Various countries have banned various things


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Some nations have banned smoking in public, others have banned pornography, so how long until someone sees the writing on the wall and bans a religion, or all public display of a religion?

The world desperately needs to get rid of religion. Religion gives rise to religious extremism and violence and presents no greater man-made threat. Greater even than climate-change (which happns slowly enough we can adapt to the changes.)

At their base, all religions are lies and fables designed to please adherrants. "When you die, which you will, if you were this religion and obeyed all its' rules you wont really die but continue in a paradisical candyland." That's obviously very appealing and comforting if you're told that often enough. Might even come to belive it in your heart and mind, but it's not true. Sorry. When you die it's lights-out and the absolute end to all experience and perception. You basically return to the state of non-existence you 'existed in' prior to your birth. You have no memory of anything or the passage of time from before you were born right? That's death. If death were anything but that, then even the most religious people wouldn't visit doctors when sick, look both ways crossing a busy street, or anything else designed to prolong their life as clearly a candyland afterlife is infinitely prefered.

Religions might have been useful and good thousands of years ago before larger countries and legal systems came about bringing order to chaos of individual tribes usually at odds with one another (as commandments of 'don't murder people' suggest - obviously people didn't think that was self-evidant that someone had to write it down.) But now that we have laws and countries the need for religion has gone away.

As something designed to comfort the dying I think it's debatable whether lying to people about life and death is actually better than a brutal truth where death is accepted as the end. Maybe if we all accepted death is just the end of everything we'd treat one another even better than we do where some still believe death is entry to paradise, or eternal punishment in some kind of hell. We shouldn't allow denial and rejection of truths to become the default answers to life's biggest questions just because they're pleasant. If we can't handle reality that we gravitate to an institutionalized construct of lies and deceit, then we simply aren't raising children very well. If you need the lie, you're wholly incapable of functionining outside a monstery and should move to one and get yourself out of modern society and the real world.

Ban religions, or accept some are going to topple your governments and bring the hell of their faiths into the streets as angel-wannabes mete out religious justice instead of national justice and legal enforcement.
Good call. Let's eliminate the threat of religious oppressors by empowering our politicians to dictate what we're allowed to believe.

You're as dangerous as the zealots you despise.
Good call. Let's eliminate the threat of religious oppressors by empowering our politicians to dictate what we're allowed to believe.

You're as dangerous as the zealots you despise.

Eh -- not really. Nobody's gonna take an idea like that seriously. If they did, God, Allah and Buddah would smite them. Yea verily oy gevalt.

"Banning things" doesn't work. If anything it sparks interest in the banned object. If cannabis smoking hadn't been banned it would today be an obscure practice known mainly to folklorists.
Of course various countries have already banned various religions. In other cases, the mobile vulgus enforces their own beliefs on those of other beliefs, or upon those holding no belief, and this is of equal tyranny, and equally needs to be restrained by civil law. As Jefferson put it:

"more remains to be done; for altho' we are free by the law, we are not so in practice; public opinion erects itself into an inquisition, and exercises its office with as much fanaticism as fans the flames of an auto de fe."
Hey Delta... have you ever tried creating your own religion? For yourself I mean, not for anyone else. I would think that yours would be particularly interesting compared to the other posters here.

You wouldn't even have to include anything supernatural. No gods, afterlife theories, or creation stories unless you wanted to.​
Hey Delta... have you ever tried creating your own religion? For yourself I mean, not for anyone else. I would think that yours would be particularly interesting compared to the other posters here.

You wouldn't even have to include anything supernatural. No gods, afterlife theories, or creation stories unless you wanted to.​

I meditated religiously as a teenager... er... well, something like that....
It all comes down to this: Is it the people who apply religion in corrupted ways who are to blamed rather than the religion itself? Or is the other way around?

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