Vet Beaten To Death At VA Hospital For Wanting To Leave After Being Neglected

The enemies of America are posting their hatred of the VA.

The patriots of America will wait for the full story to emerge.

There are 27 VA offices under investigation for atrocious abuse and neglect of our veterans, but the Obama suck ups will defend their favorite dictator no matter what he does.

There is plenty of evidence that the VA is led by corrupt and incompetent morons who don't give a flying fuck about the vets they are supposed to be helping. Enough that plenty of senators and reps from both sides are calling for investigations.

But leave it to sycophantic cretins like you to defend what is going on because you couldn't care less about our veterans anyway. Lol, and to top it all off you claim to be a Republican, lolololololol.

You really gotta lighten up, Tiny Jim :)
The VA screwed up when operating on my father in law and cut his vocal cords. He had to learn how to speak using his diaphragm.

Bad deal. Still....the care that is provided at VA Hospitals across this nation is first rate. You know that, right?

It is a mixed bag. Some hospitals are top notch, while others are the kind friends in the system warn you to avoid. It has always been that way as the military has long taken almost any doctor with a pulse.

I personally have had several bad experiences with the military health care system back when I was on active duty, and would not go to a VA hospital by choice once I got out to this day.
The enemies of America are posting their hatred of the VA.

The patriots of America will wait for the full story to emerge.

There are 27 VA offices under investigation for atrocious abuse and neglect of our veterans, but the Obama suck ups will defend their favorite dictator no matter what he does.

There is plenty of evidence that the VA is led by corrupt and incompetent morons who don't give a flying fuck about the vets they are supposed to be helping. Enough that plenty of senators and reps from both sides are calling for investigations.

But leave it to sycophantic cretins like you to defend what is going on because you couldn't care less about our veterans anyway. Lol, and to top it all off you claim to be a Republican, lolololololol.

You really gotta lighten up, Tiny Jim :)

Don't have a horse calling your name in a pasture somewhere?
Some folks need their arteries stomped.

You appear to be referring to this vet.

Thanks for the new line to my sig, you piece of shit.

Why do you have to be such an ass? Are you Bipolar? You thank me one minute and insult me the next. I said no such thing. I was talking about the assholes that caused his death. Now apologize or I will just assume you called me a Liberal.

somehow i doubt the op has the whole story.

He didn't. The guy was trying to leave the hospital with a shunt in his arm. That would have potentially caused a lot of problems. Still there is no excuse for the heavyhanded response.
Show me a real conservative or anyone who isn't a sock puppet like you that actually said such a stupid thing?

Most street cops are not libtards, but are typically more conservative than the general population.

If you had better reading comprehension, you would not have posted this.

lol, you stated, "According to so many of these threads, all cops must be liberal Democrats." Then you stated you doubt that. This is an old propaganda technique; set up a malicious or ridiculous lie, then give it CREDIBILITY by saying you doubt its veracity, as some will think that you wouldn't bring it up if it weren't true since you disagree with it.

Bullshit. Show me anyone posting that they think cops are liberals, you slimey lying bastard.

There is one example on the first page of the thread. Your insult is a sign of capitulation.
Some folks need their arteries stomped.

You appear to be referring to this vet.

Thanks for the new line to my sig, you piece of shit.

Why do you have to be such an ass? Are you Bipolar? You thank me one minute and insult me the next. I said no such thing. I was talking about the assholes that caused his death.

It wasn't very clear from your one sentence post. Do you not see how I could have interpreted your statement differently than you apparently intended it? I do not know you personally. All I know about you are what I see in your post, and with some of the flaming fascists we have on this board like Manchestger, rightwinger, Jake the Fake Starkey, SteadyMercury, etc, such an interpretation of your post is well within the range of plausibility.

Now apologize or I will just assume you called me a Liberal.

I apologize, but at least I didn't call you a libtard.

somehow i doubt the op has the whole story.

He didn't. The guy was trying to leave the hospital with a shunt in his arm. That would have potentially caused a lot of problems. Still there is no excuse for the heavyhanded response.

IIRC, it was in the linkage, but he was trying to go directly to another hospital to get immediate treatment. Apparently this would have looked bad for the hospital he was at and so they sicced the cops on him.

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