Venezuela’s minister says major power outage likely caused by ‘cyberattack’, points finger at US

Maybe Hugo’s daughter could lend her country some of the $3-4 Billion she inherited from her daddy’s pension fund to help fix the crumbling socialist electrical grid? After all, someone always has to pay for everything even though the dopes all think everything’s free.
Private venture capital at a market friendly price; Good Capitalists do!
Does this look like a dictator ?

Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Venezuela is a fuck up, that’s what happens when anybody embraces socialism
Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Venezuela is a fuck up, that’s what happens when anybody embraces socialism
it is a federal republic; must be right wing management.

Is there no commander in chief who can simply command a Corps of Engineers to engineer first world solutions to their third world problems?
Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Because it is socialist and failing as socialism always does.

It is not moving to the first world it dropped out of the first world
Sounds like a conspiracy theory...
Yet nobody answers the question....
How did Marco Rubio know [of the attack] a few minutes later that the backup generators had failed ? At that time, no one knew yet.

Because it is too predictable?

Polish Prince nailed it; Marxist governments like Maduros run out competent people and so few are left who know anything useful.
Polish Prince nailed it; Marxist governments like Maduros run out competent people and so few are left who know anything useful.
Can you explain how a "Marxist government" can function without nationalizing its banks? Two-thirds of the Venezuelan economy is in private hands, including the distribution of toilet paper.

"Another Failed Coup in Venezuela?"

Another Failed Coup in Venezuela?

So it only takes half Marxist to destroy a country now? Well price controls probably help.

Btw...PDVSA is the bank.
So it only takes half Marxist to destroy a country now? Well price controls probably help.

Btw...PDVSA is the bank.
PDVSA is the state-owned oil and natural gas company in Venezuela.

Banks in Venezuela - Overview of Banks in Venezuela

"Overview of Banks in Venezuela

"Governmental organization Central Bank of Venezuela, or Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV), is the country’s central monetary authority.

"It also serves as the governing agent of the Clearing House System. Founded in 1939, BCV oversees banks in Venezuela and keeps a fixed exchange rate for the Venezuelan bolívar.

"Aside from the central bank, the state banking system is composed of regional and development banks that are managed by the Venezuelan Development Corp., commercial banks, investment banks, mortgage banks in Venezuela, as well as savings and loan associations."

Because of the complexity of US sanctions and the high penalties for any violations, some banks are avoiding doing any business with Venezuela, which is a crime committed by capitalists, not socialists.
Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Because it is socialist and failing as socialism always does.

It is not moving to the first world it dropped out of the first world
special pleading is all the right wing has.

Egypt was using socialism before it became fashionable.

lousy right wing management does that.

FDR's brand of left wing socialism took us from a third world economy to a first world economy.
Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Because it is socialist and failing as socialism always does.

It is not moving to the first world it dropped out of the first world
special pleading is all the right wing has.

Egypt was using socialism before it became fashionable.

lousy right wing management does that.

FDR's brand of left wing socialism took us from a third world economy to a first world economy.
No it is socialist management which always failed.

FDR made things worse and only the war ended the depression. The egyptians had typical socialism yes which is slavery
Because of the complexity of US sanctions and the high penalties for any violations, some banks are avoiding doing any business with Venezuela, which is a crime committed by capitalists, not socialists.

part of which is why the Trump administration wants the opposition installed.....~S~
Is there no commander in chief who can simply command a Corps of Engineers to engineer first world solutions to their third world problems?


Trump Delivers Blunt Warning to Venezuela Military Over Aid Impasse

He has no authority. When did Congress give him that "imperium"?

they don't have to Dan

basically any administration can cloak regime change under the guise of humanitarian aid.....right now we've all manner of 'aid' on the columbian border flexing their muscle.....~S~
Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Because it is socialist and failing as socialism always does.

It is not moving to the first world it dropped out of the first world
special pleading is all the right wing has.

Egypt was using socialism before it became fashionable.

lousy right wing management does that.

FDR's brand of left wing socialism took us from a third world economy to a first world economy.
No it is socialist management which always failed.

FDR made things worse and only the war ended the depression. The egyptians had typical socialism yes which is slavery

yup, it's all FDR's fault>>>>

FDR's Plan in 1938 to Settle Jewish and White Refugees in Venezuela

Why does everyone claim Venezuela is socialist? A socialist command economy can simply command economize its way to the first world.
Because it is socialist and failing as socialism always does.

It is not moving to the first world it dropped out of the first world
special pleading is all the right wing has.

Egypt was using socialism before it became fashionable.

lousy right wing management does that.

FDR's brand of left wing socialism took us from a third world economy to a first world economy.
No it is socialist management which always failed.

FDR made things worse and only the war ended the depression. The egyptians had typical socialism yes which is slavery
How is Hoover Dam or the Tennessee Valley Authority worse? Those projects contribute to our first world economy.

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