Vatican Confirms Widespread Rape Of Nuns By Priests In 23 Countries

Billy Graham’s grandson: evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sex abuse

Billy Graham’s grandson: evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sex abuse

AUSTIN, Texas (RNS) "Protestants can be very arrogant when pointing to Catholics," said Boz Tchividjian, a grandson of evangelist Billy Graham and executive director of Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE), which has investigated sex abuse allegations.
Protestants and Jews are guilty of the sin of pride (and incredible ignorance) if they think their communities are somehow immune from the sex abuse problems that have plagued the Catholic Church.
Our society is now so sick and perverse that there are literally child molesters everywhere. Every liberal and Democrat who encourages immoral behavior is partially to blame for this, because it is they who have encouraged this "do as thou wilt" philosophy (which really comes from Satan).
let's talk about catholic morality

Sounds like a plan. These are the basics of Catholic morality:

We are made in the image of God
The responsible practice of freedom
The understanding of moral acts

  • The objective act
  • The subjective goal or intention
  • The concrete situation in which we perform the act
The reality of sin and our trust in God's mercy
The formation of conscience

If you wish, we can discuss the elements of Catholic morality.

Or, did you wish to explore and discuss human degradation and depravity (essentially pornography) in an approved setting so as to hide the true motive?

If you are interested in religious discussion on Catholic morality, I'm in. If it is pornography you wish to bring to the table, then I belong in a different thread.
once again, you do not solve your problems by childishly pointing to selective recognition of others in similar situations.
1)no one trusts your links or validity since you prove to lie and use propaganda before.
2)if the links are genuine and stories genuine then you are still using selective recognition tricks as seen in how you place Jesus into texts this trick does not fool rational intelligent people. In other words if you compared regular society aggression issues with that of your targeted groups accused it should be about the same percentage Human problem your target groups=human like everyone else=same percentage.
Most times it's under the percentage of societal ills because they hold to higher morality and conciousness.
You selectively pointing to specific instances out of the Millions of your target group that existed through time is less then societal ills and thus is deceptive selective recognition on your part.
3)in the Clergy the percentage is high and it's because of the issues of authority being abused and the celibacy being anti pro creation, an instinct we are created with that when supressed results in that aggressive behavior.
Admission to this issue that helps cause the problems is how you deal with and try to solve the problem, not displacement blame, hiding, or deceptively accusing other groups of the same. The fact I graciously offered to help them solve this issue after sheding light to the problem means I wasn't doing it to just tear them down for malice, I was doing it out of compassion to help HaShev (redeem) them. Anyone can bash down something, but offering a solution with the judgement is the difference between destructive and constructive criticsm.
If you can't learn to take constructive criticsm then you never learn and grow up out of
the issues pointed out. Which is why the Church is still haunted by this problem and backlash, because it chose to revictimize the victim rather then listen to good sound council.
You guys are not good at handling the refiners fire at all.
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So if we are busy for a few hours you call that running away?
In that case what do you call being away for 2000 years allowing such tradgedies to happen? =JESUS RAN AWAY FROM YOU.
Check Mate!
That being admitted now let's address this:
Judaic practices and hierarchy is not conducive of such acts, however the RCC Clergy is a tinder box for such acts, because it supresses natural instincts to procreate, plus the authority and power given them is setting up a system for abuses to reign.
The Rabbis don't tolerate such behavior, but the RCC hides and transfers the problem and allows it to continue or at least it used to and in many cases still does turn a blind eye or revictimizes the victims.
In your case you are once again blaming Jews for everything instead of addressing the policy of celebacy. I had this discussion with many clergy, but they can't impliment the changes, so it continues.

But since you opened up the pandoras box you now admit Jesus is a problem:
1)like you admitted he ran away.
2)he was found sleeping with a naked young Lazarus, in which case you admit it is wrong here and in the case of M. Jackson who was doing the same, society rightfully admits it's wrong.
3)Yehuda wrote that Jesus and his apostles were sexual deviates
4)the secret of the man-boy statue in France, in that church there, is about number 2 on this list and that the Roman church was a man- boy love satanic cult.

A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, According to this seemingly authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus had an active bisexual love life,including relationswith John, Lazarus and Mary Magdelene.
Also validating that: is
in the missing portions of Mark it shows Jesus sleeping with a naked young rich man, but also the NT validates this:
"...there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold of him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." (Mark 14:51-52). Was this the companion that Luke observed with Jesus inside the garden?

"...he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day..."(Amos 2:16----the Hebrew 'labab' translated 'flee away' here, actually means 'transported with love', and also 'ravished'). Now that certainly fits this episode of the young man fleeing away naked from Jesus outside the garden of Gethsemane.

Who was this young man if not perhaps the rich man whom "Then Jesus beholding him, loved him..."(Mark 10:21). Perhaps it was the rich man Lazarus, of whom "...he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth..."(John 11:11----The Greek 'philos' translated 'friend', also means 'dear' and 'fond of').

Check me and I double check you. Mohammad ran amok when Jesus only ran away.
Satan falls to the ground every time he hears the name of Jesus Christ. Satan flees from anyone who submits themselves to God (Jesus Christ) and resists him. The least in the kingdom of God have the power to bind Satan and destroy every stronghold. The least. Satan was defeated at the cross by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago and does not have power over any obedient follower of Jesus Christ..... And yet you choose to serve Lucifer? What is wrong with you??

I do not choose, never did chose and never will choose to follow Lucifer. Jesus runs away and then comes back. I had a battlefield experience in Nam where I prayed real hard for God and Jesus came in his stead from a distant part of the Universe in only a couple of seconds. Jesus told me everything will be alright and left in a flash.
THE BATTLE your prince of peace caused=admission 1
You held a rifle=admission 2
He left without helping or resurrecting the good soldiers=admision 3
People like you are given a rifle=admission 4
Jesus never warns you what kingdoms use their military for besides protection admission=5
Flashing luciferous light=admission 6
Jesus said he was Lucifer =admission 7
I tell you he's Lucifer= no need to continue.
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THE BATTLE your prince of peace caused=admission 1
You held a rifle=admission 2
He left without helping or resurrecting the good soldiers=admision 3
People like you are given a rifle=admission 4
Jesus never warns you what kingdoms use their military for besides protection admission=5
Flashing luciferous light=admission 6
Jesus said he was Lucifer =admission 7
I tell you he's Lucifer= no need to continue.

Admission 1: you equate Jesus with Lucifer.

I admit that I have never heard the word Lucifer used for Satan or Devil in a very long time.
Read Ezekiel 28 in full regarding the son of perdition. He is a CREATED IMAGE OF A MAN. Meaning he is a character created that would be called perfect and deemed the
Anointed(Christ) Cherub(guardian in Hebrew= Nazarene)-Ezekiel 28:14-15.
Perdition=to fall to the pit.
Read Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3:19 Jesus fell to the pit in the heart of the seas(i.e. Rome) for claiming to be a god per Ezekiel 28 description of Lucifers fall.

Jesus admits being the fallen star (morning star =fallen arc of venus symboled Lucifers fall)-Rev 22:16

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

Baal was the father of the Morning Star which is why they never mention the father's name except to say Lord in Heaven, but then Lord in Hebrew is Ba'al.
“... from my Father (Baal). To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
The article says priests have been raping nuns and the Vatican admits it. OK. The link within the article for more details takes you nowhere. Still, if this is true, then the Vatican has taken action, hasn't it? Priests raping nuns is obviously not the way Priests are supposed to behave. So they have been defrocked, right? Well. We don't know because the link that promises "much more" info isn't there.

Sure this is yet another guno rails against Catholics thread. It's also an opportunity to state the obvious. Sometimes people do bad things. There are consequences when people do bad things.
The article says priests have been raping nuns and the Vatican admits it. OK. The link within the article for more details takes you nowhere. Still, if this is true, then the Vatican has taken action, hasn't it? Priests raping nuns is obviously not the way Priests are supposed to behave. So they have been defrocked, right? Well. We don't know because the link that promises "much more" info isn't there.

Sure this is yet another guno rails against Catholics thread. It's also an opportunity to state the obvious. Sometimes people do bad things. There are consequences when people do bad things.

I don't know about the "much more" info out of Africa, but I do know that media is very quiet on how public social services are now using as a guide the procedures the Catholic Church in the United States has put into place in to preventing and outing those guilty of child abuse. The United States College of Catholic Bishops put pressure on dioceses who are slow to respond. The news media shines no light on any of this. They prefer scandal to virtue.

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