Very bad news for Trump in new WSJ/NBC swing state poll

The OP is posted with solid links and evidence, and all the whining is confirmation bias screaming without any evidence.

Yeah, Trump is getting his ass kicked.
JS, I respect you, but I respectfully disagree that 1 (ONE) or 2 (TWO) polls suggesting anything right now is/are 'solid links and evidence'.

Others can post their own links and polls saying the complete opposite, and it doesn't make them 'truth'. Anyone who has taken marketing understands that polls are only as good / neutral as the questions themselves.
Thank you. The polls are what we have on one hand, and on the other is "nuh uh".

The polls have overwhelmingly been consistent for a year that more than 1/2 half of voting America do not want Trump.
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Looks like the nbc/wsj polls are going to be our Rasmussen polls of 2012
The 2012 Rasmussen will be the 2016 Rasmussen, which has Trump up by 7 nationally, while no other pollster does.
Exactly why I don't trust wsj nbc or Rasmussen lol they are all WAY off the mark
Pew and ABC seem to run the more accureate Presidential polls in 2012, but this election is very different because there will be so many first time voters.

We have a record setting candidate in Trump, and about 30% of his supporters are first time voters many of them unregistered. Most polls today only use registered voters ifnot those who voted in the last POTUS election.
Women hate him. Hispanics hate him. Blacks hate him. Gays hate him. Normal white folk think he's a joke. All he has is old, fat bigotted white folks and those dense enough to believe his scare tactics. Trust me, he doesn't stand a chance.
I would love to see the link and the statistics behind your OPINION. As I posted in the link about Libs freaking over poll numbers during a Hillary meeting, evidently a whole lot of people are 'digging' Trump over Hillary while the 'revelation' that Hillary is a lying, deceiving, self-serving, disastrous threat to this country is causing her popularity/numbers to drop.

Comey declared months ago that if the DOJ refused his recommendation should he find the evidence to indict Hillary he would release all the information out to everyone. He did that. He also declared publicly that he would not recommend indicting her. looks like telling the truth about how she lied, deceived, and broke the law was enough, that he didn't have to have her indicted. His report is taking its toll.

Let's say what you say is true. That still leaves a problem. Where is he going to get his votes from? While he's whining about trying to find $1 million, Hillary's already booking millions of dollars of ads in battleground states. You haven't asked the fundamental question - where is he going to get his votes from? It's one thing to get votes from the peanut gallery of your supporters during a primary. It's another to get them nationally. Oh, and you asked:

Trump's women vote
Trump's Hispanic vote
Trump's black vote
Trump's gay vote
Independants you fucking moron!
Here's some reality cocksucker!
Hillary's poll numbers have gone nowhere but down since she was nominated.
Trump's poll numbers have gone nowhere but UP since he won the nomination.
Notice a little pattern there?
they won't like that poll

They'll just respond by saying its a scam until they are ahead then its not...

Different polls use different sampling bases to derive their numbers.

The ones that go with registered voters who voted in the last presidential election are showing Trump down by about 10% more than the ones that are of those who intend to vote.

You know this, but I guess you think that pretending to be too stupid to understand it somehow scores points for you and the Dims or something equally cretinous.

What I do know is that explaining polls isnt what I asked for or wanted. I said you will dismiss any poll outright unless it shows Trump ahead then its a good poll again.

Same with the News....Same with Voters....Your go to bubble excuse is that its all wrong unless it agrees with you then its unquestionably true
Looks like the nbc/wsj polls are going to be our Rasmussen polls of 2012
The 2012 Rasmussen will be the 2016 Rasmussen, which has Trump up by 7 nationally, while no other pollster does.
Exactly why I don't trust wsj nbc or Rasmussen lol they are all WAY off the mark
Pew and ABC seem to run the more accureate Presidential polls in 2012, but this election is very different because there will be so many first time voters.

We have a record setting candidate in Trump, and about 30% of his supporters are first time voters many of them unregistered. Most polls today only use registered voters ifnot those who voted in the last POTUS election.

what first time voters? first time PRIMARY voters. trump did not add GOP registered voters. i understand that the right likes repeating the same distortions over and over.
Looks like the nbc/wsj polls are going to be our Rasmussen polls of 2012
The 2012 Rasmussen will be the 2016 Rasmussen, which has Trump up by 7 nationally, while no other pollster does.
Exactly why I don't trust wsj nbc or Rasmussen lol they are all WAY off the mark
Pew and ABC seem to run the more accureate Presidential polls in 2012, but this election is very different because there will be so many first time voters.

We have a record setting candidate in Trump, and about 30% of his supporters are first time voters many of them unregistered. Most polls today only use registered voters ifnot those who voted in the last POTUS election.
You sound just like in 2012, in denial.
You almost gotta laugh that we know NBC is biased and bigoted and in the pockets of the democrat establishment. That's why NBC is barely placing a score in the cable networks. Rasmussin is an independent polling entity and they have Trump by 7 and Hillary tanking on every point.
I was really leaning towards your post of a third option. Unfortunately, we're left with the bottom of the outhouse. Yes, the world is weak. The Nazis were knocked out in four years.


We entered in 1941. They were annihilated in 45. That's four.

WWII started in 1939. Doesn't matter when you entered. It lasted six years, not four.

It was actually happening before 1939. If we hadn't entered, Germany would have taken Europe.
You almost gotta laugh that we know NBC is biased and bigoted and in the pockets of the democrat establishment. That's why NBC is barely placing a score in the cable networks. Rasmussin is an independent polling entity and they have Trump by 7 and Hillary tanking on every point.
In 2012, Rasmussen predicted a Romney victory. Are you 13 years old? Why don't you remember that?

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