pole if he wants 400billion he wouldn't lie ,would he?

You're just extremely butthurt that Trump release the transcript of the call proving he did nothing wrong. Eddie Eddie Eddie…:itsok:
The transcript that wasn't complete the one they wouldn't show at first? Trump is a liar and a cheat among other of his qualities You really believe him now?? If so you're a fool and reading your posts I know you're not

When didn't they show it? The left never expected Trump to show it. Trump screwed them when he did release it. You can't release something like that on demand, it has to be redacted to protect other people. After that was done, Trump released it to the chagrin of the Democrats. Schiff Face didn't dispute the transcript, he lied about it. Afterwards called it a parody; a parody he nor anybody in Congress laughed about.

IMHO, the whole "Whistle Blower" incident is just a carefully orchestrated plan by President Trump to get coverage for Democrat corruption in Ukraine as well as Red China.

We'll find out who the so-called "whistleblower" is when he is introduced at a Trump rally in a month during a big reveal.

There are already speculations on who that is, and his political interaction with the Democrat party. Trump has nothing to do with it as now foreign leaders are fearful of having a conversation with the White House, and that's the last thing Trump needed.

This is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's interest in Hunter and the Ukraine. There is something there that the Democrats are hiding, and now they are in panic mode to protect it.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

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