Venture a guess: Will a Trump subpoena come before or after the midterms?

The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

So you're confirming our suspicion that the Mule Team was unable to find any collusion and is only there to hurt Trump and Republicans
My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough to not want to directly interfere with the midterms, lest his investigation be labeled (even MORE) partisan ....which would be strange since Mueller and Rosenstein are republican.

Nonetheless, with idiots like Giuliani around to muddy up the waters even more and with a segment of the do-nothing congress acting like "chumps for trump"......Mueller may be forced to hand over a subpoena fairly soon to allow the SCOTUS to decide whether compliance by the executive office is constitutional.

My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough.....:aug08_031:


So you're confirming our suspicion that the Mule Team was unable to find any collusion and is only there to hurt Trump and Republicans

WOW, what a "brilliant" conclusion there Frankie-baby......Did you wipe and flush afterwards?
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

I'm guessing it will come over the summer.

Yep - I say he wraps the whole thing up by mid-September. He has a lot of people to get to before Trump who would come last.

If Trump takes the 5th, it actually won't matter much. Bob will have the goods at LEAST on Obstruction.

Expecting a subpoena for Little Jared shortly. :wink:
My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough to not want to directly interfere with the midterms, lest his investigation be labeled (even MORE) partisan ....which would be strange since Mueller and Rosenstein are republican.

Nonetheless, with idiots like Giuliani around to muddy up the waters even more and with a segment of the do-nothing congress acting like "chumps for trump"......Mueller may be forced to hand over a subpoena fairly soon to allow the SCOTUS to decide whether compliance by the executive office is constitutional.

My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough.....:aug08_031:



Frankie does NOT trust republicans???.....Who
ts over, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.

Gee, I was wondering when a Trump cult member would bring up Hillary.......A bit slow today, Mr. Tuna?

it gets brought up because that's why you assholes are doing all this BS. None of this would be happening if crooked Hillary had won. she might be indicted by now, but Mueller would not be on a Trump witch hunt. this is all happening because the establishment cannot get over Trump winning and being successful in spite of the constant barrage of bullshit from the media and the dems.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

no subpoena because there is no basis for one. there is no evidence of any illegal acts by Trump or his campaign. the witch hunt failed. Time to move on and stop wasting taxpayer money. These partisan assholes will not remove Trump from office. Its over, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.

Trump is going to hit them back too. They're not going to like it at all. They no longer will have the FBI as the Democrat Gestapo
My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough to not want to directly interfere with the midterms, lest his investigation be labeled (even MORE) partisan ....which would be strange since Mueller and Rosenstein are republican.

Nonetheless, with idiots like Giuliani around to muddy up the waters even more and with a segment of the do-nothing congress acting like "chumps for trump"......Mueller may be forced to hand over a subpoena fairly soon to allow the SCOTUS to decide whether compliance by the executive office is constitutional.

My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough.....:aug08_031:



Frankie does NOT trust republicans???.....Who

Mueller is Apolitical enough.....:aug08_031:



Funniest thing on USMB today
ts over, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.

Gee, I was wondering when a Trump cult member would bring up Hillary.......A bit slow today, Mr. Tuna?

it gets brought up because that's why you assholes are doing all this BS. None of this would be happening if crooked Hillary had won. she might be indicted by now, but Mueller would not be on a Trump witch hunt. this is all happening because the establishment cannot get over Trump winning and being successful in spite of the constant barrage of bullshit from the media and the dems.

USMB is amazing - there aren't even this percentage of Trumplings in the REAL world!

Russian trolls? :biggrin:

ts over, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.

Gee, I was wondering when a Trump cult member would bring up Hillary.......A bit slow today, Mr. Tuna?

it gets brought up because that's why you assholes are doing all this BS. None of this would be happening if crooked Hillary had won. she might be indicted by now, but Mueller would not be on a Trump witch hunt. this is all happening because the establishment cannot get over Trump winning and being successful in spite of the constant barrage of bullshit from the media and the dems.

USMB is amazing - there aren't even this percentage of Trumplings in the REAL world!

Russian trolls? :biggrin:


your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.
Mueller would not be on a Trump witch hunt.

"Witch hunt"........what a novel description......Please make sure that Trump uses that phrase also.....its "brilliant."
They no longer will have the FBI as the Democrat Gestapo

Gee, the party of law and order has drunk a bit too much orange kool-aid.......(Hannity must be proud of you, Frankie....)

Rudy is proud too! And to think he used to work with these guys. :confused-84:

Giuliani characterized the Southern District Cohen FBI raids as “big stormtroopers coming in and breaking down his apartment and breaking down his office.” The remark appeared to reference a paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party — known as the Sturmabteilung, or Storm Detachment — that played a role in the rise of Adolf Hitler.
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

....and that is why we await your brilliant posts, Mr. Tuna....
Your well-documented facts cannot be refuted.............

(what an asshole......LOL)
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
My GUESS is that Mueller will proceed on his own schedule and disregard any other arbitrary event that may arise in the interim. In one to six weeks from now, expect some momentous declarations emerging from the Special Counsel that will really fucking piss off the Orange Baboon! Perhaps the Idiot-in-Chief's perfect health will take a down turn with an uncontrollable emotional outburst because he's still being picked on, the poor little baby!


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