Very Presidential- Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory
How nice. Did Trump apologize over being mean when Putin used nerve gas in Britain too?

btw, your flag shows you are an ass.
SO the F* WHAT? It's called 'Diplomacy'.

Snowflakes really need to pull that panty that's been tied up in knots since Hillary LOST her predicted 'landslide victory' out of the crack of their arse, finally accept reality the election outcome, and move on.
What is truly pathetic is this:

Barry laughed and made a joke about Putin / Russia being a threat - snowflakes thought that was funny

He sent Hillary to give him a plastic prop that read 'Overcharge' instead of 'Re-Start'

He told Medvedev that after his re-election he would be more 'flexible' (putting his arse further up in the air for Vlad to hump)

Paid Russians millions for Propaganda to use against Trump

Found out about the PsyOps programs, meddling, and interference...and did nothing

Hillary paid a foreign spy working with Russians $12 million for a file she illegally used in an election...and snowflakes were ok with that...

...and as soon as Hillary lost they lost their damn minds with Trump-Hate-Driven 'Russian Fever'... took Hillary losing for the Russians to suddenly become a threat to them.
Of course he did. It's in his contract!

He's counting on Vlad's help in 2018 and 2020.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

That is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. I'll bet Trump wishes he could do that. Just bar any serious opposition from running. It again shows that Trump is not serious. Nikki Haley and others in the Administration can say what they want about Russia's acts of war but until Trump does it, it will not be taken seriously. Putin is getting his money's worth from Trump.
SO the F* WHAT? It's called 'Diplomacy'.

Snowflakes really need to pull that panty that's been tied up in knots since Hillary LOST her predicted 'landslide victory' out of the crack of their arse, finally accept reality the election outcome, and move on.

It's called appeasement. Trump again shows how weak he is and tells Putin to forget about what is being said about the Russian nerve gas attack. Ronald Reagan would never have shown such weakness. Peace comes through strength not weakness.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

Don't believe everything the Kremlin tells you.
Will Trump call Putin to congratulate him on his re-election? Obama did in 2012
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

That is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. I'll bet Trump wishes he could do that. Just bar any serious opposition from running. It again shows that Trump is not serious. Nikki Haley and others in the Administration can say what they want about Russia's acts of war but until Trump does it, it will not be taken seriously. Putin is getting his money's worth from Trump.
I don't think it's true. I don't know who Zero Hedge is, but a Google search shows nothing.
Something wrong with someone who thinks it's very presidential for the President of the Free World to congratulate and dictator in a fixed election. But I have to consider the source.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

Don't believe everything the Kremlin tells you.
Will Trump call Putin to congratulate him on his re-election? Obama did in 2012

I watched him a while ago saying he called pooty and if Obama did it then he is just as bad.
It's called appeasement.

Only in the minds of sexually frustrated, Sour Grapes, Butt-Hurt snowflakes who can't accept the outcome of an election in which a FELON who should have been in prison rather than on the ballot - who did not even legitimately win her own party's nomination - LOST to Donald Trump, becoming a 2-Toime Loser! :p
Something wrong with someone who thinks it's very presidential for the President of the Free World to congratulate and dictator in a fixed election. But I have to consider the source.
'smatter Debbie? Barry said Russia is not our enemy / a threat. He proved how 'flexible' he was by refusing to do anything about Russia's interference when he found out about it...

Russia is good enough to pay millions to for Propaganda but not good enough to give a phone call to? How rude.... lol

Dems love dictators..... Barry kissed the Ayatollah's ass when everyone else walked away from the table, appeased him with an Un-Constitutional 'treaty' that benefitted solely Iran, and then tried to secretly pay millions in ransom for US hostages because he did not have the b@lls to demand the release of US hostages be part of his 'treaty'.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

so you think it's good that he called after vlad's pretend victory? nothing to congratulate him on.... it's what would happen for anyone who jails/murders his oppondents.

what Donald SHOULD be doing is condemning vlad for using Russian chemical agents to murder the people who did OUR bidding.
Something wrong with someone who thinks it's very presidential for the President of the Free World to congratulate and dictator in a fixed election. But I have to consider the source.
'smatter Debbie? Barry said Russia is not our enemy / a threat. He proved how 'flexible' he was by refusing to do anything about Russia's interference when he found out about it...

Russia is good enough to pay millions to for Propaganda but not good enough to give a phone call to? How rude.... lol

Dems love dictators..... Barry kissed the Ayatollah's ass when everyone else walked away from the table, appeased him with an Un-Constitutional 'treaty' that benefitted solely Iran, and then tried to secretly pay millions in ransom for US hostages because he did not have the b@lls to demand the release of US hostages be part of his 'treaty'.

did vlad give you the lessons in how to absolutely lie about everything?

the only one who likes dictators is your boy Donald.

poor sergei.
They’re going to meet soon, huh?

What's Barry doing wearing a Trump wig?

The FACT is the evidence shows Barry was bought and paid for to be Vlad's bit@h long ago.

Barry, Holder, & Mueller hid evidence of Russia's crimes associated with their effort to acquire Uranium One amnd obtain US uranium, which these 3 traitors helped him do. They also, as evidence shows, protected Hillary from indictment for accepting Russian bribes during the height of the known Russian Bribery scandal - Hillary took $145 MILLION from the KGB Bank, the leading financier behind the Russian effort to acquire Uranium One. Bill Clinton even met with Putin before the Board Hillary was on voted to sell Vlad Uranium One while keeping the crimes being committed a secret.
- No mater what you do you can not get around this documented evidence.

The FACT is the evidence shows Obama openly laughed and declared Putin and Russia NOT to be a threat before he was elected President. Afterwards, he send his paid Russian wh@re Hilary to give a Russian ambassador a plastic prop symbolizing his subservience to Vlad that had a plague on it that read 'Overcharge'. (How appropriate Hillary gave a prop that said 'Overcharge' on it to the Russians because she wasn't worth $145 million!)

The FACT is evidence shows Barry KNEW about the Russian hacking, interference, etc before 2016 and DID NOTHING. Barry was too busy with his lips wrapped around Putin's 'Johnson' trying to get his approval for Barry to Un-Constitutionally INVADE SYRIA!

The FACT is Barry was caught on a 'hot mike' when he thought it was off telling Medvedev to go back and tell Vlad he would be more 'flexible' to do his bidding after his re-election.

Over and over Democrats are caught doing what they accuse others of doing.
Over and over the Democrats attempt to execute some scheme only to expose their own crimes.
Over and over Democrats spin and spew vast tales only to be exposed as liars, felons, criminals, and traitors.
Your word wall doesn’t change that Trump is a Russian agent

Your short post does not change the fact that you are a liar with no evidence to back your continued false claims, and that if anyone on this board, as a result of it, is a Russian Agent it would be you.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

Don't believe everything the Kremlin tells you.
Will Trump call Putin to congratulate him on his re-election? Obama did in 2012

Sure, don't believe everything you read in some left wing rag.
Trump calls Putin to congratulate him on re-election
Your word wall doesn’t change that Trump is a Russian agent

Your short post does not change the fact that you are a liar with no evidence to back your continued false claims, and that if anyone on this board, as a result of it, is a Russian Agent it would be you.
The Russian agents are the illiterate trolls that have popped up here lately celebrating Trump and Putin. They have you in their pocket.

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