Vegas Haunting: Fiction?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Vegas ghost-story for President Trump and is inspired by the 2017 Vegas shooting incident (which is arguably as unnerving as the numerous high-school shootings in America).



Americans became fascinated by the economics-oriented fun-times of the pseudo-fabled casino-city of Las Vegas (Nevada). Patrons and travellers made this once mafia-controlled G.I. stopover in the desert a haven for all kinds of recreational gambling and nightlife entertainment which was perfectly-supervised, legal, and clean(!). Yes, Las Vegas was not the Red Light District of Amsterdam or the inner-city poetic primalism of Harlem (New York). No, Vegas was a lighthouse for those wanting to 'embrace' the general 'legality' of capitalism now that there were no such things as pirates (e.g., Blackbeard) and warlords (e.g.. Genghis Khan).


That's why American sailor Shipwreck (real name: Kurt Russell!) decided to make a vacation-stop in Vegas during some time off from the Navy. Shipwreck read most of Adam Smith's capitalism economics-treatise The Wealth of Nations and came to embrace the general thinking of capitalism-profiteerism which humanity had come to know as 'emblematic' of Wall Street,, Starbucks, and IKEA. Shipwreck was prepared to make his Vegas vacation something to remember fondly. He wanted to play Blackjack and slots mostly...


One early evening, while Shipwreck was walking around the casino-floor of Caesar's Palace in Vegas, he noticed a strange misty human-like shape (or figure) sitting by one of the slot machines in an area where there weren't really any players/patrons playing. Shipwreck wondered what the misty figure was and decided he's walk closer towards it to see what it really was, and when he got there, the misty figure (which was indeed a humanoid figure) turned its head towards Shipwreck and blew a gust of air from his mouth(!). Shipwreck realized he was seeing a ghost (of some kind), but he wondered why it was haunting Caesar's Palace(!).


SHIPWRECK: Who are you? What do you want?
GHOST: Navy?
SHIPWRECK: Yea, I'm Navy, but are you a ghost?
SHIPWRECK: Why are you spooking Caesar's Palace.
GHOST: Hail, Caesar!!
SHIPWRECK: Stop foolin' around and tell me what you want!
GHOST: Tell me the secret of Las Vegas...
SHIPWRECK: The secret? I dunno, Bugsy? Americana? Capitalism? 21?
GHOST: No! The secret is...fear of poverty.
SHIPWRECK: Well, I suppose that's...true...but so what? Are you evil?
GHOST: I'm a messenger, Shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK: So you know my name, eh, 'Mr.Ghost.' What's your message?
GHOST: Never bet on sports in America...
SHIPWRECK: Why not? Tom Brady (too predictable/boring)? I don't get it.
GHOST: No one likes losing the Super Bowl; betting against underdogs is evil.
SHIPWRECK: Evil? Well, underdogs don't always win, but what are you saying?
GHOST: Shipwreck, I'm telling you this --- capitalism is deformed (farewell...).

Shipwreck never forgot his eerie ghost-encounter at Caesar's Palace, and he always wondered what the ghost meant when he said, "Capitalism is deformed" before vanishing right before his eyes. On some nights, Shipwreck told himself he hallucinated the entire incident since he was anxious about being on vacation and taking time off from the Navy to indulge in gambling. After all, gambling indulged the senses and soothed the basic human fear of miscalculating risk. What psychiatry was to community values, gambling was to capitalism-intelligence! Shipwreck realized that if the ghost was indeed real, it was telling him that Las Vegas (Nevada) is a site for all kinds of juvenile-delinquency. So...was this ghost friendly (or ridiculous)?



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