Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

Jesus answered, 'The foremost is, Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." (NASB) Mark 12:29-31

We all know Jesus commanded us to love one another (agape love). But, most people stop reading their Bible at this point. However, we can't ignore the rest of the Bible, and there is more...

We are to hate all evil. We are to love all people, but if their actions are not in obedience to God (in other words sin), we are to hate their behavior. We are to always hate sin and evil.

What does God hate?
Jesus answered, 'The foremost is, Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." (NASB) Mark 12:29-31

We all know Jesus commanded us to love one another (agape love). But, most people stop reading their Bible at this point. However, we can't ignore the rest of the Bible, and there is more...

We are to hate all evil. We are to love all people, but if their actions are not in obedience to God (in other words sin), we are to hate their behavior. We are to always hate sin and evil.

What does God hate?

So, you quote the Shema and the V'ohavta and I am supposed to be impressed that you show such intolerance?

Damn, you just don't tick right.
Jesus answered, 'The foremost is, Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." (NASB) Mark 12:29-31

We all know Jesus commanded us to love one another (agape love). But, most people stop reading their Bible at this point. However, we can't ignore the rest of the Bible, and there is more...

We are to hate all evil. We are to love all people, but if their actions are not in obedience to God (in other words sin), we are to hate their behavior. We are to always hate sin and evil.

What does God hate?

So, you quote the Shema and the V'ohavta and I am supposed to be impressed that you show such intolerance?

Damn, you just don't tick right.

Jesus answered, 'The foremost is, Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." (NASB) Mark 12:29-31

We all know Jesus commanded us to love one another (agape love). But, most people stop reading their Bible at this point. However, we can't ignore the rest of the Bible, and there is more...

We are to hate all evil. We are to love all people, but if their actions are not in obedience to God (in other words sin), we are to hate their behavior. We are to always hate sin and evil.

What does God hate?
There are six things the Lord hates—
no, seven things he detests:

haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,

a heart that plots evil,
feet that race to do wrong,

a false witness who pours out lies,
a person who sows discord in a family. proverbs 6:16
So did we ever get to the bottom of why lipstick lesbians crave masculine looking, talking, acting, dressing, walking, strapon-wearing "female" partners?

Or are we still with that bible-thumping diversion?

I'm glad the title of this thread includes "homosexuals". Isn't there a pitch lately to change this completely sterile diagnostic word to something that is "derogatory and hate speech"? Fuck that. Gays cannot change language and the use of basic descriptions to their liking. I've know a few homosexuals in my day. The word "gay" is not the best nickname for a homosexual. More like "crazy". If they want to be called "crazy" instead of homosexual, I suppose that would work.
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When has marriage ever changed from the definition of a man and woman consenting and joining together willingly? Most examples I can think of never got the light of day or even consideration until now. Polygamy never changed it, homosexuality never changed it, pedophelia never changed it, beastiality never changed it.

Show me some changes in history to support your claim that marriage is a moving target and accepted by the majority.
How marriage has changed over centuries - The Week

Go fuck yourself.

before that marriage was utter chaos am i right?
Fuck you
Gay 'marriage' in medieval Europe
Same-sex unions aren't a recent invention. Until the 13th century, male-bonding ceremonies were common in churches across the Mediterranean. Apart from the couples' gender, these events were almost indistinguishable from other marriages of the era. Twelfth-century liturgies for same-sex unions — also known as "spiritual brotherhoods" — included the recital of marriage prayers, the joining of hands at the altar, and a ceremonial kiss. Some historians believe these unions were merely a way to seal alliances and business deals. But Eric Berkowitz, author of Sex and Punishment, says it is "difficult to believe that these rituals did not contemplate erotic contact. In fact, it was the sex between the men involved that later caused same-sex unions to be banned." That happened in 1306, when the Byzantine Emperor Andronicus II declared such ceremonies, along with sorcery and incest, to be unchristian.

go fuck yourselves people...You are on the wrong side of history.

And in none of your rambling fuck you's did you ever prove me wrong. Thank you very much for proving me right, I appreciate your effort.

well yes i did, i see you didnt bother to read. Marriage has not always been about one man and one woman.

But like i said its irrelevant, you will lose and it will become the law of the land.
People like you are barbaric savages who want no equality for certain people.

GISMYS may be out there, but at least he wouldn't try to behead someone for being homosexual.

And we all know that.


no but they might beat a child to death because they act gay. Or drag one by a rope behind a truck. Or make the act of sodomy illegal, Or ban certain sections of the population from receiving rights.

no but lets just focus on beheadings as if we have some morally superior authority on the issue.

What a joke.
you are a hateful prick.

so? Do you have a point, or did you just come in here to dumb down the place somemore?
YES!!! I have posted God's word on the abomination of sick sexual perversion many times. Do want to compound your sin bt trying to deny the truth of God's word??????
YES!!! I have posted God's word on the abomination of sick sexual perversion many times. Do you want to compound your sin bt trying to deny the truth of God's word?????? imho. those that try to deny the truth of God's word commit a far worse sin than those living in sick perversion,those doing both COMPOUND their sin and ask for judgment!!!=NOT SMART!!!

GISMYS may be out there, but at least he wouldn't try to behead someone for being homosexual.

And we all know that.


no but they might beat a child to death because they act gay. Or drag one by a rope behind a truck. Or make the act of sodomy illegal, Or ban certain sections of the population from receiving rights.

no but lets just focus on beheadings as if we have some morally superior authority on the issue.

What a joke.

Show me a Christian religious leader who promotes such actions, show me another part of the world that allows such behaviors -- somehow I've missed all the passionate outrage on that -- and I'll think about taking your transparent attempt at deflection seriously.



wow you need to resort to leaders? We can look to africa for one, We can look to Russia for another.

Nigerian Anti-Gay Law Welcomed By Some Christian And Muslim Religious Leaders: 'Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act' Passed

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) Christian and Muslim leaders in Nigeria welcomed a controversial law that bans same-sex marriages and imposes a 14-year jail term for homosexual relations. may want to just quit.

Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill Cheered By US Conservatives | Right Wing Watch
Ssempa got plenty of help from American Religious Right figures like Lou Engle and Scott Lively, who is facing a human rights lawsuit brought by Sexual Minorities of Uganda. “This human rights crisis was made here in the United States,” says Tarso Luís Ramos, Executive Director at Political Research Associates.

Given that American Religious Right figures had praised the bill in its even more draconian form – Tony Perkins called it an effort to “uphold moral conduct” – it is sadly unsurprising to see some of them cheering. American Family Association hatemonger Bryan Fischer connected the law’s passage to the controversy in America over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.

should we keep going Mac? Or you want to move the goal posts somemore.
Let me be clear, they do not represent all Christians, Just some, but they are out there, and they tend to be the loudest.

This is an essay, but it points to some actions that if needed we can research further to prove the point:Essay: The Anti-Gay Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center
In recent years, the Christian Right has been incensed by court decisions favoring gay equality. Particularly enraging to its leaders was the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned the convictions of two Texas men arrested for having consensual sex. Writing for the majority in Lawrence v. Texas, Justice Anthony Kennedy said the men were "entitled to respect for their private lives." The state, he declared, "cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime." The decision was remarkably popular. A national survey found that 75% of Republicans and 88% of Democrats wanted to see state sodomy laws struck down, as they were by the Lawrence decision.

For religious crusaders, however, Lawrence was the most unsettling court decision since Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion. Fundamentalist groups filed 15 briefs supporting Texas' sodomy laws, only to see their arguments — that gay sex was a threat to public health and "traditional family values," and that gay people do not deserve equal rights — shot down. "Six lawyers robed in black have magically discovered a right of privacy that includes sexual perversion," said an infuriated Jan LaRue, chief counsel for Concerned Women for America, a hard-line Christian Right group. "This opens the door to bigamy, adult incest, polygamy and prostitution," added Ken Connor, president of the Family Research Council.

Even more troubling in these quarters was the 2004 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court holding that gay citizens had a right to marry under that state's constitution. In the wake of that decision, anti-gay leaders ratcheted up their call to arms. "America stands at a defining moment," said Lou Sheldon, founder of the Traditional Values Coalition, which has touted Cameron's claims for years. "The only comparison is our battle for independence."

Immediately after the Lawrence decision, the now-deceased D. James Kennedy, president of Coral Ridge Ministries, issued a similar call to arms. Now that America's courts were "officially off-limits to the moral framework that has allowed us to enjoy freedom and prosperity," Kennedy said, the holy war on gay rights should be renewed on the battlefront of public opinion. Kennedy and other anti-gay activists began pressing for a federal law banning gay marriage. For right-wing evangelical ministries like his Coral Ridge Ministries, which brings in more than $35 million annually, the stakes were never higher.

Pointing to Islam is weak, when we have this at home. Not 11 years ago it was illegal to have sodomy in Texas. After 2004 you had 20+ states ban gay marriage constitutionally as a reaction to Massachusetts allowing it.

You had President Bush pushing for an amendment for one man and one woman, which failed. You have Clintons DOMA in the 90's. You have the fight about Gays serving in the military to defend this nation.

You want to keep going or just admit you are being ignorant or maybe blind to the actual reality of the situation?
You want to keep going or just admit you are being ignorant or maybe blind to the actual reality of the situation?

The reality of the situation is pretty clear.

I made a specific statement that inferred something about the specific practice of a specific religion, and you put a great deal of time and effort posting deflections because what I said was true and you didn't like it.

You want to keep going or just admit you are being ignorant or maybe blind to the actual reality of the situation?

The reality of the situation is pretty clear.

I made a specific statement that inferred something about the specific practice of a specific religion, and you put a great deal of time and effort posting deflections because what I said was true and you didn't like it.


ok we are done then, You have officially become nothing more than a worthless troll. You asked for other leaders and i gave you direct answers.

Fuck off.

GISMYS may be out there, but at least he wouldn't try to behead someone for being homosexual.

And we all know that.


no but they might beat a child to death because they act gay. Or drag one by a rope behind a truck. Or make the act of sodomy illegal, Or ban certain sections of the population from receiving rights.

no but lets just focus on beheadings as if we have some morally superior authority on the issue.

What a joke.

Show me a Christian religious leader who promotes such actions, show me another part of the world that allows such behaviors -- somehow I've missed all the passionate outrage on that -- and I'll think about taking your transparent attempt at deflection seriously.



The thing that is obvious in this thread is that the hypocrisy is so thick you can't even wade through it. Those throwing the Bible up as the authority have mostly missed the intent of the passages they use and only feed those intolerant of religion in general and Christianity in particular. And those intolerant ones in turn use even worse hyperbole and hate speech than some of the Christians have been using.

And if anybody offers any reasoned argument that does not fit the politically correct version, the topic is further derailed by the schoolyard food fight crowd and PC police who pile on with a chorus of charges of ignorance, and intolerance, and wanting to deprive gays of their rights, yadda yadda.

Sometimes I despair that a grown up discussion that encourages all points of view to be be thoughtfully and intelligently discussed is no longer possible in our dumbed down, brainwashed, and politically correct world. Hats off to the OP for trying. But it seems hopeless.
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no but they might beat a child to death because they act gay. Or drag one by a rope behind a truck. Or make the act of sodomy illegal, Or ban certain sections of the population from receiving rights.

no but lets just focus on beheadings as if we have some morally superior authority on the issue.

What a joke.

Show me a Christian religious leader who promotes such actions, show me another part of the world that allows such behaviors -- somehow I've missed all the passionate outrage on that -- and I'll think about taking your transparent attempt at deflection seriously.



The thing that is obvious in this thread is that the hypocrisy is so thick you can't even wade through it. Those throwing the Bible up as the authority have mostly missed the intent of the passages they use and only feed those intolerant of religion in general and Christianity in particular. And those intolerant ones in turn use even worse hyperbole and hate speech than some of the Christians have been using.

And if anybody offers any reasoned argument that does not fit the politically correct version, the topic is further derailed by the schoolyard food fight crowd and PC police who pile on with a chorus of charges of ignorance, and intolerance, and wanting to deprive gays of their rights, yadda yadda.

Sometimes I despair that a grown up discussion that encourages all points of view to be be thoughtfully and intelligently discussed is no longer possible in our dumbed down, brainwashed, and politically correct world. Hats off to the OP for trying. But it seems hopeless.

OMG not this crap again....
Sometimes I despair that a grown up discussion that encourages all points of view to be be thoughtfully and intelligently discussed is no longer possible in our dumbed down, brainwashed, and politically correct world. Hats off to the OP for trying. But it seems hopeless.

Here's the problem as I see it: The minute an issue becomes politicized, it's immediately broken down to its most simplistic level - "dumbed down", as you call it. Nuance is tossed out, everything becomes binary. And then comes the traditional deflection, distortion, straw men, hyperbole, outright lies and name-calling, and the conversation becomes nothing more than professional wrestling for political geeks.

This thread has some interesting posts, though, with some more conservative posters saying that they really don't care one way or the other about the topic, and even disagreeing with the hardcore Christian guy.


BELIEVE GOD'S WORD!!!!Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
BELIEVE GOD'S WORD!!!!Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Hey sinner. Its Sunday. Shouldn't you be in church paying attention to the sermon?
How marriage has changed over centuries - The Week

Go fuck yourself.

before that marriage was utter chaos am i right?
Fuck you

go fuck yourselves people...You are on the wrong side of history.

And in none of your rambling fuck you's did you ever prove me wrong. Thank you very much for proving me right, I appreciate your effort.

well yes i did, i see you didnt bother to read. Marriage has not always been about one man and one woman.

But like i said its irrelevant, you will lose and it will become the law of the land.
People like you are barbaric savages who want no equality for certain people.

Read your own quote, you failed.

I do find it interesting you call people savages while yelling fuck you! at them. You petulant little being.

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