Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Hilarity Ensues

So what’s the right thing to do? Buy 16 rabbits or steal from a family barely getting by?

You’re making a lot of assumptions there. For one, you’re assuming that these types of rescues take place on a small family farm where Ma and Pa farmer are good people just barely getting by. That’s usually not the case at all. Like I said in my first post on this thread, from what I’ve seen, these types of rescues usually take place on farms were there is blatant abuse, where the farmers are clearly only interested in profiting off of the suffering animals.

To answer your question, in my opinion obviously it’s better to do everything legally. And buying animals who were destined for slaughter, in order to save their lives DOES happen, and those animals get to live their life out at an animal sanctuary, free from harm.

But like I said in my first post on this thread, one of the reasons these types of rescues take place is to expose the cruelty going on in farms, behind closed doors, and to get people to think about the bigger picture.

As I said before, whether you agree with them or not, they are going by the principle of civil disobedience, which historically has been a way to bring about change in society. You may not think that laws that protect animal abuse are unjust, but they disagree. They’re not doing this to be jerks, they’re doing it because they sincerely believe that what is taking place behind closed doors is an injustice that needs to be exposed.

And I wasn’t intending to get into a big debate here, but you’re going to see a lot more of this type of thing, because the world is changing. Using/abusing animals for our own self interests is going to be a thing of the past. Veganism is the future. So I hope y’all will be on the right side of history.
Then enjoy the shotgun blast that thieves get.
So what’s the right thing to do? Buy 16 rabbits or steal from a family barely getting by?

You’re making a lot of assumptions there. For one, you’re assuming that these types of rescues take place on a small family farm where Ma and Pa farmer are good people just barely getting by. That’s usually not the case at all. Like I said in my first post on this thread, from what I’ve seen, these types of rescues usually take place on farms were there is blatant abuse, where the farmers are clearly only interested in profiting off of the suffering animals.

To answer your question, in my opinion obviously it’s better to do everything legally. And buying animals who were destined for slaughter, in order to save their lives DOES happen, and those animals get to live their life out at an animal sanctuary, free from harm.

But like I said in my first post on this thread, one of the reasons these types of rescues take place is to expose the cruelty going on in farms, behind closed doors, and to get people to think about the bigger picture.

As I said before, whether you agree with them or not, they are going by the principle of civil disobedience, which historically has been a way to bring about change in society. You may not think that laws that protect animal abuse are unjust, but they disagree. They’re not doing this to be jerks, they’re doing it because they sincerely believe that what is taking place behind closed doors is an injustice that needs to be exposed.

And I wasn’t intending to get into a big debate here, but you’re going to see a lot more of this type of thing, because the world is changing. Using/abusing animals for our own self interests is going to be a thing of the past. Veganism is the future. So I hope y’all will be on the right side of history.

Or else what?
Vegans are USDA certified nutcases.
I edge more towards vegetation, but not vegan. I feel the human animal evolved as an omnivore andtbat is a biological reality. However as a culture we eat far too much meat.

I don’t oppose meat eating on ethical principles, we are part of a natural cycle that includes predators and prey, omnivores, carnivores and herbivores.

The problems are when we as a culture lose respect and gratitude for the animals we eat. When living things are simply a product, making it easy to justify abuses.

Domestic animals entered into a sacred compact with humanity, giving up freedom for security. We owe it to them to give them the best possible life we can. Social animals need the company of their kind, room to graze, rest comfortably and without overcrowding in muddy feedlots, tiny cages or massed into single buildings.

We owe them that for the lives they give us, if we consider ourselves a superior species.
60 vegans try to ‘rescue’ 16 rabbits. What happens next surprised the snowflakes, but the rest of us are simply nodding in understanding.

Vegans Storm Spanish Rabbit Farm, Surprised When Farmers Fight Back

Now that is how you deal with criminal thieving terrorists. You chase them down, beat the crap out of them, and making them so terrified that they never think to act this way again.

If only we could do that in the US.

I especially like how the criminals started crying that the police need to protect them from those mean ol farmers.

Um.... yeah stupid.... the farmers didn't come storming your property to steal your stuff. You are not the victim... you are criminal. Police are not there to protect criminals. They protect victims.

"WAH!" Left-wingers.... so pathetic.
Don’t fuck with someone’s ability to earn a living.

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Does that apply to human traffickers?

and pimps and drug dealers and rabbit farmers also.

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I hope you didn't say what it sounded like you said. So no one should 'fuck with' human traffickers? So people who kidnap young girls in order to sell them into forced sex slavery have the right to do what they do without any interference?
I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.
Well, that escalated fast.
Amazing what occurs when thieves are caught.
You dreaming of shooting some vegans, Weatherman?

I would never shoot a vegan. It spoils the meat.

Slow roasted alive is the way.

I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.

I'm seeing a pattern here, the lust for blood and violence. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, considering what you support and put into your body daily.
I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.

I'm seeing a pattern here, the lust for blood and violence. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, considering what you support and put into your body daily.

Eating meat does not increase aggression. That is just you putting on airs.

Try to be less snobby.

YOu are being very bigoted to other cultures.
What is really bewildering is that these activists are really surprised when they are prevented from destroying someone's livelihood. They act like the farmers shouldn't be protecting their property.

Wherever would they get such entitled notions?
What is really bewildering is that these activists are really surprised when they are prevented from destroying someone's livelihood. They act like the farmers shouldn't be protecting their property.

Wherever would they get such entitled notions?

They are conditioned by media and educators to be completely senseless. This is what our Western culture has come to, thanks to liberalism.
What is really bewildering is that these activists are really surprised when they are prevented from destroying someone's livelihood. They act like the farmers shouldn't be protecting their property.

Wherever would they get such entitled notions?

They are conditioned by media and educators to be completely senseless. This is what our Western culture has come to, thanks to liberalism.
Kind of like the violence perpetrated by the anti-choice extremists.
I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.

I'm seeing a pattern here, the lust for blood and violence. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, considering what you support and put into your body daily.

Eating meat does not increase aggression. That is just you putting on airs.

Try to be less snobby.

YOu are being very bigoted to other cultures.

I get my vitamin B12 from it.
What is really bewildering is that these activists are really surprised when they are prevented from destroying someone's livelihood. They act like the farmers shouldn't be protecting their property.

Wherever would they get such entitled notions?

They are conditioned by media and educators to be completely senseless. This is what our Western culture has come to, thanks to liberalism.
Kind of like the violence perpetrated by the anti-choice extremists.

Yes, very similar. Except your fringe is in charge of your party and your movement, and Hollywood, and the media, and our schools and colleges.

The pro-life extremists managed to gin up one or two nuts a decade.

What are you guys going to do?

I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.

I'm seeing a pattern here, the lust for blood and violence. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, considering what you support and put into your body daily.

You know what's scwewy. The same people making blanket statements about all vegans being leftists are the same people cheerleading to give the federal government new powers to force Individuals to consume the pharmaceutical products of their lobbyists. Enforced at the barrel of a government gun, of course.

These people are as conservative as my dick. lol.
What is really bewildering is that these activists are really surprised when they are prevented from destroying someone's livelihood. They act like the farmers shouldn't be protecting their property.

Wherever would they get such entitled notions?

They are conditioned by media and educators to be completely senseless. This is what our Western culture has come to, thanks to liberalism.
Kind of like the violence perpetrated by the anti-choice extremists.

Yes, very similar. Except your fringe is in charge of your party and your movement, and Hollywood, and the media, and our schools and colleges.

The pro-life extremists managed to gin up one or two nuts a decade.

What are you guys going to do?


I am not a Republican.
I was enjoying watching the vegans get bloodied up. It wasn't as enjoyable as the Argentine gauchos whipping the activists. They had those suckers running for their lives.

I'm seeing a pattern here, the lust for blood and violence. I guess that shouldn't be surprising, considering what you support and put into your body daily.

You know what's scwewy. The same people making blanket statements about all vegans being leftists are the same people cheerleading to give the federal government new powers to force Individuals to consume the pharmaceutical products of their lobbyists. Enforced at the barrel of a government gun, of course.

These people are as conservative as my dick. lol.

Exactly. It's truly sad how warped beyond recognition the word 'conservative' is these days. I do think it's funny when they assume that if you're vegan you must be a leftist (when it has nothing to do with right or left) while they themselves support big government statist policies. Ah well, I guess they can't fathom that some people are independent thinkers.
She sucks at activism as well as veganism...

A vegan activist in Spain who claimed to have been attacked by an angry mob last week — after she “rescued” 16 rabbits from their farm — wound up causing the deaths of nearly 100 baby bunnies in the process, a report says.

The activist, who goes by the name “Mythical Mia” on social media, conducted the alleged rescue mission on a farm near Osono last Sunday, according to the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

Five rabbits, which were pregnant and about to give birth, were killed during the chaotic retrieval and several others were left with broken spines, the paper reports, citing an assessment from a local veterinarian.
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