Venture a guess: Will a Trump subpoena come before or after the midterms?

how do YOU know it was a lie? do you have personal access to Trump's financials?

NO, I do not.......
But, do you think that Mueller may have had access to Trump's financials???


Do you think that Trump checked the "During 2017 did you receive Income from Russian to conspire to collude with Russia to obstruct Hillary from the White House" box on his tax return??? Yes [ X] No [ ]

You cracked the case!

You and Apolitical Mueller!!
"Venture a guess". That seems to be the concept Mueller is operating on.

Hey, nitwit, those 16 indictments handed out by Muller should offer you a bit of hesitation in spewing your bullshit, don't you think?
A reasonable person would think that but not these POTUS apologists.
"A reasonable person........". That's a famous line from Comey when he unlawfully gave Hillary a get out of jail card.
Oh the irony! After the IG's report comes out in a couple of weeks Comey is going to spend all his book sales money trying to stay out of federal prison.
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

You've been smoking too much Rasmussen - now hand over the Razzy Bong. :)

Quinnipiac 4/20 - 4/24 1193 RV 39 54 -15

the only poll that matters was taken November 2016, 306 EC votes. 2020 could be 350 or more, depending on which fool the dems run.

Trump's policies are working for working americans. probably even you.

No why not just say it? - The only poll that matters to you and your Orange God is Rasmussen!
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

You've been smoking too much Rasmussen - now hand over the Razzy Bong. :)

Quinnipiac 4/20 - 4/24 1193 RV 39 54 -15

the only poll that matters was taken November 2016, 306 EC votes. 2020 could be 350 or more, depending on which fool the dems run.

Trump's policies are working for working americans. probably even you.

No why not just say it? - The only poll that matters to you and your Orange God is Rasmussen!

nope, the only poll that matters is the one taken on election day. AND TRUMP WON THAT ONE!
your cartoon would be funny if it was the least bit true, but its not. Virtually all working americans got a tax cut and most very rich americans are paying more. Just another lie from the left wing liars. not unexpected.

83% of the tax scam went to the wealthiest 2%

View attachment 192289

In your delusional mind......that's what happened. Empirical evidence...aka real world, things are quite different.
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

You've been smoking too much Rasmussen - now hand over the Razzy Bong. :)

Quinnipiac 4/20 - 4/24 1193 RV 39 54 -15

the only poll that matters was taken November 2016, 306 EC votes. 2020 could be 350 or more, depending on which fool the dems run.

Trump's policies are working for working americans. probably even you.

No why not just say it? - The only poll that matters to you and your Orange God is Rasmussen!

nope, the only poll that matters is the one taken on election day. AND TRUMP WON THAT ONE!

Yep - Lost by 3 million votes but squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two Comey announcements, hacked emails and 200 million views of fake news from Russian Bots and Trolls strategically directed at regions as directed by Jared Kushner.

Oh what a win it was! :rolleyes:
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

You've been smoking too much Rasmussen - now hand over the Razzy Bong. :)

Quinnipiac 4/20 - 4/24 1193 RV 39 54 -15

the only poll that matters was taken November 2016, 306 EC votes. 2020 could be 350 or more, depending on which fool the dems run.

Trump's policies are working for working americans. probably even you.

No why not just say it? - The only poll that matters to you and your Orange God is Rasmussen!

nope, the only poll that matters is the one taken on election day. AND TRUMP WON THAT ONE!

Yep - Lost by 3 million votes but squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two Comey announcements, hacked emails and 200 million views of fake news from Russian Bots and Trolls strategically directed at regions as directed by Jared Kushner.

Oh what a win it was! :rolleyes:

Trump won. Lol. Just 6 and a half more years. Im sure most of you will be full jonestown by then though so it won't matter.
your cartoon would be funny if it was the least bit true, but its not. Virtually all working americans got a tax cut and most very rich americans are paying more. Just another lie from the left wing liars. not unexpected.

83% of the tax scam went to the wealthiest 2%

View attachment 192289


No it isn't

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

All speculation by a liberal rag...Vox.
your cartoon would be funny if it was the least bit true, but its not. Virtually all working americans got a tax cut and most very rich americans are paying more. Just another lie from the left wing liars. not unexpected.

83% of the tax scam went to the wealthiest 2%

View attachment 192289


No it isn't

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

All speculation by a liberal rag...Vox.

Nothing to do with Vox - they merely reposted the findings of non-partisan analysts.

Touted As Middle-Class Win, GOP Tax Plan Directly Benefits Wealthy, Analysis Finds
Trump’s Tax Cuts Are the Biggest Wealth Grab in Modern History
your cartoon would be funny if it was the least bit true, but its not. Virtually all working americans got a tax cut and most very rich americans are paying more. Just another lie from the left wing liars. not unexpected.

83% of the tax scam went to the wealthiest 2%

View attachment 192289


No it isn't

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

All speculation by a liberal rag...Vox.

Nothing to do with Vox - they merely reposted the findings of non-partisan analysts.

Touted As Middle-Class Win, GOP Tax Plan Directly Benefits Wealthy, Analysis Finds
Trump’s Tax Cuts Are the Biggest Wealth Grab in Modern History

The slant was Vox. TPC and cbo did the numbers and they're never obamacare, bush war, taxes etc.
The slant was Vox. TPC and cbo did the numbers and they're never obamacare, bush war, taxes etc.

I just gave you NPR and Forbes - quite centrist news outlets. Forbes actually leans a bit right.

Sorry, you lose - Most Americans know where the tax cuts went. But 27 percent approval rating will give you an awesome leg-up in the midterms.


The new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that the tax-cut law, never broadly popular, has sagged in public esteem lately. Just 27 percent of Americans call it a good idea, down from 30 percent in January. A 36 percent plurality call it a bad idea, while the rest have no opinion.

Moreover, a majority gives thumbs-down on the plan when asked to consider its potential effects. Just 39 percent foresee a positive impact from a stronger economy, more jobs and more money in their pockets; 53 percent foresee a negative impact from higher deficits and disproportionate benefits for the wealthy and big corporations.​

GOP tax cuts have gotten less popular with voters, new NBC/WSJ poll says
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
"A reasonable person........". That's a famous line from Comey when he unlawfully gave Hillary a get out of jail card.
Oh the irony! After the IG's report comes out in a couple of weeks Comey is going to spend all his book sales money trying to stay out of federal prison.

Please ALWAYS remember that when you cannot "defend" your orange buffoon, the very BEST thing to do is to attack Hillary....

after all, what's a Trump cult member to do BUT that???

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