Value Voters support Trump

You want to know why they support Trump
No. At this point? No excuse.
No one needs an excuse to support who they wish that is their right something many seem to have forgotten.
A right is no excuse.
Again people don't have to make up an excuse for who they choose to support that is their right anyone who doesn't like who they choose to support can go pound sand. They don't owe an explanation to you me or anyone else for who they support or why.
You want to know why they support Trump
No. At this point? No excuse.
No one needs an excuse to support who they wish that is their right something many seem to have forgotten.
A right is no excuse.
Again people don't have to make up an excuse for who they choose to support that is their right anyone who doesn't like who they choose to support can go pound sand. They don't owe an explanation to you me or anyone else for who they support or why.
Again, I don't want to hear your excuses at this point. Expressing that is my right. In other words, go pound sand.
You want to know why they support Trump
No. At this point? No excuse.
No one needs an excuse to support who they wish that is their right something many seem to have forgotten.
A right is no excuse.
Again people don't have to make up an excuse for who they choose to support that is their right anyone who doesn't like who they choose to support can go pound sand. They don't owe an explanation to you me or anyone else for who they support or why.
Again, I don't want to hear your excuses at this point. Expressing that is my right. In other words, go pound sand.
I don't care what you want to hear you think other's have to explain themselves to you your sadly mistaken.
You want to know why they support Trump
No. At this point? No excuse.
No one needs an excuse to support who they wish that is their right something many seem to have forgotten.
A right is no excuse.
Again people don't have to make up an excuse for who they choose to support that is their right anyone who doesn't like who they choose to support can go pound sand. They don't owe an explanation to you me or anyone else for who they support or why.
Again, I don't want to hear your excuses at this point. Expressing that is my right. In other words, go pound sand.

None of Trump's adversaries are worthy to carry his jock strap in 2020.

The choice for next years election is a no-brainer.

Who would you want instead Mayor Petey? Beto? Sleepy Joe who doesn't know what year it is?
A majority of voters agree global warming is taking place. Even younger Republicans believe that the GOP needs to acknowledge global warming exists and come up with a less draconian plan. You support allowing businesses to pollute and destroy our environment and the destruction of wildlife habitats so businesses can save a few bucks.

Yes, many people agree that it is taking place but there is no evidence nor proof that we can do anything about "global warming".

What's more, we have done far more than in other countries to reduce our CO2 emissions.

You lie about anyone supporting a business being able to pollute and destroy our environment and destroy wildlife habitats.

How do such outlandish lies further your cause?

Who would you want instead Mayor Petey? Beto? Sleepy Joe who doesn't know what year it is?
Should be pretty obvious.

Oh, yes, Crazy Bernie.

Another Public Service tycoon. No qualifications for office except for his ability to talk crap.

The gentleman honeymooned in the USSR, while everyone with sense was trying to climb over the Berlin Wall.

And, BTW, an arch-hypocrite. In spite of his talk about how great socialized medicine was in Cuba and elsewhere, he went to an American hospital for his heart attack
You are so clueless. You are part of a party that believes: women have no say in what happens to their bodies. You want to dictate what they can do. To have infanticide you have to have a life. Tell me scientifically when a life begins.

No one believes in open borders. Opposing a wall does not mean that you support open borders. Nor is our security threated as our POEs are the areas where drugs and weapons come through. Name a terrorist who crossed the border. Sanctuary cities are not against the law as cooperation with the federal government on immigration is not required.

Getting rid of bump stocks, AK-47s and AR-15s are not disarming the public. Amazing how you want to scare people. There is a compromise co-authored by REPUBLICAN Pat Toomey that apparently is too extreme for you gun nuts.

People have a right to do what they want. We may need a separate facility aside from the regular bathrooms. You are the sissy.

Why go out of your way to prove yourself either ignorant or foolish?

There is absolutely no scientific debate about when life begins. Life begins at conception.

As far as Open Borders are concerned, you are wrong.

Calls for open borders wind up closing doors for Democrats

Democrats on the far left appear to be taking their rhetoric against border security, including calls for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, one step too far. Over the past two months, Democratic National Committee deputy chairman and congressman Keith Ellison has passionately and persistently advocated his position that national borders, specifically the southern border, create “an injustice.”
Calls for open borders wind up closing doors for Democrats

Federal law supersedes state or local law.

As you know, President Donald Trump banned bump-stocks.

What is different about these two guns? Aside from appearance?

Amusing. Your hipocracy is amusing!

Within one paragraph, you first tell us that we should surrender all our AK-47s and AR-15s BUT you also say, and I quote, "People have a right to do what they want." SO TYPICAL of far-left Progressives. Progressives believe we should have the right to do what we want...just so it is what THEY WANT.

We need a separate facility? Are you serious? Maybe you need a separate facility, I do not.

Amusing. Your hipocracy is amusing!

Within one paragraph, you first tell us that we should surrender all our AK-47s and AR-15s BUT you also say, and I quote, "People have a right to do what they want." SO TYPICAL of far-left Progressives. Progressives believe we should have the right to do what we want...just so it is what THEY WANT.

I am liberal.jpeg
Trump has opposed gay marriage and reversed the militaries transgender policies

Evangelicals love it

Barack Hussein Obama opposed gay marriage. What is your point?

The purpose of our military is to kill people and break things. The purpose is not to be a social experiment. How does accepting transgender people into the military improve the ability of the military to kill people and break things?

It is literally insane how quickly the left is redefining reality these days. Obama opposed gay marriage. That was then, and it was fine then.

Since then, they decided to pretend the Gay Marriage was always a thing, and that it was just repression that prevented it, and only the most evul homophobic closeted gay people would oppose it.

Obama gets a pass on his past opposition, for reasons that cannot be explained.

Breaking news!..Obama's not running.

Correct. My Post was about the hypocrisy of you liberals, redefining reality ever few years, and then holding some people to the new standards, while giving yourselves passes.

BUT, by pretending to be too stupid to understand that, you get to make a counter post, that expresses disagreement, without actually addressing anything I said.

It is an effective debating technique.

THe only minuses, is that it requires you to be a completely dishonest person.

Which is not a problem for hardly ANY liberals, as far as I have been able to see.

Anyhow, my point stands.

THe way you libs redefined Marriage to suddenly include "gay marriage" is revealed to be complete bullshit by the way you give a pass to liberal leaders like Obama, for not supporting "gay marriage" just a few years ago.

Are you going to address that, or are you instead going to put your energy into dishonestly dodging it again?

Oh, it is worth noting that, by making the choice to dodge, rather than address it, you effectively admitted that you know what I said was right.
You want to know why they support Trump
No. At this point? No excuse.
No one needs an excuse to support who they wish that is their right something many seem to have forgotten.
A right is no excuse.
Again people don't have to make up an excuse for who they choose to support that is their right anyone who doesn't like who they choose to support can go pound sand. They don't owe an explanation to you me or anyone else for who they support or why.

The liberals are such arrogant assholes that they believe that people that they treat like shit, do indeed have to make excuses to them, for not supporting them politically.

THe liberals are literally insane.
Most bigoted president in modern times

Hates Mexicans, Muslims, gays, blacks

Why? Juts because the media has told you this? Please give some examples. Let me guess, he wants to secure our Southern border(Mexicans), says both sides in Charlottesville had good people after CLEARLY condeming the white supremicist(black people), imposes a travel ban using the countries identified by the Obama administration as having the largest concentration of extremists(Muslims) and not supporting men to use women's bathrooms nevermind that his administration is pushing for countries that make homosexuality a felony to change their laws.(gays)

If are a useful idiot. The media LOVES your type.
Correct. My Post was about the hypocrisy of you liberals, redefining reality ever few years, and then holding some people to the new standards, while giving yourselves passes.
So trashing "liberals." Wow. What a novel concept around here! I'm liberal and independent. Sorry. I speak for myself and don't try to defend Obama. I don't waste my time attacking broad categories of people whose views on important specific issues clearly vary all over the map. I don't blame people for voting for Trump previously considering the offered "viable" alternative. However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

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