Values- Or, Why The Democrat Party Dooms America

Trump and Castro.


Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

By early afternoon, Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.


President Donald Trump has a message for his Twitter followers after the House of Representatives voted to impeach him Wednesday night. The 73-year-old commander-in-chief took to the social media platform to share a menacingly-lit black and white photo of him sitting in a chair and pointing at the camera. Text above and below him read, "In reality they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."
You are a troll ............Your mission is to kill the thread because it shows what you people are.............

Sorry........doesn't work on me...........Your side SUCKS.
You are a troll ............Your mission is to kill the thread because it shows what you people are.............

Sorry........doesn't work on me...........Your side SUCKS.
Sure, you hypocritical fucking retard, you deflected to Biden, in a Trump thread, idiot.
Sure, you hypocritical fucking retard, you deflected to Biden, in a Trump thread, idiot.
This thread is a deflection of the suck of Biden........that is all it is and will be.

When your own party sucks so bad that even leftist comedians trash have a serious problem

Keep up the good work.........More and more are seeing the left for what it is today.

This thread is a deflection of the suck of Biden........that is all it is and will be.

When your own party sucks so bad that even leftist comedians trash have a serious problem

Keep up the good work.........More and more are seeing the left for what it is today.

So, comedians joke about presidents, ALL take it in stride and laugh along with them.

NOT, the crybaby, orange loser.

“It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side,’” Trump tweeted, long before he was banned from Twitter for inspiring a violent mob. “... Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?”
You pivot more than the orange retard.

I don't use that term, but let's prove your post is a boomerang:

Second chance:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Adults prioritize, and vote for policies, not persons.

Let's see you list the Trump policies your voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.

And.....if you can''ve admitted to being a mindless drone who follows and obeys the party's orders.
Sure, you hypocritical fucking retard, you deflected to Biden, in a Trump thread, idiot.

Is this the sort of language that you learned at home, growing up?

Seems you haven't progressed since the third grade.

Grow's time.
I don't use that term, but let's prove your post is a boomerang:

Second chance:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

'As soon as the drones realize they have been pinned like a prize butterfly, they default to vulgarity'

Guess that doesn't apply to the orange retard.
Adults prioritize, and vote for policies, not persons.

Let's see you list the Trump policies your voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.

And.....if you can''ve admitted to being a mindless drone who follows and obeys the party's orders.
I didn't vote FOR Biden, I voted AGAINST Trump.

'As soon as the drones realize they have been pinned like a prize butterfly, they default to vulgarity'

Guess that doesn't apply to the orange retard.

I didn't vote FOR Biden, I voted AGAINST Trump.

We're about to prove that you voted simply to retain your membership in the Democrat herd.

Last chance:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Adults prioritize, and vote for policies, not persons.

Let's see you list the Trump policies your voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.

And.....if you can''ve admitted to being a mindless drone who follows and obeys the party's orders.

Warning: if this is the first time you ever tried to think, you may be subject to an aneurysm!!!!
The short explanation: that party favors the superficial over the substantial.

1.What sort of values are important in the folks we elect to power? Hopefully, to provide policies that advance the nation, and the peoples of this nation. And the proven values are those that allowed Western Civilization to advance further than any other and those including the rule of law, integrity, morality and forethoughts…and human life.

We should not expect the elected to merely compliment every sort of action and behavior, simply to accrue votes and assure re-election.

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2. The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives understood which values advanced society:
individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

And policies that make our citizens better human being.

3.The only time the Democrats made a statement about the importance of substance over self-gratification was in 2008, needing to appeal to non-Democrats, to the sort of voters who made this country the shining city on the hill…..those who gave up just looking cool.

Obama Sharply Assails Absent Black Fathers - The New York ... › U.S. › Politics
Jun 16, 2008 — In a speech at one of Chicago's largest black churches, Barack Obama addressed a sensitive topic in the African-American community.

Of course, policies cannot be put into effect if the party doesn’t win election but doing only those things that insure re-election is corruption, not leadership, it is pandering.

And the Democrat Party has decided to favor winning over leading.

"The Obama doctrine: Leading from behind"

1. The Democrats would be Centre Right Party in nearly all (but I can't thing of one it wouldn't be) first world countries... GOP would be Right you panders to the Far Right.
US income gap is widening and a person in Germany on $60k a year pays less tax in Germany than in US. $60k a year is way above the median salary of US..

2. Prove it... An any way you ignored loads of things they did ask for anyway... Example: Many of the founders said that the Constitution should be a living document that changes over time with the wishes of the people... US Constitution is dead, last amendment passed was in 1971. Compare that to constitutional country in Europe, Ireland have a referendum change averaging every 18 months... Constitution is some holy document, it was written to be maintained by the people of the day, that was the beliefs of the framers of the constitution..

3. You say " Democrat Party has decided to favor winning over leading."...
Please tell us the GOP Healthcare plan and where this plan has been implemented tin the world and worked?

What is the GOP actual way of handling China, insults don't work. What is their hard plan?

Democtas have actual policies it is the GOP that campaign without them..

Trump actually ran with no agenda and you try and accuse others of having no plans... Trump did fuck all about infrastructure, go look at his promises...

Compare to Biden

Biden is far more driven by setting out plans and keeping to them...

HEre is Obama

I said it at the time, Trump was bad but thank god he was also incompetent. Then COVID hit and that incompetence came back to bite us...
We're about to prove that you voted simply to retain your membership in the Democrat herd.

Last chance:
How many "last" chances are allowed?
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.
Evidently, your dear leader is exempt.
Adults prioritize, and vote for policies, not persons.
Republican and Trump policies suck.
Let's see you list the Trump policies your voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.
Corporate tax cuts.
Opening federal and tribal land to oil drilling.
Trump's vanity wall.
Trump supreme court promises.
Trump trade policies.
Trump's debt promise.
Trump's infrastructure promise.
And.....if you can''ve admitted to being a mindless drone who follows and obeys the party's orders.

"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening." At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday, President Trump told veterans and guests that they shouldn't believe what they're reading about his administration or seeing on the news.
Warning: if this is the first time you ever tried to think, you may be subject to an aneurysm!!!!

Right Q NUT.
The only people nuttier than Trump..................his cult, drunk on his "kool-aide".
Our little experiment is concluded, and it has been proven you don’t seem capable of the sort of thought processes one should expect in an upright biped hominid.
Instead, you simply allow the Democrat Party to do your thinking for you: you cannot give an intelligent response to why you voted for Biden or against Trump.

Sadly, you are not the only one who reflects this disability.

I have often said: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
How many "last" chances are allowed?

Evidently, your dear leader is exempt.

Republican and Trump policies suck.

Corporate tax cuts.
Opening federal and tribal land to oil drilling.
Trump's vanity wall.
Trump supreme court promises.
Trump trade policies.
Trump's debt promise.
Trump's infrastructure promise.


"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening." At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday, President Trump told veterans and guests that they shouldn't believe what they're reading about his administration or seeing on the news.

Right Q NUT.
The only people nuttier than Trump..................his cult, drunk on his "kool-aide".

Actually, a pretty good response.

Vague, untrue, but a good try.

Glad to see some thought.

Here are the facts:
Let's remind you......of Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.


Next.....I'll show what policies you actually voted for.
How many "last" chances are allowed?

Evidently, your dear leader is exempt.

Republican and Trump policies suck.

Corporate tax cuts.
Opening federal and tribal land to oil drilling.
Trump's vanity wall.
Trump supreme court promises.
Trump trade policies.
Trump's debt promise.
Trump's infrastructure promise.


"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening." At a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday, President Trump told veterans and guests that they shouldn't believe what they're reading about his administration or seeing on the news.

Right Q NUT.
The only people nuttier than Trump..................his cult, drunk on his "kool-aide".

Here's what you voted for:

"Here is the list of Biden’s proposals, drawn from the transcript of the president’s press conference:

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."

President Trump’s List of 42 Disastrous Things Joe Biden Would Do as President - Geller Report News

President Trump outlines Joe Biden's agenda that will destroy America. The choice could not be clearer in November.
1. The Democrats would be Centre Right Party in nearly all (but I can't thing of one it wouldn't be) first world countries... GOP would be Right you panders to the Far Right.
US income gap is widening and a person in Germany on $60k a year pays less tax in Germany than in US. $60k a year is way above the median salary of US..

2. Prove it... An any way you ignored loads of things they did ask for anyway... Example: Many of the founders said that the Constitution should be a living document that changes over time with the wishes of the people... US Constitution is dead, last amendment passed was in 1971. Compare that to constitutional country in Europe, Ireland have a referendum change averaging every 18 months... Constitution is some holy document, it was written to be maintained by the people of the day, that was the beliefs of the framers of the constitution..

3. You say " Democrat Party has decided to favor winning over leading."...
Please tell us the GOP Healthcare plan and where this plan has been implemented tin the world and worked?

What is the GOP actual way of handling China, insults don't work. What is their hard plan?

Democtas have actual policies it is the GOP that campaign without them..

Trump actually ran with no agenda and you try and accuse others of having no plans... Trump did fuck all about infrastructure, go look at his promises...
View attachment 647237
Compare to Biden
View attachment 647238
Biden is far more driven by setting out plans and keeping to them...

HEre is Obama
View attachment 647240

I said it at the time, Trump was bad but thank god he was also incompetent. Then COVID hit and that incompetence came back to bite us...

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?


Is that Biden.....or you??????
Our little experiment is concluded, and it has been proven you don’t seem capable of the sort of thought processes one should expect in an upright biped hominid.
Instead, you simply allow the Democrat Party to do your thinking for you: you cannot give an intelligent response to why you voted for Biden or against Trump.
According to a Trumptard, Q NUT.
Sadly, you are not the only one who reflects this disability.
I know.
The election revealed 63 million morons, elected the dumbest person to run for political office, then, the idiots voted for a retard again.
I have often said: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
Yep, get them into religion as soon as possible.
Here's what you voted for:

"Here is the list of Biden’s proposals, drawn from the transcript of the president’s press conference:

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."

President Trump’s List of 42 Disastrous Things Joe Biden Would Do as President - Geller Report News

President Trump outlines Joe Biden's agenda that will destroy America. The choice could not be clearer in November.
President Trump outlines Joe Biden’s agenda that will destroy America. The choice could not be clearer in November.

AND it was, the former liar in chief....................lying again.
“And the Democrat Party has decided to favor winning over leading.”

News flash: BOTH parties favor winning over leading. Only a partisan hack would think otherwise…
According to a Trumptard, Q NUT.

I know.
The election revealed 63 million morons, elected the dumbest person to run for political office, then, the idiots voted for a retard again.

Yep, get them into religion as soon as possible.
View attachment 647248

74.2 million Americans voted for Trump.

Some number lower than that voted for the European Party candidate, Biden.

We proved that.....
Trump got 74.2 million votes.

Biden couldn't possibly have gotten close to that number.

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for. can't, well.....then the only explanation is a stolen election.

Whose policies have been better for America and the world?
Actually, a pretty good response.

Vague, untrue, but a good try.

Glad to see some thought.

Here are the facts:
Let's remind you......of Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East,
Between three countries, NOT in a conflict.
What's next?
"Peace" between Canada, Brazil and India?
quieting of North Korea,
"That was a big big problem," Trump said of North Korea in front of a typically raucous pro-Trump crowd. "And, you know, when I did it, and I was really being tough, and so was he. And we were going back and forth, and then we fell in love, OK. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters, and they're great letters. And then we fell in love."
no invasions by Russia,
Wow, such an achievement, there no Russian invasions, during Reagan either.
Guess that makes him a hero too.
keeping Iran guessing
having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem,
Who gives a damned about isreal?
forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border,
sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban
No, Trump never removed any either.
Letting over 5000 taliban prisoners loose from Afghan prisons.
..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.
Like anyone would want to.
And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.
When was that?
View attachment 647246

Next.....I'll show what policies you actually voted for.
Don't bother, you're usual.

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