Vermont makes it a crime to own, operate paramilitary training camps

i like this idea, all militias should be banned, including Antifa and the proud boys

"Today, Vermont joins 25 other states that prohibit firearms training for anti-government paramilitary activity," said Allison Anderman, senior counsel and the leader of Giffords’ Guns & Democracy project.

"Private paramilitary activity is illegal in Vermont and has been associated with the intimidation of people exercising their constitutional rights across the US," she said by email. "This is a commonsense policy that will help reduce the spread of dangerous, illegal, and anti-government firearms intimidation."

GOOD, I hope the rest of the states adopt this law.
The last thing the US needs is a bunch of goobers playing wanna-be Rambo in the woods.
Is this Constitutional?

What Constitution ? You're joking I have to presume.
Anyone who still thinks the Constitution even matters hasn't been paying attention.
The United States of America no longer uses that founding document as a foundation for our governance.
The Supreme court itself uses it for toilet paper.

Going forward, you will have NO RIGHTS for which you are not personally willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for. End of story.
Is this Constitutional?

TheTreasureoftheSierraMadre - Copy.jpg
What Constitution ? You're joking I have to presume.
Anyone who still thinks the Constitution even matters hasn't been paying attention.
The United States of America no longer uses that founding document as a foundation for our governance.
The Supreme court itself uses it for toilet paper.

Going forward, you will have NO RIGHTS for which you are not personally willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for. End of story.
I certainly cant argue with you. Unfortunately.
"Today, Vermont joins 25 other states that prohibit firearms training for anti-government paramilitary activity," said Allison Anderman, senior counsel and the leader of Giffords’ Guns & Democracy project.

"Private paramilitary activity is illegal in Vermont and has been associated with the intimidation of people exercising their constitutional rights across the US," she said by email. "This is a commonsense policy that will help reduce the spread of dangerous, illegal, and anti-government firearms intimidation."

GOOD, I hope the rest of the states adopt this law.
The last thing the US needs is a bunch of goobers playing wanna-be Rambo in the woods.

The most treasured words in Communist parlance.....

"Common Sense Policies"
"Today, Vermont joins 25 other states that prohibit firearms training for anti-government paramilitary activity," said Allison Anderman, senior counsel and the leader of Giffords’ Guns & Democracy project.

"Private paramilitary activity is illegal in Vermont and has been associated with the intimidation of people exercising their constitutional rights across the US," she said by email. "This is a commonsense policy that will help reduce the spread of dangerous, illegal, and anti-government firearms intimidation."

GOOD, I hope the rest of the states adopt this law.
The last thing the US needs is a bunch of goobers playing wanna-be Rambo in the woods.

We have a bunch of goobers in washington doing never ending war adventures around the world, crashing the economy, lying about pandemics, creating trillions in debt, etc. The idiots grifting in ukraine, fighting proxy wars with nuclear powers are exponentially more dangerous and a clear and present danger to this country......moreso than a bunch of appalacian ridgerunners.
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The most treasured words in Communist parlance.....

"Common Sense Policies"
Yet it's so uncommon with wanna-be Rambo, Trump cult.

There is no such thing as private militia's.
Who wants a bunch of gun nuts firing off weapons, anywhere they want?
We have a bunch of goobers in washington doing never ending war adventures around the world, crashing the economy, lying about pandemics, creating trillions in debt, etc.
That is over with, the Trump regime is done except for their pity rallies.
The idiots grifting in ukraine, fighting proxy wars with nuclear powers are exponentially more dangerous and a clear and present danger to this country......moreso than a bunch of appalacian ridgerunners.
We found out different.


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