Venture a guess: Will a Trump subpoena come before or after the midterms?

The Trump Tax Cuts Just Got Even More Skewed to the Rich - NYMag

From the cited above article

Virtually all of these surveys found that this widespread opposition was rooted in the perception that the bill would benefit the wealthy and corporations more than it would help the middle class.

Republicans listened carefully to this feedback. And during deliberations in conference committee, the GOP leadership decided to change the bill in ways that would alter the distribution of its benefits: Now, instead of giving 62 percent of its tax cuts to the one percent, the Republican tax plan gives 83 percent of its tax cuts to the … one percent. Or so the Tax Policy Center finds in its new distributional analysis of the legislation.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:
your ignorance is showing. more than half of America supports trump. your media criminals are lying to you.

You've been smoking too much Rasmussen - now hand over the Razzy Bong. :)

Quinnipiac 4/20 - 4/24 1193 RV 39 54 -15

the only poll that matters was taken November 2016, 306 EC votes. 2020 could be 350 or more, depending on which fool the dems run.

Trump's policies are working for working americans. probably even you.

No why not just say it? - The only poll that matters to you and your Orange God is Rasmussen!

nope, the only poll that matters is the one taken on election day. AND TRUMP WON THAT ONE!

Yep - Lost by 3 million votes but squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two Comey announcements, hacked emails and 200 million views of fake news from Russian Bots and Trolls strategically directed at regions as directed by Jared Kushner.

Oh what a win it was! :rolleyes:

more bullshit, the entire PV differential was in California. Means nothing, the hildebeast already had the EC votes from the land of fruits and nuts.

and if you have proof that any vote was changed by the Russians, or Kushner, please post it. otherwise STFU and accept the will of the people.
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your cartoon would be funny if it was the least bit true, but its not. Virtually all working americans got a tax cut and most very rich americans are paying more. Just another lie from the left wing liars. not unexpected.

83% of the tax scam went to the wealthiest 2%

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No it isn't

The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

what is true is that you cannot cut taxes for people who don't pay taxes. that 83% calculation was based on dollars, not numbers of people. Yes, rich people pay more in taxes that middle class people, Duh!
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything
more bullshit, the entire PV differential was in California. Means nothing, the hildebeast already had the EC votes from the land of fruits and nuts.

and if you have proof that any vote was changed by the Russians, or Kushner, please post it. otherwise STFU and accept the will of the people.

Check - 33 million people in California don't count. A voter in Montana, Wyoming, Alaska or the Dakotas is worth at least twice as much!

Hey Nutbar -- Nobody claims a vote was changed by Russians. Votes were INFLUENCED ... Bigly

geez, are you stupidly gullible or just plain stupid. you cannot cut taxes for people who don't pay taxes. A guy making 100 million pays more than a guy making 100 thousand. So if you cut the tax rate by the same amount for both of them the 100 million guy saves more, simple math, and flat rate across the board tax rate cut is the most fair and everyone who pays taxes benefits.

your left wing article is political propaganda, nothing more.
The Trump Tax Cuts Just Got Even More Skewed to the Rich - NYMag

From the cited above article

Virtually all of these surveys found that this widespread opposition was rooted in the perception that the bill would benefit the wealthy and corporations more than it would help the middle class.

Republicans listened carefully to this feedback. And during deliberations in conference committee, the GOP leadership decided to change the bill in ways that would alter the distribution of its benefits: Now, instead of giving 62 percent of its tax cuts to the one percent, the Republican tax plan gives 83 percent of its tax cuts to the … one percent. Or so the Tax Policy Center finds in its new distributional analysis of the legislation.

Would you say that NY Magazine is more or less apolitical than Mueller?
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything

OK, then you tell me why all the left wing media is siding with Comey as he attacks trump.

sorry asshole, but its you who knows nothing about anything.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

My bet is LONG before the midterms. Probably within the next month. Second bet is that Trump will take the 5th. Third bet is that we're about to see a fresh buttload of indictments :)

A bunch more indictments, interesting other than Jr. And Jared who else are you thinking?
more bullshit, the entire PV differential was in California. Means nothing, the hildebeast already had the EC votes from the land of fruits and nuts.

and if you have proof that any vote was changed by the Russians, or Kushner, please post it. otherwise STFU and accept the will of the people.

Check - 33 million people in California don't count. A voter in Montana, Wyoming, Alaska or the Dakotas is worth at least twice as much!

Hey Nutbar -- Nobody claims a vote was changed by Russians. Votes were INFLUENCED ... Bigly

"I was on my way to vote for Hillary when allofasudden I remembered a Russian ad in Facebook and that INFLUENCED my decision to flip and vote for Trump" -- SNOE
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After. If it comes to a subpoena
more bullshit, the entire PV differential was in California. Means nothing, the hildebeast already had the EC votes from the land of fruits and nuts.

and if you have proof that any vote was changed by the Russians, or Kushner, please post it. otherwise STFU and accept the will of the people.

Check - 33 million people in California don't count. A voter in Montana, Wyoming, Alaska or the Dakotas is worth at least twice as much!

Hey Nutbar -- Nobody claims a vote was changed by Russians. Votes were INFLUENCED ... Bigly

we use the electoral college to elect presidents, we do that so that Cal, Ny, Tx, and Fl are not the only states that participate in presidential elections. Hillary won cal's EC votes by a large margin. So what?

Cal has more EC votes than the other states you listed, so your bias claim is BS. They are not more valuable, they are the same value based on population.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After. If it comes to a subpoena

So what you are saying it that Mewler has all kinds of shit on trump but he will leak it but hold it until after the midterm elections for political reasons? Can you spell "corruption"?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:

So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything

OK, then you tell me why all the left wing media is siding with Comey as he attacks trump.

sorry asshole, but its you who knows nothing about anything.
Because Trump is a traitor. That doesn’t excuse Comey from sabotaging the election in Trump’s favor.
So you libtards are now back to hating comey?????
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything

OK, then you tell me why all the left wing media is siding with Comey as he attacks trump.

sorry asshole, but its you who knows nothing about anything.
Because Trump is a traitor. That doesn’t excuse Comey from sabotaging the election in Trump’s favor.

with each new post you make yourself look more like a juvenile ignorant partisan asshole. your sig line is straight out of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.
Hey Trump cuck, when did we ever love Comey? :fu:

you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything

OK, then you tell me why all the left wing media is siding with Comey as he attacks trump.

sorry asshole, but its you who knows nothing about anything.
Because Trump is a traitor. That doesn’t excuse Comey from sabotaging the election in Trump’s favor.

with each new post you make yourself look more like a juvenile ignorant partisan asshole. your sig line is straight out of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.
So many posts and you still haven’t said a thing :itsok:

geez, are you stupidly gullible or just plain stupid. you cannot cut taxes for people who don't pay taxes. A guy making 100 million pays more than a guy making 100 thousand. So if you cut the tax rate by the same amount for both of them the 100 million guy saves more, simple math, and flat rate across the board tax rate cut is the most fair and everyone who pays taxes benefits.

your left wing article is political propaganda, nothing more.

wow, gnat knows how to click the smiley face, way to go gnatty boy.
you fools love him now
^ goes to show how little you know about anything

OK, then you tell me why all the left wing media is siding with Comey as he attacks trump.

sorry asshole, but its you who knows nothing about anything.
Because Trump is a traitor. That doesn’t excuse Comey from sabotaging the election in Trump’s favor.

with each new post you make yourself look more like a juvenile ignorant partisan asshole. your sig line is straight out of a junior high kid with an IQ of 15.
So many posts and you still haven’t said a thing :itsok:

it doesn't take many words to clarify who and what you are. Liberalism is a mental disease, you prove that with every post.

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