Value Voters support Trump

Are you saying the deficits have not increased? That Trump did not separate families at the border? That he has lowered standards on air & water quality,. That he has reduced OSHA so their ability to inspect suffered. That he has allowed pork producers to inspect themselves. Trump is not profiting from bring President? The Fed did not just lower rates?

Which was false, asshole.

All of them are false and you cannot prove any of them. Yes, President Trump did separate "families" at the border, the same as every other President including your hallowed failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

We'll find out soon enough I guess who this "whistleblower" is and be able to know what his motivations were.

But I wouldn't think it a negative to President Trump if he had planned the whole thing to manipulate the liberals.

When I heard it reported that Rove and Roger Stone were behind the Killian memos of 2004, I thought it was great the way they were able to manipulate the hate of See BS, knowing that Rather would run with the memos even before checking them out.

We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
Our federal protection agencies AREN'T working on behalf of a party or against Trump. Too bad you voted for a guy whose associates keep going to jail.

Oh please, if you can't admit that those agencies were working on behalf of the Democrat party, you must have been asleep those eight years.

The FBI used an unverified document to obtain an illegal surveillance warrant for Trump's team, and in essence, Trump himself.

They leaked information from the dossier to the NYT, and then used that NYT article as part of their evidence to help obtain those warrants.

They knew the information from the dossier was obtained from a FOREIGN retired investigator, who got his information from the Russian government. They never disclosed to the court that the same agent was working for the FBI, and they had to fire him.

Hillary forwarded classified information to her top aid, who's husband was using the very same computer to send dirty pictures of himself to strange women all across the world. When Comey obtained that computer, he ordered it to be destroyed.

The AG at the time met with the husband of the woman under federal investigation in her private plane. She claims they were talking about their grandchildren, and she doesn't have any grandchildren.

After the investigation of Hillary was over, the AG who should have recused herself worked in cahoots with the FBI director to get her off the hook, by saying she would abide to the Directors recommendations; something that's never been done before.

But noooooo. Our federal agencies were not politicized under DumBama.
I have heard all that over and over, and no, I don't believe it all. It's mostly a lot of paranoid garbage. Except for Loretta Lynch. She was in Hillary's pocket, I think.
Donald J Trump's successful presidency, the most successful in history, proves that any american man can map his own future and make his own luck.

it's america baby, this place ROCKS!
Donald J Trump's successful presidency, the most successful in history, proves that any american man can map his own future and make his own luck.

it's america baby, this place ROCKS!

I don't know if any American man can do it, but Donald J. Trump certainly was able to. Trump's name has been synonymous with "Success" for 40 years. Before disembarking from the Golden Escalator in his humble domicile and entering history, he had already been enshrined forever in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Make no mistake about it, he didn't start on this journey to fail, but instead to succeed. America has been tremendous to the Trump Brand, and he wanted to give back. Remember, he isn't Obama and he isn't Clinton. He was already fabulously wealthy and famous in all 4 corners of the Earth. To move into the WH and ride around in Air Force One would be a big move up for 99.999%of the people including all of the 2020 candidates. But for Donald J. Trump, its living spartanly for the good of the nation. The Golden Penthouse on 5th Ave. New York makes the WH look like a tent on the sidewalks on LA in comparison. And Trump One really puts Air Force One to shame, the difference between a Lambo and a Yugo.

Donald J Trump's successful presidency, the most successful in history, proves that any american man can map his own future and make his own luck.

it's america baby, this place ROCKS!

I don't know if any American man can do it, but Donald J. Trump certainly was able to. Trump's name has been synonymous with "Success" for 40 years. Before disembarking from the Golden Escalator in his humble domicile and entering history, he had already been enshrined forever in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Make no mistake about it, he didn't start on this journey to fail, but instead to succeed. America has been tremendous to the Trump Brand, and he wanted to give back. Remember, he isn't Obama and he isn't Clinton. He was already fabulously wealthy and famous in all 4 corners of the Earth. To move into the WH and ride around in Air Force One would be a big move up for 99.999%of the people including all of the 2020 candidates. But for Donald J. Trump, its living spartanly for the good of the nation. The Golden Penthouse on 5th Ave. New York makes the WH look like a tent on the sidewalks on LA in comparison. And Trump One really puts Air Force One to shame, the difference between a Lambo and a Yugo.

I wish I was as successful as Donald Trump.....

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?

Because they are amoral, bigoted liars.
They promote an image of wholesomeness and family first, but it's all about money and power.

In other words, in Trump value voters found their dream candidate. Their choice - not much of a "choice", really, since he was plainly irrestible - makes them recognizable for everyone, except themselves.

In a way, and in case you are looking for any good to come out of Trump's presidency, this should be considered a service to the nation. "Value voters" has always been a joke. Now it's no longer an insider joke, and it isn't forbidden to laugh at every mention of the term "value voters". Whoever does not, probably is one. That is, a joke.
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?

Because they are amoral, bigoted liars.
They promote an image of wholesomeness and family first, but it's all about money and power.

In other words, in Trump value voters found their dream candidate. Their choice - not much of a "choice", really, since he was plainly irrestible - makes them recognizable for everyone, except themselves.

In a way, and in case you are looking for any good to come out of Trump's presidency, this should be considered a service to the nation. "Value voters" has always been a joke. Now it's no longer an insider joke, and it isn't forbidden to laugh at every mention of the term "value voters". Whoever does not, probably is one. That is, a joke.

You people are at the same moment, expressing your hate and contempt of conservative religious Americans, and attacking them for supporting your political opposition.

Your idiocy is only matched by your utter lack of self awareness.
Prove them wrong.

Are you saying the deficits have not increased? That Trump did not separate families at the border? That he has lowered standards on air & water quality,. That he has reduced OSHA so their ability to inspect suffered. That he has allowed pork producers to inspect themselves. Trump is not profiting from bring President? The Fed did not just lower rates?

Which was false, asshole.

There is no need to prove them wrong as you have done nothing to prove them.

Easy to prove you wrong by simply proving your first statement false.


Your utter, childish desperation is also proven by your need to use profanity.

Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?

We sure as hell are not going to support the corrupted lawless assholes on the left. :eusa_hand:

First, I am not parading myself using some family values Christian bullshit.

Any one of those "value Voter" parents would beat the shit our their kid if they acted like Trump.

That's just a stupid, childish comment.
Donald J Trump's successful presidency, the most successful in history, proves that any american man can map his own future and make his own luck.

it's america baby, this place ROCKS!

I don't know if any American man can do it, but Donald J. Trump certainly was able to. Trump's name has been synonymous with "Success" for 40 years. Before disembarking from the Golden Escalator in his humble domicile and entering history, he had already been enshrined forever in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Make no mistake about it, he didn't start on this journey to fail, but instead to succeed. America has been tremendous to the Trump Brand, and he wanted to give back. Remember, he isn't Obama and he isn't Clinton. He was already fabulously wealthy and famous in all 4 corners of the Earth. To move into the WH and ride around in Air Force One would be a big move up for 99.999%of the people including all of the 2020 candidates. But for Donald J. Trump, its living spartanly for the good of the nation. The Golden Penthouse on 5th Ave. New York makes the WH look like a tent on the sidewalks on LA in comparison. And Trump One really puts Air Force One to shame, the difference between a Lambo and a Yugo.

I wish I was as successful as Donald Trump.....

Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

Only in your dreams. 25 mil to Trump is like 100 bucks for us.
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Barack Hussein Obama opposed gay marriage. What is your point?

The purpose of our military is to kill people and break things. The purpose is not to be a social experiment. How does accepting transgender people into the military improve the ability of the military to kill people and break things?
We're going to find out. The deep state is alive and well unfortunately. This person is no whistleblower either, they are actually just a leaker. It has to be somebody that had access to the Presidents phone calls. So likely a CIA operative for the Democrats.
And you like trump are willing to throw our CIA and FBI under the bus ?/ How republican of you

Throwing them under the bus how? Our federal protection agencies should not be working on behalf of any party or against America like the FBI did under Hussein.

There is a difference between you throwing somebody else under a bus, and you throwing yourself under a bus. If any of our agents are willing to stick their neck out because they wanted to join the political arena, then that's on them. They could end up leaving in disgrace like Stroke-off and Page as far as I'm concerned.
Our federal protection agencies AREN'T working on behalf of a party or against Trump. Too bad you voted for a guy whose associates keep going to jail.

Oh please, if you can't admit that those agencies were working on behalf of the Democrat party, you must have been asleep those eight years.

The FBI used an unverified document to obtain an illegal surveillance warrant for Trump's team, and in essence, Trump himself.

They leaked information from the dossier to the NYT, and then used that NYT article as part of their evidence to help obtain those warrants.

They knew the information from the dossier was obtained from a FOREIGN retired investigator, who got his information from the Russian government. They never disclosed to the court that the same agent was working for the FBI, and they had to fire him.

Hillary forwarded classified information to her top aid, who's husband was using the very same computer to send dirty pictures of himself to strange women all across the world. When Comey obtained that computer, he ordered it to be destroyed.

The AG at the time met with the husband of the woman under federal investigation in her private plane. She claims they were talking about their grandchildren, and she doesn't have any grandchildren.

After the investigation of Hillary was over, the AG who should have recused herself worked in cahoots with the FBI director to get her off the hook, by saying she would abide to the Directors recommendations; something that's never been done before.

But noooooo. Our federal agencies were not politicized under DumBama.
I have heard all that over and over, and no, I don't believe it all. It's mostly a lot of paranoid garbage. Except for Loretta Lynch. She was in Hillary's pocket, I think.

They had a cabal really. And what did I say that was incorrect? Google it if you'd like.
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Barack Hussein Obama opposed gay marriage. What is your point?

The purpose of our military is to kill people and break things. The purpose is not to be a social experiment. How does accepting transgender people into the military improve the ability of the military to kill people and break things?

It is literally insane how quickly the left is redefining reality these days. Obama opposed gay marriage. That was then, and it was fine then.

Since then, they decided to pretend the Gay Marriage was always a thing, and that it was just repression that prevented it, and only the most evul homophobic closeted gay people would oppose it.

Obama gets a pass on his past opposition, for reasons that cannot be explained.
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Barack Hussein Obama opposed gay marriage. What is your point?

The purpose of our military is to kill people and break things. The purpose is not to be a social experiment. How does accepting transgender people into the military improve the ability of the military to kill people and break things?

It is literally insane how quickly the left is redefining reality these days. Obama opposed gay marriage. That was then, and it was fine then.

Since then, they decided to pretend the Gay Marriage was always a thing, and that it was just repression that prevented it, and only the most evul homophobic closeted gay people would oppose it.

Obama gets a pass on his past opposition, for reasons that cannot be explained.

Breaking news!..Obama's not running.

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