Value Voters support Trump

From the link:

The speech and debate clause in the US Constitution, which appears in Article 1, section 6, protects members of Congress from being sued over their statements made on the floor, which also would apply to committees.

One would think a “stable genius” knew better...

The reason neither Schiff nor Pelosi responded was because they were on the floor laughing.
LOL! Classic!
Correct. My Post was about the hypocrisy of you liberals, redefining reality ever few years, and then holding some people to the new standards, while giving yourselves passes.
So trashing "liberals." Wow. What a novel concept around here! I'm liberal and independent. Sorry. I speak for myself and don't try to defend Obama. I don't waste my time attacking broad categories of people whose views on important specific issues clearly vary all over the map. I don't blame people for voting for Trump previously considering the offered "viable" alternative. However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

1. I was not talking to you or even about you, specifically. If you manage to have some individuality from the liberal hive mind, good for you.

2. The point of the OP, is that it is somehow morally wrong of people to support Trump. If you accept that the choice to support him, in the last election was legitimate, than you are on my side in this thread.

3. His antics are not that bad. His policies are completely reasonable and legitimate to support.
However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

Did you ever seriously consider that, for them, the ghoulish clown's "antics" are not antics at all, and they support him precisely for this? I don't just mean the old adage that one day the electorate will get their will and elect someone just as idiotic as they themselves are, and then they are getting it hard and fast. I mean, they see and understand what's happening, the corruption, the misogyny, the nativism, the vulgar twitter flailing, the imperviousness to advice and reason, the destruction of manners, the diminishing of federal agencies, the weakening of protections for the population, assault on truth itself, and - really understanding all that - they decide, this is what they had hoped for all these years?

And if you considered it, what was your conclusion?
However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

Did you ever seriously consider that, for them, the ghoulish clown's "antics" are not antics at all, and they support him precisely for this? I don't just mean the old adage that one day the electorate will get their will and elect someone just as idiotic as they themselves are, and then they are getting it hard and fast. I mean, they see and understand what's happening, the corruption, the misogyny, the nativism, the vulgar twitter flailing, the imperviousness to advice and reason, the destruction of manners, the diminishing of federal agencies, the weakening of protections for the population, assault on truth itself, and - really understanding all that - they decide, this is what they had hoped for all these years?

And if you considered it, what was your conclusion?
Heh. Yeah, my conclusion was "I hope not." Without doubt a small minority of such sadomasochists always exists, but I don't think the bulk can be that simplistic or bad. No, I think we've just had such a long stretch of crappy representation that people are more apt to accept anything posing as an alternative. If only it were so.
Heh. Yeah, my conclusion was "I hope not." Without doubt a small minority of such sadomasochists always exists, but I don't think the bulk can be that simplistic or bad. No, I think we've just had such a long stretch of crappy representation that people are more apt to accept anything posing as an alternative. If only it were so.

I hear you.

So, given they were seeking an alternative to long years of "crappy representation", all we have to do is to wait for them to realize that the alternative is even more pro-plutocracy than the previous ones combined, and in every respect orders of magnitude more crappy, for them to see their error and change course?
In a sense but more fundamentally to demand better instead of just glomming onto the latest populist spouting some seemingly right stuff from outside the beltway to save them. Govt by the people takes research and lots of people making lots of noise constantly.
In a sense but more fundamentally to demand better instead of just glomming onto the latest populist spouting some seemingly right stuff from outside the beltway to save them. Govt by the people takes research and lots of people making lots of noise constantly.

"Better" is a matter of judgment, and everything I read from them tells me they are convinced they are actually getting "better". At no point was telling them they are not met with so much as a hint of uncertainty on their side, much less would they be inclined to reconsider their judgment.

Whatever, Grumblenuts, my conclusion pretty much remains the same: Trump is just the logical endpoint (for now) of developments since at least Reagan (possibly Nixon, or even earlier), and "value voters" are the spearhead of a movement giddy over bringing about all-out destruction of everything decent since the New Deal. That is, they are not in error about what's happening, not falling for "the latest populist spouting". They are truly and seriously welcoming the horrendous defects a horribly defective president is currently incorporating into the U.S. system of governance.

It's not just a tiny minority, either. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the stability of Trump's polling numbers.
However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

Did you ever seriously consider that, for them, the ghoulish clown's "antics" are not antics at all, and they support him precisely for this? I don't just mean the old adage that one day the electorate will get their will and elect someone just as idiotic as they themselves are, and then they are getting it hard and fast. I mean, they see and understand what's happening, the corruption, the misogyny, the nativism, the vulgar twitter flailing, the imperviousness to advice and reason, the destruction of manners, the diminishing of federal agencies, the weakening of protections for the population, assault on truth itself, and - really understanding all that - they decide, this is what they had hoped for all these years?

And if you considered it, what was your conclusion?

1. Your slurs are bs.

2. The results of Trumps policies are encouraging. Manufacturing employment is up, and wages, especially for the working poor, are showing some of the best results in a long time.
Correct. My Post was about the hypocrisy of you liberals, redefining reality ever few years, and then holding some people to the new standards, while giving yourselves passes.
So trashing "liberals." Wow. What a novel concept around here! I'm liberal and independent. Sorry. I speak for myself and don't try to defend Obama. I don't waste my time attacking broad categories of people whose views on important specific issues clearly vary all over the map. I don't blame people for voting for Trump previously considering the offered "viable" alternative. However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

Let's see, the economy has never been better, Trump is removing us from the middle-east; something the Democrats have been crying about for decades, new high in median household income, better trade deals and China is on the verge of negotiating, veterans now have the ability to get treated outside the VA, women and minorities breaking new employment records, lower taxes, and the elimination of Commie Care fines starting next year, border crossings down 60% since May, stopping phony asylum seekers who sneak in and never return for their final hearing.......

If Trump is an idiotic clown, then we need to open up a circus in Washington to draw more of them.
the coxswain is the one who steers the boat, the inspiration. if you have a good coxswain you can win the race even if you dont have athletes as good as those in the other boats. and Trump is the Value Voter's coxswain. there are naysayers, not that they are critical, but its too hard for them to imagine. but Trump gets it. for him, no dream is too big!
having a muslim president galvanized the average christian citizen to realize that america needed to make a statement. there was sense of pride and optimism and faith that borders on the spiritual with having Trump as president!
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.
These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

  1. Got the Supreme Court again!
  2. Lower taxes!
  3. Better jobs!
  4. Safer streets!
  5. Safer borders!
  6. Stabilized Korea!
  7. Out of TPP and Paris Accord!
  8. Better trade!
  9. Exposing democratic corruption!

  1. Using IRS to suppress voters!
  2. Letting Americans die in foreign countries to run guns!
  3. Lying to a nation to steal their healthcare!
  4. Letting millions die in the Middle East to buy election votes!
  5. Using personal government power to extort money from other countries for personal gain!
  6. Committing dozens of felonies to destroy computer records of your corruption!
  7. Using foreign countries to try to destroy political opponents!
  8. Stealing debate questions and sabotaging their campaigns to ensure you get nominated!
  9. Spending years obstructing a lawful administration as you throw everything but the kitchen sink trying to undue an election!
i dont like to be labeled Democrat or Republican or Values Voter. i'm just a proud American Christian with ideas! i'm an ideas machine!
So trashing "liberals." Wow. What a novel concept around here! I'm liberal and independent. Sorry. I speak for myself and don't try to defend Obama. I don't waste my time attacking broad categories of people whose views on important specific issues clearly vary all over the map. I don't blame people for voting for Trump previously considering the offered "viable" alternative. However, I find it incredible that many still support this dangerously idiotic clown after being exposed to his antics this long.

"Liberal and Independent" is an oxymoron.

What do you hate about all the great things which have happened and are happening to our country since President Donald Trump took office?

Why do those great things make you so angry?
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?
yeah how do they support Adam Schiff, that lying piece of shit.
Adam Schiff is saint compared to Trump. But almost everybody is a saint compared to Trump.
I know God would not vote for Trump.
the coxswain is the one who steers the boat, the inspiration. if you have a good coxswain you can win the race even if you dont have athletes as good as those in the other boats. and Trump is the Value Voter's coxswain. there are naysayers, not that they are critical, but its too hard for them to imagine. but Trump gets it. for him, no dream is too big!
Like all value voters Trump dreams of grabbing women by the pussy because he can because he is famous. Like all value voters he has had 5 children with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married.
As with most value voters Trump resorts to name calling to those who do not agree with him.
As with most value voters he brags he would date his daughter if she was not his daughter, on national TV.
As with most value voters Trump claims there are some good people among the neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
The guy has value voter written all over him.
Because he values???


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