Van Susteren: Obama “needlessly dividing the country” by putting Tubman on the $20 bill

Wow, I never thought I'd agree with Ed Morrisey about anything - but apparently we agree that Greta Van Sustern (as well as the OP of this thread) are morons.

Just for you, because your IQ is less than EddieWussy, the pussy's!

I have no idea what your post is supposed to mean, and I'm not going to waste my time watching your videos.

I was right, at least EddieWussy, the Pussy would watch it!

I get the feeling that by the time this changeover occurs cash will be obsolete. That's why mentioning it now is nothing more than divisive race politics of the left.


What is "divisive" about putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?

Barry has a history.

Of being attacked by bigoted trash?

So you're saying Barry has healed the country...:itsok:

is english your first language? because that clearly isn't what i said.

what i said is he isn't the divisive one..... the bigots are. so you should all probably get a life.
I get the feeling that by the time this changeover occurs cash will be obsolete. That's why mentioning it now is nothing more than divisive race politics of the left.


What is "divisive" about putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?

Barry has a history.

Of being attacked by bigoted trash?

So you're saying Barry has healed the country...:itsok:

is english your first language? because that clearly isn't what i said.

what i said is he isn't the divisive one..... the bigots are. so you should all probably get a life.

Says the bimbo who doesn't understand that a sentence is started with a capital letter.
You have to be one of the most vapid posters on this board.
I get the feeling that by the time this changeover occurs cash will be obsolete. That's why mentioning it now is nothing more than divisive race politics of the left.


What is "divisive" about putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?
It removes another icon in the process. It would have been better had she been represented on something unique.
I get the feeling that by the time this changeover occurs cash will be obsolete. That's why mentioning it now is nothing more than divisive race politics of the left.


What is "divisive" about putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill?

Barry has a history.

Of being attacked by bigoted trash?

So you're saying Barry has healed the country...:itsok:

is english your first language? because that clearly isn't what i said.

what i said is he isn't the divisive one..... the bigots are. so you should all probably get a life.
But Obama is the bigot instigating more racial division. He's actually more of a political whore than a bigot. But he's counting on taking advantage of predictable bigots like you.
One WOMAN'S OPINION!...There must be more!

Hot ^ | April 21, 2016 | ED MORRISEY
It's not often that one can take issue with the argument that Barack Obama is needlessly dividing the country, but this might be the exception. The US Treasury has decided to honor Harriet Tubman, the woman who helped innumerable slaves escape to freedom, by putting her face on the $20 bill, replacing President Andrew Jackson. Right now, more people are concerned about finding their next $20 bill than are emotionally invested on whose face will be peering back at them when they get it. Greta van Susteren, however, argues that Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are dividing the country...
Another rightwing nitwit chimes in, getting upset over nothing.
"Greta van Susteren, however, argues that Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are dividing the country..."

The stupidity of this is priceless.

Acknowledging the diversity of the American people and celebrating the contributions of all Americans throughout our country’s history – regardless of gender or race – is not ‘dividing’ the country.
"Greta van Susteren, however, argues that Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are dividing the country..."

The stupidity of this is priceless.

Acknowledging the diversity of the American people and celebrating the contributions of all Americans throughout our country’s history – regardless of gender or race – is not ‘dividing’ the country.
Supplantation is.
Oh, just so you know, defacing currency so that it's no longer usable is a crime.

I know that I would refuse money that shows a back woman with a noose drawn around her neck.

Typical, though, that white trash men find that sort of artwork acceptable. Inbred throwbacks.
Oh, just so you know, defacing currency so that it's no longer usable is a crime.

I know that I would refuse money that shows a back woman with a noose drawn around her neck.

Typical, though, that white trash men find that sort of artwork acceptable. Inbred throwbacks.
No it isn't a crime. A crime would be to fraudulently alter currency. Changing the denomination would create a fraudulent bill.

What happens to money so defaced no one would accept it? The bank has to take it and give you a nice new one that hasn't been defaced. The altered bill gets put in the pile slated for destruction.

Have enough spoiled brand new bills get burned up, someone is going to notice that the new bill is expensive.
Unquestionably Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president we have had in modern history. He adamantly believes that the Supreme Court made a grievous error when they did not award reparations to all blacks. He still believes it should be done. If anyone questions his racism, please refer back to the church he attended for over 20 years. The one whose Rev. President Obama said was like a member of his family. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright married President Obama and Michelle, Rev. Wright also Baptized each of the Obama girls. The Rev. Wright is a very close friend of Minister Louis Farrakhan. In fact, the Rev. Wright and Minister Farrakhan traveled to Libya to visit with Muammar Gaddafi. Although President Obama said he was like a member of his family, when the outcry began about the Rev. Wright, he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus.

Perhaps you recall that only months after he was in office, and there was an incident involving an old friend of his, President Obama, admitting that he did not know all the facts, stated that the "Police acted stupidly".

President Obama will never miss the opportunity to stick his thumb in the eye of all white Americans. He's the worst possible type of racist. Railing against racism at every opportunity while practicing the vilest kind of racism.
It is astounding, the amount of political butt hurt over who or what is on currency. Most people probably had no idea President Jackson was on a twenty dollar bill. I would bet even more don't know who Harriet Tubbman is.
Unquestionably Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president we have had in modern history. He adamantly believes that the Supreme Court made a grievous error when they did not award reparations to all blacks. He still believes it should be done. If anyone questions his racism, please refer back to the church he attended for over 20 years. The one whose Rev. President Obama said was like a member of his family. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright married President Obama and Michelle, Rev. Wright also Baptized each of the Obama girls. The Rev. Wright is a very close friend of Minister Louis Farrakhan. In fact, the Rev. Wright and Minister Farrakhan traveled to Libya to visit with Muammar Gaddafi. Although President Obama said he was like a member of his family, when the outcry began about the Rev. Wright, he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus.

Perhaps you recall that only months after he was in office, and there was an incident involving an old friend of his, President Obama, admitting that he did not know all the facts, stated that the "Police acted stupidly".

President Obama will never miss the opportunity to stick his thumb in the eye of all white Americans. He's the worst possible type of racist. Railing against racism at every opportunity while practicing the vilest kind of racism.
let me guess, you came here to USMB from some site like STORMFRONT?:rolleyes:
Unquestionably Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president we have had in modern history. He adamantly believes that the Supreme Court made a grievous error when they did not award reparations to all blacks. He still believes it should be done. If anyone questions his racism, please refer back to the church he attended for over 20 years. The one whose Rev. President Obama said was like a member of his family. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright married President Obama and Michelle, Rev. Wright also Baptized each of the Obama girls. The Rev. Wright is a very close friend of Minister Louis Farrakhan. In fact, the Rev. Wright and Minister Farrakhan traveled to Libya to visit with Muammar Gaddafi. Although President Obama said he was like a member of his family, when the outcry began about the Rev. Wright, he was one of the first to be thrown under the bus.

Perhaps you recall that only months after he was in office, and there was an incident involving an old friend of his, President Obama, admitting that he did not know all the facts, stated that the "Police acted stupidly".

President Obama will never miss the opportunity to stick his thumb in the eye of all white Americans. He's the worst possible type of racist. Railing against racism at every opportunity while practicing the vilest kind of racism.


Welcome to the board.

That being said, your post is moronic. Did you find all of these secret desires of the President in your crystal ball, or have you discovered the power of telepathy?
isn't Jackson supposed to be hated by republicans? you all called him a Jack Ass, and Jackson loved being called that so much us Dem's actually got the Donkey as our mascot....?
Whoever thinks putting Tubman on the $20 is not an attempt to divide the country is retarded. Imagine for a moment a country Tubman, a mentally ill, illiterate, extraordinarily ugly nut who looks exactly like many crack whore street bums in cities today would establish in contrast to a genius like Andrew Jackson. No need to imagine. Look at any African country today.

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