Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Hilarity Ensues

Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.

So the only value in an animal is what purpose they serve for OUR selfish needs? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll have to disagree with you on that.

Besides, most animals are a lot smarter than people realize. In fact, pigs are ranked smarter than dogs and in certain studies they do better than a 3 year old child. They also have unique personalities, like dogs, but they are among the worst treated animals of all. The bottom line is that society has conditioned people to believe dogs and cats should be loved and cherished and other animals are just "food"... ok to be treated like objects. The reality is that ALL animals deserve love, dignity and respect.

Native Americans used to eat their dogs. Barack Obama even admitted that he ate dog when he was a child in Kenya.

Why do you hate Native Americans and Obama?
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.

So the only value in an animal is what purpose they serve for OUR selfish needs? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll have to disagree with you on that.

Besides, most animals are a lot smarter than people realize. In fact, pigs are ranked smarter than dogs and in certain studies they do better than a 3 year old child. They also have unique personalities, like dogs, but they are among the worst treated animals of all. The bottom line is that society has conditioned people to believe dogs and cats should be loved and cherished and other animals are just "food"... ok to be treated like objects. The reality is that ALL animals deserve love, dignity and respect.

Native Americans used to eat their dogs. Barack Obama even admitted that he ate dog when he was a child in Kenya.

Why do you hate Native Americans and Obama?

"Dog is a fine meal!!!"
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.

So the only value in an animal is what purpose they serve for OUR selfish needs? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll have to disagree with you on that.

Besides, most animals are a lot smarter than people realize. In fact, pigs are ranked smarter than dogs and in certain studies they do better than a 3 year old child. They also have unique personalities, like dogs, but they are among the worst treated animals of all. The bottom line is that society has conditioned people to believe dogs and cats should be loved and cherished and other animals are just "food"... ok to be treated like objects. The reality is that ALL animals deserve love, dignity and respect.

Native Americans used to eat their dogs. Barack Obama even admitted that he ate dog when he was a child in Kenya.

Why do you hate Native Americans and Obama?

When did you stop beating your wife? Wow, how many logical fallacies can one fit into one post? lol

Just because a certain culture did something or a certain person did something doesn't make it right. By that logic, cannibalism is perfectly fine, because certain cultures used to do that too. And let's not forget slavery, that was once the norm.
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.

They're not my comrades in any way, shape or form. They actually have much in common with you, the difference is they've just chosen one or two more animals to eat.

Besides, that was a question for Holly.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.

They're not my comrades in any way, shape or form. They actually have much in common with you, the difference is they've just chosen one or two more animals to eat.

Besides, that was a question for Holly.

This is a no stupid question zone. If you have a question stick to factual issues.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.

They're not my comrades in any way, shape or form. They actually have much in common with you, the difference is they've just chosen one or two more animals to eat.

Besides, that was a question for Holly.

This is a no stupid question zone. If you have a question stick to factual issues.

It IS factual that dogs are killed for their "meat" and fur in some Asian countries. Are you denying that? Replying with "that happens over there, not over here" just shows that the point of my question flew right over your head. But again, it wasn't directed at you anyway, it was to Holly. And I want to hear HER response.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.

They're not my comrades in any way, shape or form. They actually have much in common with you, the difference is they've just chosen one or two more animals to eat.

Besides, that was a question for Holly.

This is a no stupid question zone. If you have a question stick to factual issues.

It IS factual that dogs are killed for their "meat" and fur in some Asian countries. Are you denying that? Replying with "that happens over there, not over here" just shows that the point of my question flew right over your head. But again, it wasn't directed at you anyway, it was to Holly. And I want to hear HER response.

So what’s the right thing to do? Buy 16 rabbits or steal from a family barely getting by?
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



If you believe that abuse or worse is taking place, you alert the authorities first. Taking matters into your own hands should be a last resort.

God bless you always!!!

Violence is never the answer. Once the threat is over, let them go. However, the Vegans should have never tried to steal private property. What do they think gives them that right? Moral superiority? Like all far left progressives, the ends justify the means. Maybe they will THINK next time and realize they can't break the law because of their viewpoints.

My sympathy is with the farmers who just minding their own business and trying to make a living when a bunch of goofy assholes show up to destroy their farms and livelihoods.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Dogs protect the house and can be taught tricks.

Not so much for rabbits.

So the only value in an animal is what purpose they serve for OUR selfish needs? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'll have to disagree with you on that.

Besides, most animals are a lot smarter than people realize. In fact, pigs are ranked smarter than dogs and in certain studies they do better than a 3 year old child. They also have unique personalities, like dogs, but they are among the worst treated animals of all. The bottom line is that society has conditioned people to believe dogs and cats should be loved and cherished and other animals are just "food"... ok to be treated like objects. The reality is that ALL animals deserve love, dignity and respect.

Native Americans used to eat their dogs. Barack Obama even admitted that he ate dog when he was a child in Kenya.

Why do you hate Native Americans and Obama?

All cultures are equal. Until it is useful for a lefty for them to not be. Then they are sub human scum of the earth.

The lefty in question will let you know, which rules are in operation, at the moment.

Any questions?
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
The best part is that this idiot seemed shocked at the farmers reaction.
That only goes to show how brain challenged they truly are. What made them think that their business wouldn't be messed with after they started nosing around into someone else's business?

God bless you and the property owner(s) always!!!


A question for you. If a "farm" was keeping dogs in small, dark filthy cages, abusing them and then slaughtering them to sell their meat or their fur, would you still think that the good guy was the "farmer" and the bad guys were those who rescued some of the dogs?

Here's what "farmers" do in Asian countries:



Go talk to your Chinese comrades where those pictures were taken. Western civilization you go to jail for abusing feed animals.

So what’s the right thing to do? Buy 16 rabbits or steal from a family barely getting by?

You’re making a lot of assumptions there. For one, you’re assuming that these types of rescues take place on a small family farm where Ma and Pa farmer are good people just barely getting by. That’s usually not the case at all. Like I said in my first post on this thread, from what I’ve seen, these types of rescues usually take place on farms were there is blatant abuse, where the farmers are clearly only interested in profiting off of the suffering animals.

To answer your question, in my opinion obviously it’s better to do everything legally. And buying animals who were destined for slaughter, in order to save their lives DOES happen, and those animals get to live their life out at an animal sanctuary, free from harm.

But like I said in my first post on this thread, one of the reasons these types of rescues take place is to expose the cruelty going on in farms, behind closed doors, and to get people to think about the bigger picture.

As I said before, whether you agree with them or not, they are going by the principle of civil disobedience, which historically has been a way to bring about change in society. You may not think that laws that protect animal abuse are unjust, but they disagree. They’re not doing this to be jerks, they’re doing it because they sincerely believe that what is taking place behind closed doors is an injustice that needs to be exposed.

And I wasn’t intending to get into a big debate here, but you’re going to see a lot more of this type of thing, because the world is changing. Using/abusing animals for our own self interests is going to be a thing of the past. Veganism is the future. So I hope y’all will be on the right side of history.
Ultimately, the market will decide. And right now the vegan industry is killing it.

Personally, I see no benefit to these kinds of incidents.

Again, the market will decide.
So what’s the right thing to do? Buy 16 rabbits or steal from a family barely getting by?

You’re making a lot of assumptions there. For one, you’re assuming that these types of rescues take place on a small family farm where Ma and Pa farmer are good people just barely getting by. That’s usually not the case at all. Like I said in my first post on this thread, from what I’ve seen, these types of rescues usually take place on farms were there is blatant abuse, where the farmers are clearly only interested in profiting off of the suffering animals.

To answer your question, in my opinion obviously it’s better to do everything legally. And buying animals who were destined for slaughter, in order to save their lives DOES happen, and those animals get to live their life out at an animal sanctuary, free from harm.

But like I said in my first post on this thread, one of the reasons these types of rescues take place is to expose the cruelty going on in farms, behind closed doors, and to get people to think about the bigger picture.

As I said before, whether you agree with them or not, they are going by the principle of civil disobedience, which historically has been a way to bring about change in society. You may not think that laws that protect animal abuse are unjust, but they disagree. They’re not doing this to be jerks, they’re doing it because they sincerely believe that what is taking place behind closed doors is an injustice that needs to be exposed.

And I wasn’t intending to get into a big debate here, but you’re going to see a lot more of this type of thing, because the world is changing. Using/abusing animals for our own self interests is going to be a thing of the past. Veganism is the future. So I hope y’all will be on the right side of history.

Or else what?

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