Vance: Trump’s Health-Care Plan Is to Let Insurers Charge More for Preexisting Conditions


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
Donald Trump infamously said at the presidential debate he had the “concept of a plan” to replace Obamacare. As is often the case when Trump commits verbal self-harm, it fell to J.D. Vance to turn his car wreck of a statement into an intelligible position.

What Vance came up with is not only surprising but, if understood properly, far more damaging than Trump’s original statement. The Trump plan, according to Vance, is to permit insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions.

Vance explained the Trump plan during an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker: “He, of course, does have a plan for how to fix American health care, but a lot of it goes down, Kristen, to deregulating insurance markets, so that people can actually choose a plan that makes sense for them.”

Vance is advocating a partial or complete return to the system that existed before Obamacare. In that world, prior to 2014, it was very difficult to find affordable coverage unless you were on Medicare, Medicaid, or got insurance through your employer. There was a market for individual insurance, and it was possible to buy plans if you didn’t get coverage through a government plan or through work. But that market was dominated by “adverse selection” — the only way insurers could make money was to weed out any customers likely to need medical care.

Obamacare turned that dysfunctional individual market into a market that offered affordable plans even for people who aren’t young and healthy. It did this by restricting the degree to which insurers can charge higher rates based on age (they can only make older customers pay a maximum of three times the rate they charge young customers). More importantly, it prevented insurers from screening out customers with a preexisting condition or denying coverage for necessary procedures.

Do we really want to return to the old conditions where you could be turned away from getting covered if you had pre-existing conditions? You risk being turned down for health coverage every time you change jobs. Is this what we want? Hell no.

All Together Now - We Are Not Going Back!!!
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Donald Trump infamously said at the presidential debate he had the “concept of a plan” to replace Obamacare. As is often the case when Trump commits verbal self-harm, it fell to J.D. Vance to turn his car wreck of a statement into an intelligible position.

What Vance came up with is not only surprising but, if understood properly, far more damaging than Trump’s original statement. The Trump plan, according to Vance, is to permit insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions.

Vance explained the Trump plan during an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker: “He, of course, does have a plan for how to fix American health care, but a lot of it goes down, Kristen, to deregulating insurance markets, so that people can actually choose a plan that makes sense for them.”

Vance is advocating a partial or complete return to the system that existed before Obamacare. In that world, prior to 2014, it was very difficult to find affordable coverage unless you were on Medicare, Medicaid, or got insurance through your employer. There was a market for individual insurance, and it was possible to buy plans if you didn’t get coverage through a government plan or through work. But that market was dominated by “adverse selection” — the only way insurers could make money was to weed out any customers likely to need medical care.

Obamacare turned that dysfunctional individual market into a market that offered affordable plans even for people who aren’t young and healthy. It did this by restricting the degree to which insurers can charge higher rates based on age (they can only make older customers pay a maximum of three times the rate they charge young customers). More importantly, it prevented insurers from screening out customers with a preexisting condition or denying coverage for necessary procedures.

Do we really want to return to the old conditions where you could be turned away from getting covered if you had pre-existing conditions? You risk being turned down for health coverage every time you change jobs. Is this what we want? Hell no.

All Together Now - We Are Not Going Back!!!

Why should an insurance company not charge you more if you are already ill?

If they didn’t they would just pass the cost onto everyone by raising the cost of insurance for everyone.

Healthy people shouldn’t be forced to pay more for your unhealthy lifestyle.
The idea of insurance is a pool to spread the cost. You don't get to privatize the savings and socialize the expense.
Why should an insurance company not charge you more if you are already ill?

If they didn’t they would just pass the cost onto everyone by raising the cost of insurance for everyone.

Healthy people shouldn’t be forced to pay more for your unhealthy lifestyle.
What the fuck do you think insurance companies provide? They don't provide a service or a product in the technical sense. They are in the business of managing risk.

The primary purpose of insurance is to spread risk across a large pool of people; this is their fundamental business. By artificially controlling costs and limiting policies to only healthy individuals (cherry-picking), they ultimately do a disservice to consumers.

Let me know if you are still confused.
What the fuck do you think insurance companies provide? They don't provide a service or a product in the technical sense. They are in the business of managing risk.

The primary purpose of insurance is to spread risk across a large pool of people; this is their fundamental business. By artificially controlling costs and limiting policies to only healthy individuals (cherry-picking), they ultimately do a disservice to consumers.

Let me know if you are still confused.

You just said they are in the business of managing risk.

Which means a high risk person will be charged more.

No different than car insurance. If you have a record of several car accidents then you are higher risk and have to pay more. Want a cheaper rate? Be a better driver.

Want cheaper health insurance? Eat healthy, don’t get fat, don’t be a homosexual and get HIV. It’s really not that difficult.
You just said they are in the business of managing risk.

Which means a high risk person will be charged more.

No different than car insurance. If you have a record of several car accidents then you are higher risk and have to pay more. Want a cheaper rate? Be a better driver.

Want cheaper health insurance? Eat healthy, don’t get fat, don’t be a homosexual and get HIV. It’s really not that difficult.
Charging more is not the only issue. How about you are denied coverage? How old are you? Weren't you around when you could be denied coverage for existing health conditions if you had to change your job and apply for new insurance?

Those were the days when people had to cling to their old jobs if they or their families had health issues. Because if God forbid, you lost your job, you would never be able to get any coverage under a new employer's health plan if you or yours had existing pre-conditions.

Why the fuck do you think millions have signed up for Obamacare? Why do you think Republicans no longer talk about repealing it? Of course, your orange loser doesn't care. He gets his money by fleecing MAGA retards like you but others are not so lucky. Try to keep up.
The Plan: Lower health insurance rates by letting sick people die because they can't afforded health insurance.


Charging more is not the only issue. How about you are denied coverage? How old are you? Weren't you around when you could be denied coverage for existing health conditions if you had to change your job and apply for new insurance?

Those were the days when people had to cling to their old jobs if they or their families had health issues. Because if God forbid, you lost your job, you would never be able to get any coverage under a new employer's health plan if you or yours had existing pre-conditions.

Why the fuck do you think millions have signed up for Obamacare? Why do you think Republicans no longer talk about repealing it? Of course, your orange loser doesn't care. He gets his money by fleecing MAGA retards like you but others are not so lucky. Try to keep up.

So if everyone has Obamacare then what is the problem?

Isn’t it wonderful?

Of course it all costs an arm and a leg because we also have to pay for the tens of millions of illegals that flood our hospitals and doctors offices and they aren’t paying shit.

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