Van Ploughs into Pedestrians at busy Toronto intersection

The fact they're not showing his face even after the arrest....... Proves folks its another white nut having a bad day. The news is blaring his image out, but you can see a white pink bald head, muslim signs of commerce in the area and I'm not sure, but I think he has on a MAGA shirt.....LOLOLO

What difference does it make? There are no black people in Canada anyway.

Do you know why there are no black people in Canada?
I was watching tv the other night, there a nigga's in Russia......where ever white women be, a nigga will find a way
The fact they're not showing his face even after the arrest....... Proves folks its another white nut having a bad day. The news is blaring his image out, but you can see a white pink bald head, muslim signs of commerce in the area and I'm not sure, but I think he has on a MAGA shirt.....LOLOLO

What difference does it make? There are no black people in Canada anyway.

Do you know why there are no black people in Canada?
I was watching tv the other night, there a nigga's in Russia......where ever white women be, a nigga will find a way

Ain't that the truth. :laughing0301:
Rental companies need to do background checks on all Muslims. In fact, Muslims should not be allowed to rent trucks at all until we can find out where they are from, who their associates are, and why they are in The West.

I’m hearing that the guy is an Armenian. Armenians are white and Christian.

You get stuck on this identity stuff. Just as I consider a guy with a gun attacking a school or a church a terror attack, I also consider this a terror attack.

If the authorities want to split hairs and suggest it's only a terror attack if they have a political motive, so be it, I don't call any intentional and random mass attack on citizens just "an unfortunate incident". It is designed to cause mass casualties and terror and he succeeded, I heard the witnesses afterwards, all of them visibly shaken and terrorized.

What should the term for this be? "A confused man?" I will let the facts come in but I consider an intentional attack on innocent people via a van a terror attack.
I’m hearing that the guy is an Armenian. Armenians are white and Christian.

Unibrow, hooked nose, dark around the eye sockets = middle eastern!


Where’s the hooked nose? There’s not even a bump. White, not Semetic at all.

And yes, this is a terrorist attack. Regardless of his race or his religion. He rented a van and mowed down as many people as possible. One witness reported he turned his van and aimed it at one man, who is now dead.

I hope they lock him up in a dark hole for the rest of his miserable life. Label him a “dangerous offender” and never let him out.
Rental companies need to do background checks on all Muslims. In fact, Muslims should not be allowed to rent trucks at all until we can find out where they are from, who their associates are, and why they are in The West.

I’m hearing that the guy is an Armenian. Armenians are white and Christian.
Unless he is a Muslim.

Could be a Muslim convert.

Desperation in your part.
Why is everyone getting spooked up on ethnicity?

Any mentally ill person can commit these acts regardless of race or ethnicity.

The important thing is that we focus on the MENTAL ILLNESS an not the VAN or the GUN, those are just objects and both have a useful place in the hands of sane, good people (like me).

If we stop knee jerking and blaming guns (or vans) and work on solving the ROOT ISSUE, we'll all be better off.
The fact they're not showing his face even after the arrest....... Proves folks its another white nut having a bad day. The news is blaring his image out, but you can see a white pink bald head, muslim signs of commerce in the area and I'm not sure, but I think he has on a MAGA shirt.....LOLOLO

What difference does it make? There are no black people in Canada anyway.

Do you know why there are no black people in Canada?
I was watching tv the other night, there a nigga's in Russia......where ever white women be, a nigga will find a way
yea they have a drink named after them....
Why is everyone getting spooked up on ethnicity?

Any mentally ill person can commit these acts regardless of race or ethnicity.

The important thing is that we focus on the MENTAL ILLNESS an not the VAN or the GUN, those are just objects and both have a useful place in the hands of sane, good people (like me).

If we stop knee jerking and blaming guns (or vans) and work on solving the ROOT ISSUE, we'll all be better off.

This is proof of collusion between ISIS and Ryder. Hell, and Chevy too. ISIS and Chevy, yep.

Lots of collusion between people and the front bumper.

Collusion or collision? I'm confused.
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Apparently the guy who ran over those people is an Armenian Communist. His Facebook page lists the SPLC, antifa, and other Communist and anarchist groups. Just another left-wing shithead doing what left-wing shitheads do best...

That is not the correct person, many people have made the same error. First name is Alek, not Alex.
On a side note, did anyone see the suspect try to get the police officer to kill him. That is either an incredibly well trained police officer, or an incredibly lucky one.
Socialized medical situations consist of people getting ran over in the street?
And people wonder why americans dont want that shit?
Now that is just about the most incredibly stupid statement concerning this situation that is possible. Damn, a two digit IQ is a vast overestimation in your case. What on earth does the medical system have to do with a crazy running people down? So, the medical system in the US is responsible for all the mass shootings in this nation?
Socialized medical situations consist of people getting ran over in the street?
And people wonder why americans dont want that shit?
Now that is just about the most incredibly stupid statement concerning this situation that is possible. Damn, a two digit IQ is a vast overestimation in your case. What on earth does the medical system have to do with a crazy running people down? So, the medical system in the US is responsible for all the mass shootings in this nation?
I don't believe you comprehended the post from Harley. You being a very hateful and rude person, make this mistake rather often.
Socialized medical situations consist of people getting ran over in the street?
And people wonder why americans dont want that shit?
Now that is just about the most incredibly stupid statement concerning this situation that is possible. Damn, a two digit IQ is a vast overestimation in your case. What on earth does the medical system have to do with a crazy running people down? So, the medical system in the US is responsible for all the mass shootings in this nation?
He must be an allah monkey. The "news" report doesn't identify the suspect.

Witness: Van struck 'every single thing' on Toronto sidewalk

If he were white, his photos would be blasted on every channel and all over the internet. LWNJ's have their fingers crossed...
So Mr Bigot what now?
Is he not muslim?
No, he is not.

Mentally disturbed. Went to the same High School as my youngest. he was known as the weird one.

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