Ventura’s 9/11 Questions Break Through Mainstream Media Dam


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Jan 6, 2007
Ventura’s notoriety as a fiercely independent upstart may have kept Hannity, for one, from playing his usual dirty tricks.

As former Governor, Ventura may be the highest level official in the United States to take 9/11 truth questions seriously, yet his enduring popularity and success as a celebrity, wrestler, Hollywood star, Navy SEAL and even Harvard professor make him more difficult to diffuse and ignore than celebrities who have previously come forward or Congressmen who have flirted with raising questions.

The Associated Press ran a story last week about Ventura’s 9/11 comments following an appearance on the Alex Jones Show that has now exploded into a frenzy of coverage as he makes the rounds to promote his book Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me, a title that may prove to be more than just rhetoric.
Hannity & Colmes
Ventura would be great as president.He also wants to see the kennedy assassination RE investigated.

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