Venezuela drops US dollar will use euro for international transactions


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced.
Venezuela drops US dollar, will use euro for international transactions

Globa economic collapse is on it's way , everybody is or has been dropping the US dollar even before Trump.
The NWO / Globalist are dying to have a global economic collapse
Good. The use of the Dollar of as an international unit of currency has made it too strong, hurting our Trade Balance.
One wonders how this did not happen at the very outset of the Euro. Those in charge of things in the "Old World" should have insisted at the start that if business were to be done with them, it would be in their coin.
It shows their lack of faith in themselves.
The American economy is so gigantic that all fear it.
Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced.
Venezuela drops US dollar, will use euro for international transactions

Globa economic collapse is on it's way , everybody is or has been dropping the US dollar even before Trump.
The NWO / Globalist are dying to have a global economic collapse
It is way scarier than just that, California and Texas are currently experimenting with State notes. They have Hundreds of ATMs installed for beta testing. You obvously understand how the dollar being the universal note effects our economy. If this changes it is over we are fucked.
Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced.
Venezuela drops US dollar, will use euro for international transactions

Globa economic collapse is on it's way , everybody is or has been dropping the US dollar even before Trump.
The NWO / Globalist are dying to have a global economic collapse
It is way scarier than just that, California and Texas are currently experimenting with State notes. They have Hundreds of ATMs installed for beta testing. You obvously understand how the dollar being the universal note effects our economy. If this changes it is over we are fucked.

California and Texas are currently experimenting with State notes.

I tried to source that and came up with goose eggs, so I'm thinking that is BS
I tried to source that and came up with goose eggs, so I'm thinking that is BS

What is the post or someone's comment?
California and Texas are currently experimenting with State notes.

Oh yeah I heard that too.

This place has it mentioned too where Venzula is dropping the dollar to though.


Venezuela Drops US Dollar for International Transactions while Posting Record Bitcoin Trading Volume
Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced.
Venezuela drops US dollar, will use euro for international transactions

Globa economic collapse is on it's way , everybody is or has been dropping the US dollar even before Trump.
The NWO / Globalist are dying to have a global economic collapse
It is way scarier than just that, California and Texas are currently experimenting with State notes. They have Hundreds of ATMs installed for beta testing. You obvously understand how the dollar being the universal note effects our economy. If this changes it is over we are fucked.

News to me, and I live in Texas. The GOP here is no great shakes, and not really conservatives, they just sell out to whoever offers them most money, no matter what. We don't even rank in the Top Ten most 'business friendly' states, for all their fake noises about being 'pro-free enterprise'. If it is true, I would short it with every penny I had.

In other news, some media gossip has had the entire world 'getting rid of the dollar' for as long as I can remember, still no luck with that. A basket case like Venezuela making noises it can never back up is of no concern, any more than that hilarious BRICKS fiasco was. Whatever happened to that 'great blow against the U.S.', anyway? They're 'dropping the dollar' because we're exporting now, not buying, and their dollars are all gone and none coming in, and they have no choice. Big deal.

lol are there still idiots speculating in Bitcoins???? That's hilarious. Sounds like that famous stock offering in the South Sea Bubble, wherein a group of con artists were selling shares in an 'enterprise wherein no one is know what it is for secrecy's sake'.
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Venezuela is abandoning the US dollar, with all future transactions on the Venezuelan exchange market to be made in euro, Tareck El Aissami, the country's Vice President for Economy, announced.
Venezuela drops US dollar, will use euro for international transactions

Globa economic collapse is on it's way , everybody is or has been dropping the US dollar even before Trump.
The NWO / Globalist are dying to have a global economic collapse
Must be running out of them...
Good. The use of the Dollar of as an international unit of currency has made it too strong, hurting our Trade Balance.
Our debt will kill us if countries stop using the dollar.

Not really. We owe a lot of it to ourselves, and foreigners currencies are so weak and unstable we have a huge surplus of money pouring into American markets, while most foreign markets are paying negative interest rates. Only the crap currencies from corrupt police states are running around trying to break free of the market restraints of U.S. dollars. Every attempt at crashing the dollar by these crime syndicates has just made it even stronger. lol

The 'solution' to breaking free of U.S. dollars is what Trump is trying to do, build our own domestic economy and drastically reduce imports, which is even worse for foreign economies, so they're pretty much stuck in a squeeze while we just move form strength to strength; our problem is our elites are a bunch of anti-American 'globalist' weasels who love police states, labor racketeering, criminal illegal immigration, overseas tax breaks that hurt the U.S., and Red China.
Good. The use of the Dollar of as an international unit of currency has made it too strong, hurting our Trade Balance.
Our debt will kill us if countries stop using the dollar.

As the dollar deflates our debt deflates too. Surely you saw that coming? I mean, literally, it has been obvious for decades.

There are many countries dropping dollar and using their own currencies for bilateral trades. It increases their purchasing power significantly. For example: India and Russia trade in rupee and ruble. India and Iran trade in rupee and rial.
One wonders how this did not happen at the very outset of the Euro. Those in charge of things in the "Old World" should have insisted at the start that if business were to be done with them, it would be in their coin.
It shows their lack of faith in themselves.
The American economy is so gigantic that all fear it.

They tried. With Iraq. That started the Iraq war. So much for the euro.
Good. The use of the Dollar of as an international unit of currency has made it too strong, hurting our Trade Balance.
Our debt will kill us if countries stop using the dollar.

As the dollar deflates our debt deflates too. Surely you saw that coming? I mean, literally, it has been obvious for decades.

There are many countries dropping dollar and using their own currencies for bilateral trades. It increases their purchasing power significantly. For example: India and Russia trade in rupee and ruble. India and Iran trade in rupee and rial.

Good for them.
Good. The use of the Dollar of as an international unit of currency has made it too strong, hurting our Trade Balance.
Our debt will kill us if countries stop using the dollar.

As the dollar deflates our debt deflates too. Surely you saw that coming? I mean, literally, it has been obvious for decades.

There are many countries dropping dollar and using their own currencies for bilateral trades. It increases their purchasing power significantly. For example: India and Russia trade in rupee and ruble. India and Iran trade in rupee and rial.

Good for them.

the Rupee hit all time lows against the dollar just a month or two ago; their currency is nearly worthless, so naturally they are desperate enough to take another worthless currency in trade. We certainly don't want rupees, except maybe for joke wall paper. this normally would help their exports, but we're swamped with other countries' crappy low end goods, so their main export is indentured servants to Silly Con Valley, where even their big giant educations are worth less than a janitor's. they are also the world's third largest importers, which of course is bad for them; they refuse to stop rampant corruption, so it will be reaching failed state status soon. They hoped for BRICS to allow them to extort the U.S. and Euro countries into over-valuing their worthless currency, but that didn't happen; we hear nothing about BRICS any more, it was supposed to drive us into ruin, too, like all the other idiot schemes so now their foreign accounts are loaded down with worthless crap and they will have to pay in gold or some other barter, like some medieval despot.
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lol lol lol the BRICS scam is still pretending to be some sort of viable 'bloc'. Talk about delusional rubbish.

The BRICS Post

Oh Noes!!!Crytpto-Currencies!!! lrothflmao

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