Venture a guess: Will a Trump subpoena come before or after the midterms?

Partial list of unfulfilled campaign promise by Trump:

Repeal and replace the ACA with a plan that is cheaper, better and covers everyone-

Label China a currency manipulator-

Drain the swamp -

Bring back coal mining jobs -

Build the Wall -

Peace in the Middle East -

Lock Hillary Clinton up -.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama -

the ACA mandate is gone-----------done
China has agreed to stop unfair trade practices------------done
The swamp is being drained-------------in process
Coal mining jobs are back----------done
The wall is being built----------in process
ISIS is virtually dead, Syrian chemical weapons factories destroyed-----------almost done
Hillary Clinton is above the law------------------we have a two tier justice system, one for us and one for political elites
Working while playing golf is just fine. Trump is doing what he promised to do during the campaign. Mara Lago belongs to him, Obozo's Hawaii mansions were paid for by taxpayers.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
I say after, the republicans are in control of every thing at the moment. It is in their best interest to wight till after the midterms which means they wil stall and obstruct and should have the power to do it for that long. If they can not hold it off they do not know what to do with their power and do not desrve it!
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
I say after, the republicans are in control of every thing at the moment. It is in their best interest to wight till after the midterms which means they wil stall and obstruct and should have the power to do it for that long. If they can not hold it off they do not know what to do with their power and do not desrve it!

there is no legal basis for a subpoena. nothing there. not going to happen
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
I say after, the republicans are in control of every thing at the moment. It is in their best interest to wight till after the midterms which means they wil stall and obstruct and should have the power to do it for that long. If they can not hold it off they do not know what to do with their power and do not desrve it!
There is good news for trump fans His lawyers are going to use the ""scumbag defense showing the jury he just didn't pay off Stormy but all the other women he molested and grabbed ,,,He'll be a sure winner
There is good news for trump fans His lawyers are going to use the ""scumbag defense showing the jury he just didn't pay off Stormy but all the other women he molested and grabbed ,,,He'll be a sure winner

To the LOUD cheers of all his "evangelical" cult members.
Who gives a crap if Jeff Sessions is so d@mn weak that he allows the 'Secret Society's lead political 'Hit Man' Subpoena the President of the United states/

As Nancy Reagan said, 'Just Say No!'

It has already been established that it is the DOJ's own policy that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted for a crime. Whatever sealed secret authorities and mission Mueller may think and claim he has does not supersede that fact...or the fact that there is only 1 Constitutional way for a sitting President to be removed from office. That is through Impeachment by Congress. A singular bureaucratic prosecutor does not have the authority - sealed or not - to by-pass Congress and to 'UN-ELECT' a sitting President on his own, which is exactly what Mueller and the Democrats are trying to do. THAT is 'treason'!

A prosecutor, even a Special Counsel' prosecutor, does not have the legal / Constitutional right to subpoena a sitting President when there is no crime being investigated.

Illegal Russian Collusion To Alter the outcome of an Election?
- There is no evidence such a crime, or any crime at all, was ever committed involving the President, warranting an investigation. So, subpoenaing a President to investigate a non-crime is in itself illegitimate.

The judge last week nailed the 'Secret Society' right between the eyes, pointing out that the only reason Mueller and his team went back to a time BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED to dig up a crime on Paul Manafort was to squeeze him in an attempt to get evidence - which he does to have - against the President.

No crime.

No evidence.

No legitimate investigation.

No legitimate need now for a Special Counsel to investigate non-existent illegal Trump-Russian collusion.

No reason to comply with Mueller's request to be questioned.
'Trump Conspired With Russians.'
- Hillary Clinton - NOT DONALD TRUMP - took $145 million from the Russian who led the Russian effort to buy Uranium One. The money came from the KGB Bank, the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One. She sat on the board responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians.

- Bill Clinton - NOT DONALD TRUMP - attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear Agency representatives, and when he failed to get an audience with them he met with Vladimir Putin himself.

- Obama US AG Eric Holder - NOT DONALD TRUMP - knew about the Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One, and he was also a member of the Board responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. He never brought those crimes up to the Board before they voted.

- FBI Director Robert Mueller- NOT DONALD TRUMP - knew about and HID the Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium.

- President Barak Obama - NOT DONALD TRUMP - knew of the crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium. After the sale was approved, he still signed the authorization to do so.

WHO conspired with the Russians?
'Trump Conspired / Collaborated With The Russians to Impact the Outcome of the 2016 Election'

Hillary Clinton - NOT DONALD TRUMP - and her campaign paid a FOREIGN SPY working with Russians for a Russian Propaganda-Filled 'Dossier - which was never verified / never substantiated / was debunked - and illegally used it in a US election, violating U.S. Campaign Law by doing so.
-- Hillary also gave the FBI this bogus document, and they - under Disgraced / ousted FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - according to the Inspector General, illegally used the false report - obtained from the DNC candidate from a foreign spy and Russians - to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team...completely dwarfing 'Watergate'.

Hillary's - - NOT DONALD TRUMP's - HUGE donors compiled a 2nd report, evidence now shows, and fed it through the foreign spy to the FBI...but this one was SO RIDICULOUS and unbelievable the FBI refused to use it.

The only other 'lead' the FBI pursued and based their investigation on was a 'tip' from a HUGE HILLARY SUPPORTER / DONOR about an 'overheard' 'drunken conversation' between a self-important unpaid Trump campaign worker in the bathroom of a British Pub. The one who gave the 'tip' to the FBI turned out to be the huge Hillary supporter / Donor Australian Diplomat, the same guy who set up the meeting with the Trump campaign worker to begin with. IT WAS A SET UP FROM THE START.

According to the IG, the FBI used the 'Dossier' and the meeting illegally, misleading the FISA court into thinking these were confirmed FACTS when the Dossier had been debunked and failing to tell the FISA Court that both instances were set ups / came about thanks to the DNC Nominee, Hillary Clinton.

President Obama - - NOT DONALD TRUMP - KNEW about how the Russians were running a military-style PsyOp program in the US in which they used social media to manipulate people using their emotions and bias - Snowflakes - resulting in the liberals actually ORGANIZING and MARCHING for them (the Russians). He also knew the Russians had SUCCESSFULLY paid LIBERAL GROUPS (The black Fist, Black Lives Matter, Antifa...) to spread racial division and violence....AND THE PRESIDENT DID NOT DO ONE THING TO STOP IT. He learned the Russians were trying to hack senior members of the govt, and instead of warn those individuals and work to put a stop to the threat, BARRY DID NOTHING. He did not move against Putin and Russia because he needed Putin's blessing to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria.

So WHO collaborated with the Russians To Change the 2016 Election?

Who gives a crap if Jeff Sessions is so d@mn weak that he allows the 'Secret Society's lead political 'Hit Man' Subpoena the President of the United states/

As Nancy Reagan said, 'Just Say No!'

It has already been established that it is the DOJ's own policy that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted for a crime. Whatever sealed secret authorities and mission Mueller may think and claim he has does not supersede that fact...or the fact that there is only 1 Constitutional way for a sitting President to be removed from office. That is through Impeachment by Congress. A singular bureaucratic prosecutor does not have the authority - sealed or not - to by-pass Congress and to 'UN-ELECT' a sitting President on his own, which is exactly what Mueller and the Democrats are trying to do. THAT is 'treason'!

A prosecutor, even a Special Counsel' prosecutor, does not have the legal / Constitutional right to subpoena a sitting President when there is no crime being investigated.

Illegal Russian Collusion To Alter the outcome of an Election?
- There is no evidence such a crime, or any crime at all, was ever committed involving the President, warranting an investigation. So, subpoenaing a President to investigate a non-crime is in itself illegitimate.

The judge last week nailed the 'Secret Society' right between the eyes, pointing out that the only reason Mueller and his team went back to a time BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED to dig up a crime on Paul Manafort was to squeeze him in an attempt to get evidence - which he does to have - against the President.

No crime.

No evidence.

No legitimate investigation.

No legitimate need now for a Special Counsel to investigate non-existent illegal Trump-Russian collusion.

No reason to comply with Mueller's request to be questioned.

Above,an example of why Trump has a dwindling following of cult members...

'Attempted to Illegally Alter the 2016 Election Outcome'?

After the DNC was left $24 million in debt by Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton - NOT DONALD TRUMP - BOUGHT the DNC then set about committing organized crime, breaking numerous laws in her attempt to steal the Presidency:

Hillary's - NOT TRUMP'S - use of the 'dossier', a product obtained by a foreign source - a foreign spy and Russians, during a U.S. election was a crime.
- No investigation / No criminal Indictment to date.

Controlling the DNC, Hillary - NOT DONALD TRUMP - illegally used campaign donations intended for other DNC election candidates on her own campaign, a violation of U.S. Campaign Finance Law. This was reported to the FEC who verified the incident / crime. The FEC, as required, notified the Clinton campaign...then fell silent, dropping the issue and refusing to further pursue the crime.
- No investigation / No criminal Indictment to date.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC - NOT DONALD TRUMP, according to the DNC's own previous Chairperson, 'stacked the deck' against Candidate Bernie Sanders, who would have won the party's nomination otherwise. The DNC rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud during primaries, cheated in debates...
- Barak Obama, US AG Lynch, the NIA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ illegally Obstructed justice and aided and abetted a felon / criminal, protecting Hillary from Indictment, criminal charges, and from being forced out of the 2016 Presidential election...thereby illegally / un fairly altering the 2016 Presidential Election.

Barak Obama - NOT DONALD TRUMP - ATTEMPTED TO TAKE OVER THE STATE ELCTIONS SYSTEMS, thereby ensuring a Hillary win. Evidence shows Obama mad the argument that the Russians could hack into State election systems and alter the election outcome. States pushed back on Obama's attempt. Evidence shows that Obama and his DHS then attempted to hack into state Election Systems - like Georgia's - in an attempt to prove it could be done and to give him the justification for his federal give to take over all state election systems and processes. (Thank God he failed!)

So WHO successfully illegally altered the 2016 Presidential Election?
The immature, infantile, power-hungry, tantrum-throwing, seditious, treasonous Leftist Extremists have hijacked the DNC, refuse to accept the election results of 2016, and have created this Conspiracy being carried out now under Obama and Hillary.

It is time to squash the 'coup' and put the traitors in prison. After Obama let so many terrorists out of Gitmo I have heard they have a lot of spare prison cells just waiting for 'enemies of the state'...both foreign and DOMESTIC.
There is only one reason for Mueller to issue a subpoena...He has hit a
dead end and knows his entire investigation will be shut down by the SCOTUS
or limited to just collusion.

So he'll issue the subpoena and when the SCOTUS closes him down the Dems
will use that as a rallying point for their voters to fight to retake the Senate, to control the potential 4 Supreme Court nominations Trump could make between
now and 2024. Ginsburg, Kennedy, Breyars and Thomas.

If Trump replaces all of them it's be 7-2 conservative for 25 years and 6-3 conservative for 35 years.

.....but, but, you forgot to also write the part about the bears and the

Didn't need to. I wrote what will happen.

I told you. You just wouldn't believe me.
BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
The midterms are closing in fast now, Natalie. How is that whole “subpoena” thing coming? :lmao:

What is absolutely priceless about this witch hunt is that it keeps uncovering more and more corruption from the Dumbocrats. First it was Hitlery Clinton. Then it was Barack Insane Obama. Now it’s Comey and two of his agents who are looking at indictments. Priceless.
I hope it comes down on November 1st so it can mess with your chances like Comeys bs letter messed with Hillary.

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